Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy / Department of Mathematics, Physics and Class
Recent Submissions
Hrbková, Kateřina
Testování materiálů lezeckých chytů My bachelor's thesis focuses on the production of silicone molds, the production of climbing holds and the subsequent assembly of the holds on the climbing wall. As part of my work, I worked with various materials and created climbing grips that will be used in ... |
Bulínová, Václava
Schopnost dětí v mateřské škole transformovat dimenzi This bachelor's thesis aimed to determine the success rate of children aged five to six years in solving tasks related to spatial orientation. The study also compared the success rate of solving tasks that required transformation from plane to space and those that&... |
Adamová, Veronika
Schopnost dětí v mateřské škole pracovat se shodnými zobrazeními This bachelor's thesis entitled "The ability of kindergarten children to work with congruent representations" aimed to determine the success of individual kindergarten children participating in this experiment in performing tasks aimed at working with congruent representations and the difficu... |
Karpovich, Viktor
Některé metody řešení rovnic a jejich soustav This thesis describes various methods of solving equations and their systems, including the use of computational tools. The introduction describes the objectives of this work, its significance and other main parts. The second chapter, "Types of equations and basic methods o... |
Kuneš, Jan
Využití výpočetní techniky při řešení soustav rovnic ve výuce matematiky The bachelor thesis focuses on solving systems of equations in primary and secondary school. The thesis contains a number methods of solution. Other parts of the thesis are devoted to mathematical software and its use in solving systems of equations in education. In the thesis... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education