Diplomové práce / Theses (KAT) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Čermák, Jan
Distanční výukový kurz - Google SketchUp The theme of this diploma thesis was creation of education material as an electronic support for education in elementary school. Text part of this diploma thesis includes insights to RVP in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Also description of the learning material and examples ... |
Kubecová, Magda
Experimenty s termokamerou ve školské fyzice This diploma thesis is devoted to using of thermographic measurements in school physics. Practically no material about this topic was published in Czech Republic in spite of that thermography is very fast growing part of applied physics and for example in Germany, great attention... |
Švárová, Jana
Metody rozvíjení jemné motoriky žáků na prvním stupni základní školy The thesis focuses on methods and activities intended for the development of fine motor skills in pupils used in manual training classes in primary school. It provides examples of realized preparation for classes and a list of craft products made in such a class. It elabo... |
Kovářová, Alena
Problém čtyř barev This diploma work "Four color problem" is divided into two parts. In the first part are mainly described the theoretical findings of a mathematical problem, especially The four color problem. Furthermore , I paid attention to the theoretical knowledge about specific learning&... |
Benajtr, Pavel
RC 2000 - výukový elektronický materiál The theme of this thesis was creation of educational material as an electronic support for teaching with didactic system rc2000. The text part contains description of didactic system and learning material. Also included is a proposal of exercises for teaching in selected subjects u... |
Křivánek, Aleš
Využití robotického manipulátoru pro výuku na ZŠ This thesis deals with the problems of using the robotic arm of the LynxMotion company on the secondary schools. It is framed also as a guide for teachers, who have never met with the robotics. The first part of the thesis makes an analysis of the RVP for s... |
Elicharová, Eva
Metody osobnostního rozvoje žáků na prvním stupni základní školy This thesis, on the basis of validation of the hypothesis regarding the positive effect of the school subject of Work Education on the personality development of pupils, presents a proposal of a methodical manual for teachers at primary and middle schools. This methodical manual... |
Krátká, Zuzana
Využití odpadových materiálů v pracovních činnostech na 1. st. ZŠ The purpose of this diploma thesis has been to draw attention to the possibilities of waste and residual material not only in hours of work activities. The diploma work consists of theoretical and practical section. In the theoretical section are the objectives and content of&... |
Šmausová, Kateřina
Technická tvořivost na ZŠ The dissertation is divided into two greater units. The first one includes the theoretical part dealing with terms such as creativity, creative personality, creative abilities, the process of creation and creative school. Methods that contribute to the development of creativity. ... |
Vukliševičová, Jaroslava
Naučná stezka na školní zahradě Masarykovy základní školy v Lubenci Diploma work is focused to building other parts of Nature trails on the land surrounding Lubenec in the school garden. The aim is to design of finish overall reconstruction of the garden and division to ornamental and utilitarian parts. Construction of outdoor classroom and re... |
Skleničková, Monika
Náměty pro pracovní vyučování na 1. stupni základní školy This diploma thesis provides the reader with several activities, tips and topics that were devised to be used in manual training classes at primary school level. The theoretical part examines certain particularities of the educational process in special schools and explains terms such... |
Došková, Jana
Výroba a využití didaktických pomůcek pro výuku žáků s mentálním postižením The thesis deals with making didactic aids and with their subsequent use in the special school in education of pupils with mental handicap. The didactic aids are aimed to practise self-service, to practise precise and rough movements, to orientation in space and time, to the... |
Hrbáčková, Veronika
Historie výroby skla v Brdech The main objective of this thesis was to describe the most comprehensive picture of the origin and history of the glass factories in Brdy. At the time of formation of the glass factories in Brdy, the landscape was very beautiful and untouched at first sight, but for&... |
Kováčová, Jana
Výroba šperků ze dřeva, kůže a kovu This thesis is about jewelery on primary school. In each chapters is about jewelery manufacturing materials. It is wood, leather and metal. Important are properties of materials antd tools and equipment for jewelery. Here is a few manufacturing processes and samples too. |
Kučera, Petr
Možnosti experimentů s difúzní mlžnou komorou The aim of the diploma work named ?Possibilities of experiments with diffusion cloud chamber? is propose and realize experiments that would use diffusion cloud chamber and eventually would be used in teaching nuclear and particle physic. Some experiments are demonstration ? observing th... |
Fiala, Jan
Historie slévárenství na Plzeňsku This thesis deals with the history of metalurgy in Pilsen and its surroundings. There is described the placement and evolution of the most famous foundries and machine engineering factories, their techology and producing program. There is shown the succesiv growth of the in the... |
Kunášek, Petr
Výuka první pomoci na základních školách s využitím moderní techniky. This dissertation deals with the question of teaching first aid at primary schools. There is presented development and changes of teaching methods since the 30th of the 20th century to the present. There is also included a view of the Czech legislation. Especially, The Framewo... |
Myslivečková, Jarmila
Reedukace žáka 1. stupně ZŠ s podezřením na dyskalkulii This thesis deals with dyscalculia of a student at the 1st grade of elementary school. The aim was to study the fundamental theoretical basis, which then allowed to process a case study of a particular student. According to this information an individual pl... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra technické výchovy / Department of Class