Katedra správního práva / Department of Administrative Law

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Poslední příspěvky

Věcková, Denisa
Zánik mandátu člena zastupitelstva územního samosprávného celku

This bachelor thesis comprehensively described the issue of the termination of the mandate of a member of a local government council. Furthermore, the basic terms such as local self-government unit, higher and lower local self-government units, the capital city of Prague or what a&...

Tymlová, Kateřina
Obecně závazné vyhlášky obcí

This diploma thesis deals with the process of creation and subsequent promulgation of general binding decrees within the municipal self-government units. The thesis defines basic terms such as autonomous jurisdiction, municipality, self-government and generally binding decree. Furthermore, it is elabo...

Tichý, Erik
Odpovědnost právnické osoby za přestupek

The thesis focuses on the liability of a legal entity for an offence, with regard to the legal regulation in Act No. 250/2016 Coll., on liability for offences and proceedings thereon. The main part deals with liability in general, the creation and termination of liability...

Stehlíková, Terezie
Právnické osoby veřejného práva

n the decentralisation of the exercise of public power, some powers are entrusted to entities that are separate from the state. This process creates legal entities of public law, which are the subject of this thesis and represent a separate group of legal entities. This d...

Skrbková, Tereza
Žaloba na ochranu před nezákonným zásahem, pokynem nebo donucením správního orgánu

The thesis deals with an action for protection against unlawful interference, instruction or coercion by an administrative authority. First, the concept of unlawful interference is defined in terms of the Administrative Procedure Code, forms of administrative acts and the decision-making practice...