Diplomové práce / Theses (KSP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 307
Hradický, Filip
Správní trestání v oblasti dopravních přestupků s analýzou užití správní diskrece

This thesis deals with the issue of traffic offences and their sanctions with a simultaneous examination of administrative discretion. The thesis is divided into six chapters, with the first chapter presenting the legal regulation of this issue at both domestic and international level.&...

Chmela, Michal
Příkaz na místě v rámci přestupkového jednání v dopravě

The diploma thesis deals with the on-the-spot orders according to the Act No. 250/2016 Coll., on liability for misdemeanors and their proceedings and relation to misdemeanors in traffic. The main parts of the thesis include the determination of the most frequent traffic offences&#x...

Junger, David
Nejvyšší kontrolní úřad

In my diploma thesis I analyzed the activities of the Supreme Audit Office, its organization, scope and powers. The aim of the diploma thesis was to comprehensively analyse the Supreme Audit Office. The diploma thesis also deals with the introduction and analysis of foreign au...

Jeřábková, Linda
Odpovědnost za přestupky v oblasti stavebního práva

In my diploma thesis, I analyze violations that occur in connection with construction activities and address the responsibility of persons who commit these violations. I deal with the procedures used by administrative authorities when dealing with these offences. I list the penalties im...

Semenov, Andrey
Principy vyvlastňovacího řízení ve světle judikatury

This diploma thesis is about expropriation and expropriation proceedings. The goal of diploma thesis is to provide insights into the legal regulation of expropriation proceedings with a special focus on specific procedural principles and its sub-aspects in light of relevant court practice&#x...

Bárta, Leoš
Kárná odpovědnost státních zaměstnanců

The thesis deals with disciplinary liability of state employees under the regime of Act No. 234/2014 Coll., on the State Service, and compares the disciplinary proceedings with the legal regulation under Act No. 221/1999 Coll., on Professional Soldiers, and...

Šlechtová, Markéta
Odlišnosti vodoprávního řízení (od obecné úpravy správního řízení)

This thesis deals with the differences in water law proceedings compared to the general administrative proceedings. Firstly, this thesis explains the application of various relevant regulations in the case of water law proceedings. Secondly, this thesis identifies and analyzes the mai...

Blažková, Petra
Rozhodnutí v přestupkovém řízení

The diploma thesis focuses on decisions in offence proceedings. The aim of this thesis is to define some problematic issues related to the decisions that terminate the hearing of an offence at the administrative body of the first instance, as well as to propose possible w...

Bula, Ladislav
Veřejné stráže v právu životního prostředí

This diploma thesis deals with public guards in environmental law. After the initial definition of these guards, this work describes their historical development and the reason for their creation. Subsequently, it comprehensively describes each public guard separately, it means fishing guard,...

Miškovský, Radek
Trestněprávní zásady trestání mladistvých ve správním právu

This thesis deals with the topic of comparison of the approach to juvenile offenders from the perspective of judicial and administrative punishment. The first chapter defines the basic concepts of administrative punishing. It then proceeds to identify the specifics of the relationship b...

Hoffman, Daniel
Místní referendum

The main goal of this diploma thesis is an analysis and detailed description of a local referendum in terms of legal regulation, followed in a more concise form analysis and description of a regional referendum in terms of legal regulation for the purpose of comparing dif...

Danišová, Markéta
Veřejné sbírky v České republice

This thesis focuses on the concept of public collections in the Czech Republic. The thesis describes conditions of organization and methods of conducting public collections under the Public Collections Act. Furthermore, the theoretical part of this thesis deals with nonprofit organisations a...

Krejzová, Kateřina
Zánik mandátu člena zastupitelstva územního samosprávného celku

The thesis deals with the subject of "The Termination of Mandate of Local Government Council Member". The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of this issue. Primarily, thesis deals with the definition of the mandate of a member of a municipal co...

Vejšická, Kateřina
Právní úprava obecného užívání lesa

The main aim of this thesis is to introduce the issue of general forest use, especially in connection with the precise definition of rights and obligations related to this legal institute. At the same time, however, it is among the objectives of comparing the polish legis...

Vacek, Antonín
Právní úprava nakládání s obecním majetkem

This thesis analyses the issue of managing municipal property. A municipality is obliged to manage property in accoradance with the public prosperity. A municipality is obliged to manage the property efficiently and economically. The thesis is divided into three segments and the most&#x...

Vaněček, Miroslav
Obnova správního řízení

The diploma thesis acquaints the reader with the institute of renewal of administrative proceedings according to § 100 et seq. Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Administrative Procedure Code. The work is chronologically and systematically divided into individual chapters, which from the history o...

Vízner, Aleš
Řízení ve věcech nemocenského pojištění

As the name implies, this diploma thesis titled Proceedings and decision in matters of sickness insurance is about administrative proceedings, specific regulation of which we can find in Act No. 187/2006 Sb., on sickness insurance. The chief objective of this diploma t...

Vyskočilová, Karolína
Vkladové řízení

This diploma thesis discusses the entry proceedings into the cadastre of real estate. This thesis is slightly focused also on the cadastre of real estate and other types of forms, which are registered into the cadastre of real estate. The last chapters of this thesis disc...

Vevera, Pavel
Formy a projevy nezávislosti ve státní správě

This thesis dealt with the issue of independent administrative authorities, i.e. those authorities that are not fully accountable to the government and are not bound by its resolutions. It described the different kinds of independence with which such authorities may be endowed, how ...

Žíla, Petr
Právní úprava ohlašování staveb

This thesis is focused on the construction announcement process and its related matter. The announcement itself is made not only according to the building law, but to the water law as well, which is described in individual chapters. My next goal is to focus on the sp...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 307