Články / Articles (KFE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hereitová, Iva
Votík, Tomáš
Dorňák, Tomáš
Efekt dvojího úkolu na rychlost chůze u starších jedinců s kognitivním poklesem Aim: The aim of the study was to analyze the eff ect of diff erent dual task conditions on walking speed in older adults with cognitive decline and to compare this with a control group of cognitively intact subjects. Patients and methods: A total of 50 participants&#... |
Lapides, Lenka
Varga, Ivan
Csöbönyeiová, Mária
Klein, Martin
Pavlíková, Lada
Visnyaiová, Kristína
Babál, Pavel
Mikušová, Renáta
The Neglected Uterine NK Cells/Hamperl Cells/Endometrial Stromal Granular Cell, or K Cells: A Narrative Review from History through Histology and to Medical Education Reproductive immunology is at the forefront of research interests, aiming to better understand the mechanisms of immune regulation during gestation. The relationship between the immune system and the implanting embryo is profound because the embryo is semi-allogenic but not targeted by the&#... |
Romanko, Igor
Hess, Zdeněk
Ultrazvuk plic při akutních stavech – kazuistiky Ultrasound examination of the lungs is a non-invasive examination that can facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of acute as well as chronic shortness of breath. When the machine is available, it can be used for bedside examination of circulatory and ventilatory unstable patients. ... |
Sivčo, Patric
Plančiková, Dominika
Melichová, Juliana
Rusnak, Martin
Hereitová, Iva
Beránek, Václav
Cibulka, Roman
Majdan, Marek
Traumatic brain injury related deaths in residents and non-residents of 30 European countries: a cross-sectional study The incidence and mortality of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) among non-residents to countries where they occur remains unknown, warranting epidemiological research. Epidemiological data are key to inform prevention and public health policies related to TBI, as well as to help promote safe&#... |
Hess, Zdeněk
Mainz, Denis
Současná úroveň implementace prvků umělé inteligence do medicíny A key principle of artificial intelligence is machine learning, or the ability of a machine to improve its capabilities by repeatedly analysing data. Artificial intelligence further refers to situations where computers can simulate the human mind in learning and analysis, and uses this&... |
Palaščáková Špringrová, Ingrid
Bartoníčková, Tereza
Firýtová, Rita
Drlík, Pavel
Vyhodnocení efektu terapie na močovou inkontinenci u mužů po radikální roboticko asistované prostatektomii v rámci Rehaspring konceptu PPA Basis: Malignant prostatic tumor belongs to the most common oncologic diseases in men. When the tumor is localized only in prostate, radiotherapy or radical prostatectomy are methods of treatment. After radical prostatectomy we find that 80% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction and&#... |
Romanko, Igor
Hess, Zdeněk
Hrdlička, Luděk
Co může přinést ultrazvukové vyšetření břicha asymptomatického pacienta? Abdominal ultrasound (hereafter referred to as ultrasound) is a non-invasive method of imaging the abdominal organs. Currently, it is a cheap and accessible method that does not involve any radiation burden.1 Patients can undergo this examination repeatedly without major problems. It is ... |
Varga, Ivan
Csöbönyeiová, Mária
Visnyaiová, Kristína
Záhumenský, Jozef
Pavlíková, Lada
Feitscherová, Claudia
Klein, Martin
Functional Morphology of the Human Uterine Tubes in the 21st Century: Anatomical Novelties and Their Possible Clinical Applications The uterine tube (UT) pathologies account for 25-35 % of female factor infertility. Although these peculiar organs were first studied several hundred years ago, they have become overlooked and neglected mainly due to the successes of reproductive medicine. Nevertheless, reproductive medicine ... |
Csöbönyeiová, Mária
Klein, Martin
Feitscherová, Claudia
Pavlíková, Lada
Kachlík, David
Varga, Ivan
The Overview of Anatomical Variations and Congenital Anomalies of the Uterine Tubes and Their Impact on Fertility Anatomical variations and congenital anomalies of the uterine tubes (UTAVsCAs) are rare conditions, which are often undiagnosed, or accidentally diagnosed upon imaging, laparotomy, laparoscopy for unrelated condition, or during the Cesarean section. UTAVsCAs are often asymptomatic, but their clinical ... |
Csöbönyeiová, Mária
Varga, Ivan
Lapides, Lenka
Pavlíková, Lada
Feitscherová, Claudia
Klein, Martin
From a Passive Conduit to Highly Dynamic Organ - What are the Roles of Uterine Tube Epithelium in Reproduction? It is well known that the mammalian uterine tube (UT) plays a crucial role in female fertility, where the most important events leading to successful fertilization and pre-implantation embryo development occur. The known functions of these small intraabdominal organs are: an uptake and&... |
Hereitová, Iva
Automasáže a relaxační cvičení při sekundárním lymfedému Secondary lymphedema is a mandatory progressive disease that burdens breast cancer patients for the rest of their lives. Early diagnosis and initiation of lymphedema treatment are very important, as they greatly increase the hope of treatment success. The gold standard for the causal&#x... |
Hereitová, Iva
Poková, Petra
Funkční elektrická stimulace v neurorehabilitaci Functional electrical stimulation ranks among the group of neuromodulating non-invasive techniques that have the task of compensating the functional motor deficit acquired by central control disorder movement using stimulation with electrical impulses. |
Beránek, Václav
Štastný, Petr
Nováček, Vít
Slomka, Kajetán
Cleather, Dan
Performance Level and Strike Type during Ground and Pound Determine Impact Characteristics and Net Force Variability The evaluation of strike impact is important for optimal training, conditioning and tactical use. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate ground and pound strikes, in terms of net force variability, across genders and performance levels. Eighty-one participants, professional men... |
Firýtová, Rita
Chochole, Tomáš
Multidisciplinární spolupráce při vývoji 3D tištěného zevního lůžka New additive technologies are increasingly entering the field of orthotics and prosthetics. And the question is whether and how 3D printing can realistically be used for more complex prostheses. That is why the Czech-Bavarian project Research Innovations in Prosthetics was established, the&#... |
Firýtová, Rita
Feifrlíková, Andrea
Palaščáková Špringrová, Ingrid
Hnojská, Veronika
Bendíková, Elena
Výsledky akrální koaktivační terapie u pacientů po cévní mozkové příhodě Basis: Brain stroke is a disease that leads to partial or sometimes complete disability almost in one half of patients released from hospital. Early rehabilitation is important specially to reduce motion deficits and balance impairments, eliminating impacts that may limit patient in his... |
Negrini, Stefano
Aulisa, Angelo Gabriele
Černý, Pavel
de Mauroy, Jean Claude
McAviney, Jeb
Mills, Andrew
Donzelli, Sabrina
Grivas, Theodoros B.
Hresko, M. Timothy
Kotwicki, Tomasz
Labelle, Hubert
Marcotte, Louise
Matthews, Martin
O’Brien, Joe
Parent, Eric C.
Price, Nigel
Manuel, Rigo
Stikeleather, Luke
Vitale, Michael G.
Wong, Man Sang
Wood, Grant
Wynne, James
Zaina, Fabio
Bruno, Marco Brayda
Würsching, Suncica Bulat
Yilgor, Caglar
Cahill, Patrick
Dema, Eugenio
Knott, Patrick
Lebel, Andrea
Lein, Grigorii
Newton, Peter O.
Smith, Brian G.
The classification of scoliosis braces developed by SOSORT with SRS, ISPO, and POSNA and approved by ESPRM Purpose: Studies have shown that bracing is an effective treatment for patients with idiopathic scoliosis. According to the current classification, almost all braces fall in the thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) category. Consequently, the generalization of scientific results is either impossible or&... |
Hess, Zdeněk
Orientační měření radioaktivního znečištění v podmínkách ordinace The events of the first months of 2022 have changed the way we look at the issue of potential exposure to ionising radiation. What seemed unlikely before is now a real danger. The shelling of nuclear power stations, the threat of the use of nuclear weapons, the ... |
Palaščáková Špringrová, Ingrid
Mrázová, Michaela
Dupalová, Dagmar
Bízová, Lucia
Firýtová, Rita
Vliv biofeedbacku na aktivaci svalů pánevního dna The aim od the study was to evaluate how the use of biofeedback in the form of transabdominal ultrasound effects the pelvic floor muscle activation. The research group consisted od 25 heathy women, 17 nulliparous and 8 parous, aged 26.7 +- 4.9. The pelvic floor muscles&#x... |
Beránek, Václav
Šťastný, Petr
Turquier, Frederic
Nováček, Vít
Votápek, Petr
Analysis of the Contact Area for Three Types of Upper Limb Strikes Performance in strike combat sports is mostly evaluated through the values of the net force, acceleration, or speed to improve efficient training procedures and/or to assess the injury. There are limited data on the upper limb striking area, which can be a useful variable ... |
Hess, Zdeněk
Kocián, Milan
Romanko, Igor
Diagnosticky užitečné artefakty v bedside sonografii The sonographic image usually contains artefacts that often hinder its diagnostic yield. Whether it is a signal attenuation that makes it impossible to see part of the image and/or a formation mimicking a structure or pathology, artefacts are usually assessed as undesirable. Howeve... |