Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Zich, Jan
LHC Clock Conditioning Circuit for AFP Trigger Module The timing and synchronisation of the detectors in particle physics play the key role due to the high event rates at particle accelerators. The trigger module in ATLAS Forward Physics project ... |
Yanna, Venkata Subba Rao
Kumar Bhajana, V.V.Subrahmanya
Drábek, Pavel
Popuri, Madhuchandra
A Novel Soft-Switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for Energy Storage Applications In this paper, a soft-switching bidirectional DC-DC converter is proposed. In order to achieve soft-switching conditions ZVS turn on / ZCS turn off, the auxiliary circuit including a switch, a capac... |
Vrba, Jan
Mareš, Jan
ROC Analysis of Extreme Seeking Entropyfor Trend Change Detection This paper is dedicated to the evaluation ofthe ROC curve of recently introduced Extreme SeekingEntropy algorithm. The ROC curve is evaluated for atrend change in the signal that contains additive Gaussiannoise. The resulting ROC curve of the Extreme SeekingEntropy algorithm is compared ... |
Vrba, Jan
Mareš, Jan
Computational Performance of the ParametersEstimation in Extreme Seeking EntropyAlgorithm This paper is dedicated to the evaluation ofthe computational time performance of the algorithmsthat estimate the parameters of the generalized Paretodistribution, namely Method of Moments, Maximumlikelihood estimator ... |
Vinš, Martin
Sirový, Martin
Assessing Suitability of Various Battery Technologies for Energy Storages : Lithium-ion, Sodium-sulfur and Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries The different state of the art industry battery technologies for large-scale energy storage applications are analyzed and compared in this paper. Focus has been paid to Lithium-ion, Sodium-sulfur and Vanadium redox flow batteries. The ... |
Thanmai, T.
Ravindra, JVR
High Performance, Low Power Architectureof 5-stage FIR Filter using ModifiedMontgomery Multiplier In the field of VLSI, enhancement is promi-nent. Arithmetic circuits are one of the influential sectorsin today’s end products of electronics, where multipliersare one of the deciding factors of efficiency. Multiplierplays an important role in ... |
Teodorescu, Mike
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai
An Open Design for an Air Flow and Pressure Control Circuit for Medical Devices We report on an air control system with low power consumption for small enclosures with mainly medical applications, such as lung ventilators, APAP machines, PAPR isolation hoods, surgical applications, and aerosol containment. The... |
Teodorescu, Mike
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai
Capacitive Interdigital Sensors for Flexible Enclosures and Wearables Recent applications related to flexible deployable enclosures for surgery and health care and to wearables may make use of capacitive sensors for monitoring the inflat... |
Suchý, Tomáš
Košan, Tomáš
Streit, Luboš
Implementation of Control Unit for Electric Drive Kart This paper presents the design of the control unit to be installed in the electric kart and it will control the permanent magnet synchronous motor as well as other peripherals. The ... |
Straka, Miloš
Blahnik, Vojtěch
Pittermann, Martin
Verification of Control Behaviour of Three-Phase Voltage-Source Active Rectifier with Vector Control This paper is focused on creating a model of vector control of voltage-source active rectifier in MATLAB® software. That model was afterwards implemented to TMS320F28335 ... |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Models for Oxygen Consumption and Cardiac Output as Response to Treadmill Exercise This paper examines procedure for static and dynamic modeling of oxygen consumption (VO2) and cardiac output (CO) as response to cardiopulmonary exercise on a treadmill ergometer. It should be noted that ... |
Štork, Milan
Houzar, Josef
Non Contact Methods of Heart Rate Variability Measuring and Analysis It is well known that the heart rate variability (HRV) reflects the activity of the autonomic nervous system. HRV is calculated from heart rate (HR). HR is a nonstationary signal; its frequency variation ... |
Skořepa, Jiří
Kovář, Pavel
Puričer, Pavel
Testing Signal Processing Techniques for Digital VHF/UHF Transceiver in High-level SDR Programming Environment Nowadays, due to cost savings, flexibility orimprovement of service quality, modern communicationdevices solely rely on the digital domain when it comes tosignal processing. The paper presents a comfortable, fastand straightforward approach of testing and verif... |
Silva, C. Angel
Asanza, Victor
Sánchez, Nathaly
Arias, Juan
Implementation Of Automated System For The Reservoir 66 of the Irrigation System Chambo Guano This paper presents the control and monitoring of an automated system that is being implemented for the automation of a 6... |
Remeš, Štěpán
Havlík, Jan
Possibilities of using thermoelectric generators (TEG) for producing electrical energy by living subjects This work aims to study of possibilities of a realization a device, which will be able to harvest electric energy from human body heat. The concept was proved in different conditions – without physical activity, during walking and running. Based on statistical analysis, the po... |
Ravasz, Richard
Kováč, Martin
Stopjaková, Viera
Experimental Verification of a Ultra-Low Voltage Charge Pump This paper deals with the analysis of across coupled charge pump designed in a 130 nm CMOStechnology with ultra low power supply voltage. Wepropose a printed circuit board, designed to experimen-tally verify this integrated circuit. The test board wasdesigned to verify all function ... |
Blahnik, Vojtěch
Straka, Miloš
Pittermann, Martin
Application of Power Electronic Converter for Actual Topologies AC Traction Substation This paper describes the typical field of power electronic converter in the branch of traction substation. The main attention is paid to problematic of AC-traction substation. This topic is solved here due to the just started conversion from DC-traction system to AC-traction system ... |
Petržela, Jiří
Brief Contribution to Geometrical Theory of Zeroes and Poles of Bifractional Filters This paper briefly contributes to synthesis of non-integer order frequency filters. Well known method of construction of desired frequency responses based on locations of zeroes and poles is generalized to fractional-order (FO) domain.... |
Pavlíček, Vladimír
Fořt, Jiří
Pittermann, Martin
Skála, Bohumil
Comparing the Low-Cost Measuring Devices for Standstill Frequency Response (SSFR) Testing for Electric Machines This paper compares the different versions of hardware realization of low-cost device for standstill frequency response SSFR testing. The SSFR testing is a modern method used for testing and parameter... |
Oproescu, Mihai
Iana, Gabriel V.
Bizon, Nicu
Monea, Cristian
Calinescu, Valentin
Optimization of the Multimedia Consumers Operation Time This article analyses the consumption of household multimedia equipment. This comes to the aid of parents who want to limit the time their children spend in front o... |
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