Roč. 1, č. 1 (2011) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Morávková, Naděžda
21. mezinárodní kongres historických věd, Amsterodam 2010 |
Morávková, Naděžda
XVI. mezinárodní konference orální historie : Mezi minulostí a budoucností, Praha 2010 |
Breitfelder, Miroslav
Orální historie v historiografii / Oral history in historiography |
Lejsková, Kateřina
Cheryl le s Roux: Teaching Oral History: Experiences in formal and informal education |
Mücke, Pavel
From a high school teacher to the president of IOHA: a short biographical sketch of Miroslav Vaňek |
Mücke, Pavel
Z Teplic až na kraj světa aneb Z učitele prezidentem: malý biografický portrét Miroslava Vaňka |
Krausová, Milada
Z úst na internet. Cesta pana Půty do 21. století The paper deals with the analysis legends about Puta Svihovsky from Ryzmberk, very popular story in western Bohemia and shows an image of this personality in the Czech historical consciousness. The leading nobleman of Jagiellonian period (died 1504) is still a well-known rep... |
Böhmová, Lucie
Orální historie v českém základním školství In my work I present possibilities of oral history usage in history lessons in the Czech Republic. I focus on primary schools and present tasks and realization of concrete projects. Main task is communication among the children and narrators, and cooperation among the f... |
Böhmová, Lucie
Zařazení orální historie do dějepisu v základním vzdělávání This contribution describes possibilities and way of inclusion of oral history to the history lessons in elementary schools. The paper is in fact the methodology user book. There are proposals of thematic areas in which are possible to use oral history. Further there is... |
Morávková, Naděžda
Koloman Gajan nejen o Františku Grausovi Koloman Gajan (b. 1918): Czech historian and professor at Charles University in Prague, the party of anti-fascist resistance in the eastern Slovak Republic, imprisoned in several Nazi concentration camps, 1961-1966 Senior lecture of Charles University, since 1966 Professor of Charles ... |
Morávková, Naděžda
Orální historie a biografie v dějinách dějepisectví dvacátého století This contribution attempts to communicate some experience of the authoress's own research. She uses the oral history method in research Czech Marxist historiography. The authoress focuses on the interesting historians biographies, collects and extracts a history memories. Then she comp... |
Truesdell, Barbara
Techniky orální historie: Jak organizovat a vést orálně historické rozhovory Oral history interviewing is one more tool in the larger repertoire of methodologies used for research in history, anthropology, and folklore. Oral history collects information about the past from observers and participants in that past. It gathers data not available in written... |
Hanzlíková, Eva
Cestování v dobách socialismu The aim of the thesis is to give testimony about traveling abroad before 1989 according to my parents experiences. For our generation without totality experience is the impossibility of free traveling unimaginable. Today we choose a place, save up for a holiday and we should... |
Morávková, Naděžda
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