Studentská vědecká konference Katedry ošetřovatelství a porodní asistence
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Krocová, Jitka
Nováková, Jaroslava
Posuzování kvality výukového prostředí studenty programu všeobecné ošetřovatelství – pilotní šetření In recent years, there have been increasing demands for monitoring the learning environment of students studying healthcare degree programmes (Lizáková and Novotná, 2017). With the support of the Grant Competition of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of ZČU in Pilsen,... |
Horová, Jana
Krocová, Jitka
Nováková, Jaroslava
Zvyšování informovanosti neformálních pečujících o osoby s chronickým onemocněním (MZ ČR 18/22/PPZ) – evaluace workshopu. Project No. 18/22/PPZ " Increasing the information of informal caregivers of people with chronic diseases", which was implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, focused on increasing the awareness of informal caregivers of people... |
Vlčková, Hana
Dostál, Jiří
Adaptační proces v perioperační péči na neurochirurgii The perioperative care nurse at the neurosurgical department has to process a large amount of information and practical skills in a short period of time during the adaptation period. Once the adaptation period is over, the nurse becomes a fully integrated part of the surgical&... |
Vágnerová, Kristýna
Sládková, Petra
Prevence stranové záměny v perioperační péči The wrong site is a very topical issue, also in view of the increasing number of surgical procedures. It is a very serious error, which can even endanger the life of the client. In 2022, surgical side substitution occurred in eye surgery and became a media case. ... |
Winnová, Aneta
Vaňková, Milena
Bossing v ošetřovatelství The topic of vertical violence in nursing is currently intensively discussed in foreign studies. Nevertheless, in the Czech literature, we can only find the first few references, and there are a minimum of studies dealing with the issue of bullying in which the initiator is... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
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- Fakulta zdravotnických studií / Faculty of Health Care Studies
- Publikace FZS / Publications of FZS
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