Applied Electronics 2020 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ondica, Róbert
Arbet, Daniel
Kováč, Martin
Stopjaková, Viera
Feasibility study towards increasing efficiency of fully on-chip DC-DC boost converter In this paper, an investigation of the effi-ciency of fully on-chip DC-DC step-up converter realizedin a standard 130 nm CMOS technology is presented.The converter has been designed for regulated outputvoltage ... |
Monea, Cristian
Iana, Gabriel V.
Ionita, Silviu
Oproescu, Mihai
Multi-criteria decision algorithm for NQR signal detection Nuclear quadrupole resonance is a spectroscopy technique used for chemical analysis, temperature measurement and detection of prohibited substances. It offers advantages ... |
Mihálik, Michal
Hruboš, Marián
Bubeníková, Emília
Wireless Proximity Sensor in LoRaWAN Network The aim of this work is to create a functional prototype of a wireless proximity sensor, which will send processed information via a wireless sensor network. The combination of wireless sensor network and low power devices create a network known as the Low-Power Wide-Area Netw... |
Matoušek, David
Brtník, Bohumil
Jordán, Josef
Streamlined Fibonacci Charge Pump This paper is devoted to questions of the efficiency increase of the Fibonacci charge pump (FCP). The main attention is dedicated to discovering the mechanism of the power ... |
Maljar, David
Arbet, Daniel
Stopjakova, Viera
130 nm CMOS Fully Differential SC Filter for Ultra-Low Voltage ∑-Δ Converter In this paper design and function of thefully differential (FD) switched-capacitor (SC) integra-tor for ultra-low voltage Sigma-Delta analog to digitalconverter (Σ-∆ADC) are presented. The proposedintegr... |
Jílek, Jiří
Štork, Milan
Acquisition of Cuff-Pulse Waveforms for Estimation of Central Blood Pressure and Additional Hemodynamic Variables Central blood pressure (cBP) is an important indicator of the load on the heart. Because cBP is difficult to measure directly, indirect methods have been developed. We investigated suitability of blood pressure cuff pulse... |
Jamshidi, Mohammad Behdad
Roshani, Sobhan
Roshani, Saeed
Talla, Jakub
A Compact Low-Pass Filter with Simple Structure and Sharp Roll-Off In this paper a compact low pass filter (LPF) with desirable figure of merit (FOM) and sharp roll-off is designed. The cut-off frequency of the... |
Jamshidi, Mohammad Behdad
Roshani, Saeed
Talla, Jakub
Roshani, Sobhan
Using an ANN Approach to Estimate Output Power and PAE of A Modified Class-F Power Amplifier In this paper, an efficient Class-F power amplifier (PA) is designed, simulated and modeled. This type of amplifier has nonlinear behaviors and uses tuning and controlling harmonics as the most important mechanism to increase efficiency. Feedforward artificial neural network (ANN) model is... |
Jakubík, Tomáš
Cortex-M Simulator This paper describes a project of simulatorof Cortex-M microprocessors. This project builds ontop of Unicorn Engine, which is used to simulate theARM core. Benefit of this pro... |
Hudec, Adam
Nagy, Lukáš
Kováč, Martin
Kohutka, Lukáš
Stopjakova, Viera
Maximum Power Point Tracking Circuit for an Energy Harvester in 130 nm CMOS Technology This paper presents design of a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) circuit and its functionality for tuning the maximum power transfer from an energy harvester (EH) unit. Simple and practical “Perturb and Observe” (P&O) algorithm is investigated and implemented. We describe the cir... |
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Vavroch, Ondřej
Zich, Jan
Nožka, Libor
Diagnostic Device for Photomultiplier Tubes at ARP ToF Detector Long-term usage of photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) led to the discovery of aging effects especially in harsh environment as a radiation is. Aging decreases the efficiency of the PMTs. This means PMTs need to the recalibration after some time. Because CERN′s Large Hadron Collider (LHC)... |
Friedemann, Marvin
Voigt, Sebastian
Werner, Marie-Luise
Hecker, Raoul
Mehner, Jan
Drift analysis and stabilization of a Fiber Bragg Grating interrogation device This paper analyzes wavelength drifts of a Fiber Bragg Grating interrogation device due to variations in different environmental conditions. First, the thermal induced wavelength shifts of the Fiber Bragg Gratings were abstracted. Then, it was possible to investigate the correlations between ... |
Ettler, Tomáš
Nový, Pavel
Using Cluster Analysis for Image Processing in High Speed Video Laryngoscopy This paper summarizes findings related to the problematics of glottis detection in video sequences obtained by medical examination of vocal cords by high speed videolaryngoscopy (HSV). The glottis detection is based ... |
Dulík, Tomáš
Pospíšilík, Martin
Opluštil, Vladimír
Beneš, Petr
Aircraft Turboprop Engine Vibration Monitoring Module The paper describes electronic vibration monitoring module (EVM) that can be used as standalone diagnostic system or as a part of a complex modular concept of engine electronic control (EEC/FADEC) with aircraft health monitoring system. We present a new generation of EVM for m... |
Cojocaru, Victor P.
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai L.
Dehtjars, Jurijs
Rapoport, Alexander
Starsaja, Annamarija
Experimental Setup with Chaotic and Periodic Excitations for Cell Growth Studies The paper presents circuits used for excitation living cells to increase their growth rate. The main novelty is the proposal of using chaotic oscillations for the electromagnetic excitation. The research is in a preliminary phase and no conclusions have been yet derived for applica... |
Blahnik, Vojtěch
Straka, Miloš
Pittermann, Martin
Analysis of Multilevel Electronic Balancer for AC Traction Substation with PS-PWM The main goal of this paper is the analysis of an behavior for the electronic balancer of the AC traction substation. This balancer consists of three delta connected multilevel cascade H-bridge converters. The employed phase-shifted pulse width modulation causes the significant decrease ... |
Blahnik, Vojtěch
Straka, Miloš
Pittermann, Martin
Control of Multilevel Converter for AC Traction Substation with Power Symmetrization Unit This paper describes the control of multilevel converter for substation balancer. The topology of substation with electronic balancer is described. The principle of power symmetrization and reactive power compensation is introduced in paper. Designed control algorithm for independent current control... |
Biswal, Pravat
Subrahmanya Kumar Bhajana;, V.V.
Drábek, Pavel
Novel Soft-Switching High Gain Transformerless DC-DC Converters without Auxiliary Switches for Renewable Energy Systems This paper presents new soft-switching transformerless DC-DC converters without auxiliary switches. The soft-switching operation is achieved with the aid of simple resonant cell, which comprises of an inductor, a capacitor and a diode. In addition to the auxiliary cell, a voltage multiplier&... |
Barri, Dalibor
Jakovenko, Jiří
Comparison of Measured Data Given by Automatized Measurement Methodology with the Analytical Expression of DLS MOSFET This paper introduces the latest modern automatized advanced measurement flow of the diamond layout shape MOS transistors (DLS MOSFETs) as well as the rectangular layout shape (RLS) MOSFETs directly on a wafer. There are presented photos of the DLS MOSFET, from the highest level... |
Asanza Armijos, Victor
Sánchez Chan, Nathaly
Saquicela, Rommel
Macas Lopez, Luis
Monitoring of system memory usage embedded in FPGA At this moment in the field of FPGA, only RAM tests have been carried out to evaluate its performance but these works have not focused on tracking memory usage in real time, this paper proposes a design for monitoring the memory of an embedded system, in the log... |
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