Volume 17, number 1 (2023) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tater, Adam
Holman, Jiří
Mesh convergence error estimations for compressible inviscid fluid flow over airfoil cascades using multiblock structured mesh This work deals with estimations of errors, which are a consequence of a finite spatial discretisation that appears while solving differential equation numerically. More precisely, it deals with the estimation of errors that occur while computing compressible inviscid fluid flow over&... |
Sayyad, Atteshamuddin Shamshuddin
Palekar, Shailesh P.
Shinde, Bharti M.
Higher order computational model considering the effects of transverse normal strain and 2-parameter elastic foundation for the bending of laminated panels In this study, the authors analyze laminated composite panels supported on an elastic foundation considering the effects of transverse normal strain. A 2-parameter, i.e., Winkler and Pasternak foundation model is assumed to represent the interaction between the panels and the foundati... |
Pešek, Luděk
Šnábl, Pavel
Prasad, Chandra Shekhar
Delanney, Y.
Numerical simulations of aeroelastic instabilities in a turbine-blade cascade by a modified Van der Pol model at running excitation The onset and spread of flutter in a turbine blade cascade are numerically studied. Due to the application of thereduced-cascade model consisting of simple elements (springs, rigid bodies, linear dampers) and aeroelastic forcesintroduced by the analytical Van der Pol model, it is... |
Nwaigwe, Chinedu
Oahimire, Jonathan
Weli, Azubuike
Numerical approximation of convective Brinkman-Forchheimer flow with variable permeability This paper investigates the nonlinear dispersion of a pollutant in a non-isothermal incompressible flow of a temperature-dependent viscosity fluid in a rectangular channel filled with porous materials. The Brinkman-Forch heimer effects are incorporated and the fluid is assumed to be variably ... |
Bouisfi, Firdaouss
Bouisfi, Achraf
Bouhali, Mohamed
Ouarriche, Hamza
Lamzoud, Khalid
Chaoui, Mohamed
Geometry effect of irrigation storage basin on particles removal efficiency: A computational fluid dynamics study Drip irrigation requires the use of high quality water to avoid emitters clogging and the wear of hydraulic pumps and sand filters. Investing in an irrigation storage basin is not only beneficial to meet crop water requirements but also to remove naturally suspended sol... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Publikace FAV / Publications of FAV
- Applied and Computational Mechanics
- Volume 17 (2023)