Diplomové práce / Theses (KVU) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 272
Anděrová, Lucie
Nad ránem

The theme of my master thesis is large-scale charcoal drawings captured from sketches and photographs of nature. The idea behind this was to create an honest picture of what was happening in the past couple of years, art block, burnout, etc., and create a visual represent...

Sýkora, Hynek

The piece is a levitating monolith designed to interact with viewers physically. It presents two distinct positions: initially appearing as a menacing object, then transforming into an abstract image resembling a chasm. Through color and shape, it symbolizes societal prejudices against drug&...

Matějíčková, Hedvika

The topic of my diploma thesis was ,,Recycling", but I decided to process it not only on the material level, but also with the idea of recycling of sacred themes. The result of my work is an installation in the cemetery chapel in Nový Knín where I&#x...

Kotounová, Tereza

In my thesis, I convey the idea of a certain form of subconscious communication through abstract painting, which we, as people of the same nationality, develop among ourselves. Simultaneously, the work serves for individual and intuitive, emotional perception of colors, whose composition...

Thielová, Eliška

The theme of my work focuses on exploring identity and belonging through the connection of historical traditions with modern life. My artistic endeavors center around expressing the process of personal growth and self-discovery in the context of various cultures and travel experiences. ...

Pechač, Daniel

In my diploma thesis, I have been focusing on the visual language of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and contemporary digital emoji. Emoticons are today's psychological, informative and aesthetic language of everyday life, which acquires the value of an ornament and at the same time&#x...

Tatíčková, Adéla

My diploma artwork is based on the topic of Art interpretation of cave paintings. I painted a body of venus in rainbow colors symbolizing the 60s and 70s like the age of feminism activism and like a symbol of the LGBTQ+ community. Around the body are prehistoric ...

Zpěváková, Veronika
Mystika v přírodě

One of the aspects that led me to choose the topic "Mystical Nature" for my master's thesis is the fact that nature has been a great inspiration and source of relaxation for me from the beginning of my life until now. As in the previous years of my...

Frgalová, Kateřina
Symboly a znaky současnosti

A series of paintings on the theme of chaos that occurs when we decide to leave and take only the good memories with us. The bad or unnecessary ones we decide to leave in the past. We find that some memories, objects are more important to us than others.&#x...

Hanková, Karolína

Whole my work is dedicated to the interstellar object Oumuamua. It's a luminous object that represents my interpretation of this celestial body. With its color and ruggedness of shape, resembling a stone expelled with great force from its native solar system.

Jakubec, Jaroslav

Video recording of dance and follow up painting.

Ganbaatar, Namuunaa
Narušení řádu

The resulting series of twelve necklaces on the theme of disruption of order. It is based on a notes from my diary, which for me is the object where I write down my confused thoughts. These thoughts are transformed from chaos within me into order and I calm ...

Černý, Jakub

The aim of the thesis was to create a series of images and digital collages that would show how people perceive themselves and their world. How the human mind actually works, or rather to outline a certain path to such a polemic. I decided to compare this ...

Magyarová, Jana

This Master's thesis is focused on the intervention of vegetation and architecture with a focus on two main aspects I found most inspiring: green architecture and architecture that is naturally overgrown with vegetation. Firstly focusing on green architecture, I looked at how ...

Zakouřilová, Pavlína
Příběh jako inspirace pro šperk

A thesis inspired by the story of the first woman, Eve. It consists of six parts. Each individual part refers to an important moment in the story.

Štorková, Veronika

As a topic I choosed a disorder that causes a compulsive need for self-harm on a small scale.It can be hair pulling, scratching specific places on the body, or scratching the skin in the nail area. It happens when an individual is momentarily paralyzed by an emotion&...

Dokoupil, Martin

Just as the spring is considered the source of streams, rivers and oceans, inspiration can metaphorically be the source of all music created by humans. An idea springs from a composer's experiences, emotions or a sudden specific moment; the source of inspiration can be rea...

Jindrová, Nikola

The book is bibliophilia and is called Oboustranka. The text of the book was created by my mother, who wrote a diary for ten months. The book is about illness, pain, hope and hopelessness, fear, love, understanding and optimism. Mom is not only the author of&#...

Čermáková, Kateřina

My diploma thesis is bibliophilia, which tells about the life situations of my native home and thus opens up the question of who we are and where we come from. The book has the character of a memoir with humouristic elements that accompany the entire storyline ...

Váňová, Denisa

As my diploma thesis, I created an illustrated book called ČD tea and an accompanying set of serigraphs which consists of six linear drawings in A2 format. My book is freely inspired by Indian fairy tales from the book What the Calumet Told by Vladimír Hulpach. The&#...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 272