Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KCE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Štrofová, Jitka
Švandová, Veronika
Literák, Jaromír
Coufalová, Štěpánka
Pelánková, Barbora
Studenti ZČU a jejich zkušenosti s experimentální výukou chemie na střední škole The contribution presents the offer of courses with chemical themes at Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, which are intended for future teachers and not only for students of teacher training in chemistry. Attention is focused mainly on the course Chemistry&... |
Hrdlička, Jan
Švandová, Veronika
Literák, Jaromír
Rypl, Václav
Pelánková, Barbora
Využití stanovení celkového uhlíku pro výpočet obsahu spalitelných látek a transformace postupu do výuky chemie Soil, as a topic in education, is a typical multidisciplinary topic that can affect geography, biology and ecology, and if we deal with soil composition and analysis, it also affects chemistry and mathematics. From the chemistʼs point of view, the loss on ignition of the ... |
Sirotek, Vladimír
Švandová, Veronika
Literák, Jaromír
Tláskalová, Kateřina
Pelánková, Barbora
Chemické experimenty s vybranými přechodnými kovy a jejich sloučeninami ve výuce chemie In this contribution are listed important chemical experiments with selected transition metals and their compounds which can be used during teaching in primary and secondary school. There are stated informations about title, brief principle, aids and chemicals, work procedure and didactic no... |
Sirotek, Vladimír
Neúspěšnost studentů na Fakultě pedagogické ZČU v Plzni The aim of this article is to describe problems of students’ failure at the Faculty of Education. There are presented some causes of student’s failures and possibilities of system implementation to reduce students’ difficulties, especially at the beginning of their studies. The part... |
Klečka, Milan
Ošťádalová, Jana
Dovednosti učitelů při používání informačních technologií na ZŠ a SŠ v Plzeňském kraji The contribution introduces the readers to the results of questionnaire survey conducted in the spring of 2018. The participants were teachers of science subjects on primary and secondary schools in the Pilsen region. The survey’s goal was to find out the teachers‘ experience with&... |
Richtr, Václav
Novák, Lukáš
Racionalizace experimentální přípravy budoucích učitelů chemie This paper focuses on the possible modifications of time-consuming and materially demanding experiments for teaching purposes. The aim is the complex utilization of experiments for demonstrative purposes, putting to effect several principles and techniques, while best limiting the undesirable side... |
Vojtajová, Markéta
Šrámová, Alena
Richtr, Václav
Vybrané chemicko-technologické procesy ve výuce chemie This article is concerned with education of processes of chemical technology. The most important part of the article contains educational materials and instructions for lab practices. The main goal of this article is to suggest some new and effective ways of teaching selected topic... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra chemie / Department of Chemistry