Valsamos, Georgios
Casadei, Folco
Solomos, George
A numerical study of wave dispersion curves in cylindrical rods with circular cross-section
Valdmanová, Linda
Čechová, Hana
Three-body segment musculoskeletal model of the upper limb
Tukač, Martin
Vampola, Tomáš
Semi-analytic solution to planar Helmholtz equation
Staňák, Peter
Sládek, Vladimír
Sládek, Ján
Krahulec, Slavomír
Sátor, Ladislav
Application of patch test in meshless analysis of continuously non-homogeneous piezoelectric circular plate
Seitl, Stanislav
Hutař, Pavel
García, Tomas Eduardo
Fernández-Canteli, Alfonso
Experimental and numerical analysis of in- and out- of plane constraint effects on fracture parameters: Aluminium alloy 2024
Půst, Ladislav
Pešek, Luděk
Influence of delayed excitation on vibrations of turbine blades couple
Janoušek, Jaromír
Balda, Miroslav
Svoboda, Jaroslav
The mean stress influence on lifetime under high-cycle fatigue combined loading
Hora, Petr
Červená, Olga
Uhnáková, Alena
Machová, Anna
Pelikán, Vladimír
Stress wave radiation from brittle crack extension by molecular dynamics and FEM
Byrtus, Miroslav
Hajžman, Michal
Zeman, Vladimír
Linearization of friction effects in vibration of two rotating blades