Číslo 1 (2021) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Čuhlová, Renata
Kotíková, Sylvie
Narušení toků přímých zahraničních investic v důsledku krize covid-19 a management obnovy ekonomiky The paper describes the responses of national economics to the spread of pandemic COVID- 19 in year 2020. As a result of economic and social interconnectedness and dependency of countries, the actions are mutually influential in a great extend. The economic impacts... |
Volfová, Monika
Připravenost podniků na vzdělávání zaměstnanců s využitím ICT – porovnání zemí Visegrádské čtyřky The rapid growth and use of information and communication technology tools affect both private and business activities. In order to maintain their position, companies invest in their employees, especially in their lifelong training in the field of ICT skills development. This pap... |
Pevná, Jana
Capital structure of COOP group in the Czech Republic The aim of this paper is to evaluate the capital structure and its determinants in consumer co- operatives in the Czech Republic. Consumer co-operatives are associated in the COOP Group, which is the largest retail network of food stores in the country. This ... |
Stros, Michael
Říha, David
Applied quasi experimental research design in personal sales – a case study The aim of the following article is to shed some light on the applied quasi experimental research method in personal sales and to provide a practical step-by step guideline for researchers. At the beginning of a customer visit or when entering the shop, a customer&... |
Reifová, Jana
Eger, Ludvík
Evaluace komunikace vybraných kosmetických značek na sociálních médiích The conducted research is focused on the evaluation of the communication of selected Czech cosmetic brands on social media. Social media have become a widely used communication tool in recent years and people are spending more and more time on the Internet. Companies tr... |
Dvořáková, Michaela
Využití samoobslužných pokladen v maloobchodě: jejich vliv na zákaznickou spokojenost a vývoj těchto technologií na českém trhu During the last few years consumer behavior has significantly changed. Implementation of self- service technologies (SSLs) has influenced interactions between consumer and retailer. Thanks to current situation, where social contacts are being restricted, the use of SSLs is growing.&... |
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