WSCG 2021: Full Papers Proceedings Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Barina, David
Comparison of Lossless Image Formats In recent years, a bag with image and video compression formats has been torn. However, most of them are focusedon lossy compression and only marginally support the lossless mode. In this paper, I will focus on lossless formatsand the critical question: "Which one is the&... |
Matuszewski, Damian J.
Ranefall, Peter
Learning Cell Nuclei Segmentation Using Labels Generated With Classical Image Analysis Methods Creating manual annotations in a large number of images is a tedious bottleneck that limits deep learning use in many applications. Here, we present a study in which we used the output of a classical image analysis pipelineas labels when training a convolutional n... |
Soares, Gonçalo
Pereira, João Madeiras
Lift: An Educational Interactive Stochastic Ray Tracing Framework with AI-Accelerated Denoiser Real-time physically based rendering has long been looked at as the holy grail in Computer Graphics. With theintroduction of Nvidia RTX-enabled GPUs family, light transport simulations under real-time constraint startedto look like a reality. This paper presents Lift, an educational f... |
Xie, Yupeng
Fachada, Sarah
Bonatto, Daniele
Teratani, Mehrdad
Lafruit, Gauthier
View Synthesis: LiDAR Camera versus Depth Estimation Depth-Image-Based Rendering (DIBR) can synthesize a virtual view image from a set of multiview images andcorresponding depth maps. However, this requires an accurate depth map estimation that incurs a high compu-tational cost over several minutes per frame in DERS (MPEG-I’s Depth Estim... |
Lipovits, Ágnes
Czúni, László
Tömördi, Katalin
Vörösházi, Zsolt
Multiple Object Tracking by Bounding Boxes Without Using Texture Information and Optical Flow Object tracking is a key task in many applications using video analytics. While there is a huge number of algo-rithms to track objects, there is still a need for new methods to solve the correspondence problem under certaincircumstances. In our article, we assume a ... |
Iwanowski, Marcin
Grzabka, Marcin
Similarity and symmetry measures based on fuzzy descriptors of image objects’ composition The paper describes a method for measuring the similarity and symmetry of an image annotated with boundingboxes indicating image objects. The latter representation became popular recently due to the rapid development offast and efficient deep-learning-based object-detection methods. The proposed appro... |
Dietze, Andreas
Grimm, Paul
Jung, Yvonne
Updating 3D Planning Data based on Detected Differences between Real and Planning Data of Building Interiors This paper presents a system to determine differences between 3D reconstructed interiors and their corresponding3D planning data with the aim of correcting identified differences and updating the 3D planning data based onthese deviations. Therefore, a point-based comparison algorithm was&... |
Ben Salah, Khawla
Othmani, Mohamed
Kherallah, Monji
Contactless Heart Rate Estimation From Facial Video Using Skin Detection and Multi-resolution Analysis This paper introduces a remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG), which is used to estimate human heart rate withoutany physical contact, has been extensively applied in multiple fields like medical diagnosis, analysis of humanemotions, rehabilitation training programs, biometric, and fitness assessments. ... |
Reithmeier, Lukas
Krauss, Oliver
Zwettler, Adam Gerald
Transfer Learning and Hyperparameter Optimization for Instance Segmentation with RGB-D Images in Reflective Elevator Environments Elevators, a vital means for urban transportation, are generally lacking proper emergency call systems besidesan emergency button. In the case of unconscious or otherwise incapacitated passengers this can lead to lethalsituations. A camera-based surveillance system with AI-based al... |
Fregien, Florian
Pasewaldt, Sebastian
Döllner, Jürgen
Trapp, Matthias
Service-based Processing of Gigapixel Images With the ongoing improvement of digital cameras and smartphones, more and more people can acquire high-resolution digital images. Due to their size and high performance requirements, such Gigapixel Images (GPIs) areoften challenging to proces... |
Anisimov, Yuriy
Reis, Gerd
Stricker, Didier
Calibration and Auto-Refinement for Light Field Cameras The ability to create an accurate three-dimensional reconstruction of a captured scene draws attention to the prin-ciples of light fields. This paper presents an approach for light field camera calibration and rectification, basedon pairwise pattern-based parameters extraction. It is follo... |
Sebai, Dorsaf
Missaoui, Nour
Zouaghi, Asma
Signal Extraction for Classification of Noisy Images Compressed using Autoencoders The world is experiencing an increasing boom in computer vision. This is more and more used in many domainssuch as robotics, medicine, industry, security systems, etc. In this context, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) havegreat capabilities and are widely used. Convolutional Neural Ne... |
Burkus, Viktória
Kárpáti, Attila
Szécsi, László
Particle-Based Fluid Surface Rendering with Neural Networks Surface reconstruction for particle-based fluid simulation is a computational challenge on par with the simula-tion itself. In real-time applications, splatting-style rendering approaches based on forward rendering of particleimpostors are prevalent, but they suffer from noticeable artifacts.In this paper... |
Moradi, Shadi
Lee, Jong Kwan
Tian, Qing
Exploration of U-Net in Automated Solar Coronal Loop Segmentation This paper presents a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) based method that automatically segments arc-like structures of coronal loops from the intensity images of Sun’s corona. The method explores multiple U-Netarchitecture variants which enable segmentation of coronal loop structures of... |
Mackowiak, Sławomir
Brudz, Patryk
Ciesielski, Mikołaj
Wawrzyniak, Maciej
Unsupervised SIFT features-to-Image Translation using CycleGAN The generation of video content from a small set of data representing the features of objects has very promising application prospects. This is particularly important in the context of the work of the MPEG Video Coding for Machine group, where ... |
Cortez, Alexandra
Vázquez, Pere-Pau
Advanced Visual Interaction with Public Bicycle Sharing Systems Nowadays, public bicycle sharing systems have become popular and widespread across the world. Their usefulnesslargely depends on their ability to synchronize with citizens’ usage patterns and optimize re-balancing operationsthat must be carried out to reduce outages. Two crucial factors to ... |
Samelak, Jarosław
Dziembowski, Adrian
Mieloch, Dawid
Domański, Marek
Wawrzyniak, Maciej
Efficient Immersive Video Compression using Screen Content Coding The paper deals with efficient compression of immersive video representations for the synthesis of video relatedto virtual viewports, i.e., to selected virtual viewer positions and selected virtual directions of watching. Thegoal is to ... |
Szekielda, Jakub
Dziembowski, Adrian
Mieloch, Dawid
The Influence of Coding Tools on Immersive Video Coding This paper summarizes the research on the influence of HEVC(High Efficiency Video Coding)configuration on immersive video coding. The research was focused on the newest MPEG standard for immersive video compression –MIV (MPEG Immersive ... |
Rádli, Richárd
Czúni, László
About the Application of Autoencoders For Visual Defect Detection Visual defect detection is a key technology in modern industrial manufacturing systems. There are many possibleappearances of product defects, including distortions in color, shape, contamination, missing or superfluous parts.For the detection of those, besides traditional image processing techniques, conv... |
López-Guzmán, Juan Guillermo
Bustacara-Medina, Cesar Julio
Relevant Independent Variables on MOBA Video Games to Train Machine Learning Algorithms Popularity of MultiplayerOnlineBattle Arena (MOBA)video gameshas grown considerably, its popularity as well as the complexity of their playability, have attracted the attention in recent years of researchers from various areas of knowledge and in particular how they have resorted to different... |
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