Diplomové práce / Theses (KSP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tymlová, Kateřina
Obecně závazné vyhlášky obcí This diploma thesis deals with the process of creation and subsequent promulgation of general binding decrees within the municipal self-government units. The thesis defines basic terms such as autonomous jurisdiction, municipality, self-government and generally binding decree. Furthermore, it is elabo... |
Tichý, Erik
Odpovědnost právnické osoby za přestupek The thesis focuses on the liability of a legal entity for an offence, with regard to the legal regulation in Act No. 250/2016 Coll., on liability for offences and proceedings thereon. The main part deals with liability in general, the creation and termination of liability... |
Stehlíková, Terezie
Právnické osoby veřejného práva n the decentralisation of the exercise of public power, some powers are entrusted to entities that are separate from the state. This process creates legal entities of public law, which are the subject of this thesis and represent a separate group of legal entities. This d... |
Skrbková, Tereza
Žaloba na ochranu před nezákonným zásahem, pokynem nebo donucením správního orgánu The thesis deals with an action for protection against unlawful interference, instruction or coercion by an administrative authority. First, the concept of unlawful interference is defined in terms of the Administrative Procedure Code, forms of administrative acts and the decision-making practice... |
Smělá, Zuzana
Výběrové řízení na obsazení volného služebního místa This thesis deals with the selection procedure for filling a vacant civil service position in the regime of Act No. 234/2014 Coll., on Civil Service. It is divided into an introduction, 8 chapters and a conclusion. The majority of the thesis deals with explaining how ... |
Šídlo, Radek
Algoritmus přezkumu územního plánu The topic of my master thesis is the Master Plan Review Algorithm. The aim of this thesis was to analyze the master plan review algorithm. As it is clear from the thesis assignment, the master plan, the judicial review of the master plan and the master plan revi... |
Štulcová, Tereza
Přestupky na úseku dopravy The topic of the diploma thesis is the Breach of Traffic Regulations as an Administrative Infraction. The thesis is focused on chosen offenses at the field of a road transport sector that violate the safety of traffic and proceedings regarding traffic offenses. On January 1,... |
Štverák, Jakub
Zvláštní formy přezkumného řízení This master thesis focuses special forms of review procedure which is used for change or cancelation unlawful administrative acts. Main aim of this thesis is to analyze current legislation. Secondary goals are to reveal, if there are any problems in use of general provisions i... |
Torma, Petr
Veřejné užívání krajiny This diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of the public use of the landscape according to the applicable legislation. The main goal was, first of all, to present the individual theoretical concepts and then deal with their analysis and possibly think about a new adju... |
Mašek, Dominik
Ochrana před nečinností veřejné správy The thesis deals with the problem of public administration inactivity. It can be considered as one of the negative phenomena that can be encountered in the field of public administration. The thesis focuses on the definition of the concept of inactivity, its basics typology, t... |
Podušková, Lucie
Právní úprava pohřebnictví This thesis focuses on the legal regulation of the funeral industry in the Czech Republic. The main source is Act No. 256/2001 Coll., on Funeral Industry and on Amendments to Certain Acts. It is also based on valid legislation, court decisions, specialist literature and o... |
Poledna, Jan
Soudní přezkum mimořádných opatření při epidemii nebo nebezpečí jejího vzniku This master's thesis focuses on the issue of emergency measures in a general context, but with regard to the COVID-19 epidemic, during which they were extensively issued. The thesis examines the legal nature of these measures, their general legal regulation, and its development.... |
Kopecká, Renata
Přestupky zranitelných účastníků provozu na pozemních komunikacích Everyone can relate to the position of a vulnerable road user in everyday life. However, the complexity of road traffic management does not reflect its daily use by the general public. The aim of this work is therefore primarily to clarify the position of individual types... |
Purkarová, Veronika
Správní dozor v oblasti kontroly a regulace obchodování s ohroženými druhy CITES The thesis deals with the problem of trade in endangered species, its effect on the loss of biodiversity and administrative supervision in this area. In the first part, the reader is firstly introduced to the legal regulation of trade in endangered species at the international... |
Lávička, Martin
Pravidla nakládání s komunálním majetkem The thesis is dedicated to the legal analysis of the rules for disposal of municipal property, simultaneously with the description of the development of the legislation after 1989, the rules for management of municipal property, the inspections of disposal of municipal property and ... |
Kalauzová, Tereza
Kázeňské řízení příslušníků bezpečnostních sborů ve světle čl. 6 EÚLP The thesis focuses on the issue of disciplinary proceedings of members of the security forces in the light of Article 6 of the ECHR. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether it is possible to apply Article 6 of the Convention to disciplinary proceedings of ... |
Hrdlička, Adam
Sporné aspekty právní regulace veřejného užívání pozemních komunikací The main concern of the thesis is the effects of public service regulation of public usage of roads. It also seeks to analyze cases of contentious use of public roads. Main objectives of the thesis were to analyze potentially contentious cases of public use of roads, ... |
Fujan, Miloslav
Objektivní odpovědnost provozovatele vozidla The thesis deals with the objective responsibility of the vehicle operator, which is crucial for all vehicle owners and operators. The thesis deals with the concepts associated with this issue, the offences of the vehicle operator, the subsequent liberalisation and the specific liberali... |
Brdlíková, Sandra
Nepřípustnost a nepřijatelnost kasační stížnosti The thesis focuses on the institution of the cassation complaint as an extraordinary remedy in administrative justice, in particular on its inadmissibility and unacceptability. The aim of analysing both the cassation complaint and the following aspects. The work is divided into three pa... |
Buriánek, Egon
Význam zásady ne bis in idem ve vztahu k projednávání přestupků This thesis deals with the importance of the principle of ne bis in idem in relation to the trial of offences. The thesis is divided into five main chapters, where the first chapter discusses the issue of administrative punishment, its classification in the system of admi... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra správního práva / Department of Administrative Law