Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KMO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hirschauová, Edita
Kunešová, Hana
Voice commerce a live commerce jako nové trendy v B2C e-commerce The B2C e-commerce market had to face recently to completely new challenges. The development of information and communication technologies, COVID-19, changes in consumer behavior, and other external factors have caused significant changes to the online environment. If sellers wanted to stay ... |
Kupec, Michael
Personalizace internetu jako marketingový trend The market is a key entity that sets the pace of change in various areas of business, not least marketing. The changes that have been taking place in the market over the last three decades mean that marketers need to stay up-to-date and in step with the... |
Komorousová, Veronika
Jakubíková, Dagmar
Specifika marketingového strategického plánování v sektoru veřejné osobní dopravy – případová studie vybraného podniku Due to the current development of the environment, new opportunities are opening up for public passenger transport. Along with this, strategic marketing management, especially the planning stage, is becoming more important. The aim of the article is to point out the specifics of th... |
Cimler, Petr
Kiprý, Miroslav
Nákupní podmínky a chování zákazníků na českém venkově – výzkum ve vybraných obcích This paper deals with the problematics of sustainability of purchasing conditions in the Czech countryside. It presents data on the level of equipment of the Czech Republic with capacities for the purchase of fast-moving consumer goods, or food, the availability of shopping ... |
Kupec, Michael
Use of Internet Personalization in Crisis Communication Simpler forms of personalization among sellers and their customers have been in place long before the onset of the digital age. However, the exponential growth in the usage of the Internet has lead to a fundamental implementation of personalization as part of corporate processes.... |
Janeček, Petr
Pucová, Alena
Shared accommodation: Current state and possibilities of its development on the island of Maadeira The aim of the paper is to analyse the current state and identify the potential for the development of shared accommodation in Madeira Island. Next goal is to identify barriers of its development based on the results of research about this type of accommodation and reduce... |
Janeček, Petr
Štumpf, Petr
Pichlík, Lukáš
Rašovská, Ida
COVID-19 Pandemic and Economic Sustainability of Tourism and Hospitality: The Impacts on SMEs in the Czech Republic COVID-19 pandemic has brought a lot of changes in socio-economic environment as well as the business environment. The hospitality and tourism industry suffers enormously from the COVID-19 pandemic and government restrictions in all countries. The behaviour of the whole tourism system in ... |
Stěhulová, Jitka
Hommerová, Dita
A Non-profit Organization Fundraising Plan – A Case Study of the Hospice of Saint Lazarus, Pilsen The task of fundraising is to set up and maintain relations between a non-profit organization and those surrounding it. The creation of a stable and diverse circle of donors contributes to the long-term sustainability of the entity. Public relations is an important activity that... |
Hommerová, Dita
Hellbach, Christiane
Identifying the Specifics of Marketing Communication of Non-profit Organizations in a Case Study of the Czech Republic This article deals with the specifics of marketing communication of non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic. For the section dedicated to recommendations, the results of a research study of the marketing communication of non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic conducted in 2015... |
Eger, Ludvík
Cafes and their brand communication on Facebook: Case study from the Czech Republic In recent years social media has provided new ways for organizations to communicate with the public. Organizations need to interact with existing and potential customers using social media such as Facebook, which is a very popular social network in the Czech Republic. The purpose... |
Jakubíková, Dagmar
Moucha, Jan
Atraktivita kulturně historických památek v Chebském příhraničí The territory of the Cheb border region has undergone many changes in its history. The population structure as well as the character of the area have changed. After the Second World War, many villages and numerous cultural and historical monuments were completely destroyed. Those... |
Prantl, David
Mičík, Michal
The Use of the Facebook Social Network in Selected Czech Companies The use of social media gives companies an opportunity to strengthen the relationship with their stakeholders. However, companies in the Czech Republic use them below average iThe use of social media gives companies an opportunity to strengthen the relationship with their stakeholders. ... |
Janeček, Petr
Jakubíková, Dagmar
Motivace k návštěvě jako nástroj pro řízení destinací Paper deals with motivation to travel to Karlovy Vary Region and Pilsen Region and the realization of travel to specific attractiveness or realization of specific activities in domestic tourism. Even if both of the Regions are not exactly examples of overturism, there are some ... |
Kdýrová, Adéla
Tlučhoř, Jan
Comparison of consumer behaviour of Czech and Finnish students in retail: information search, use of technology, influence of advertising |
Hommerová, Dita
Dbalá, Kristýna
The Significance of Branding and Marketing Communication of a Library Illustrated in an Exmample of a Selected Education and Research Library This research article aims to substantiate the importance of optimum marketing communication and show the significance of branding in achieving set marketing goals and ensuring the sustainable development of a selected education and research library. A survey involving a sample of 220 r... |
Hommerová, Dita
Kelešová, Miroslava
Satýnek, Michael
Trends in distribution strategies and their application in practice Today, we use the internet on a daily basis, and in many respects, it makes many lengthy and complicated activities much easier. Therefore, companies focus on the development of technologies and strive to make it easier for customers to purchase goods. This article focuses on&... |
Kupec, Michael
Web Personalization as a Corporate Digital Agenda Process Simpler forms of personalization among sellers and their customers have been in place long before the onset of the digital age. However, the exponential growth in the usage of the Internet has lead to a fundamental implementation of personalization as part of corporate processes.... |
Janeček, Petr
Tlučhoř, Jan
Profil turisty ve venkovské destinaci: Příklad z Dolního Poohří We can refer to the most parts of the Czech Republic as rural area, which is determined by other characteristics and tourism development than it is the case in urbanised centres, seaside resorts or mountain resorts. Very different are rural areas close to country´s border,... |
Prantl, David
The usefulness of social media for travel agencies in the Czech Republic There is a number of local travel agencies on the Czech market offering relatively similar product. For that reason, it is very important to offer top customer services. This can be achieved, for example, by social media. The aim of this study is to evaluate the usef... |
Kubátová, Dana
Problems of Surface Roughness Measurement with a Focus on the Scanned Point Article deals with a highly topical topic of evaluation of critical surface integrity parameters. Nowadays, surface integrity, especially ruggedness with a very current situation, is present, because in high performance industries such as aviation or automotive, more emphasis is still placed ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Katedra marketingu, obchodu a služeb / Department of Marketing, Trade and Services