Diplomové práce / Theses (KET) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kudrynska, Iryna
Proces vytvoření Fire properties reportu; optimalizace s použitím 3D konstrukčních dat The master thesis presents the proposition and implementation of 3D data modification to enable automatic creation of Fire properties report. The master thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part, the Safran Cabin CZ s.r.o. field of activity... |
Tímr, Jan
Výpočet rozložení výkonu reaktoru VVER-1000 The main goal of this master thesis is to validate the Serpent calculation code based on the Monte Carlo method by calculating the power distribution in fuel assemblies and partial fuel rods in a realistic fuel charge for the VVER-1000 reactor and comparing the obtained d... |
Chodorová, Diana
Technologie chytrého parkování This diploma thesis deals with the issue of smart parking technologies. The first part describes in more detail the historical development of the parking system in the Czech Republic and in the world. Furtemore, the work deals with the first parking systems and pilot operation... |
Kratochvíl, Vít
Životnost dielektrických materiálů provozovaných při stejnosměrném napětí The diploma thesis deals with the issue of lifetime of electrical insulating materials. The first parts present all important materials usable in high voltage technology, especially their properties and uses. In the next chapter there are diagnostic methods, which result in methods for&... |
Janda, Martin
Testování tištěných senzorů teploty pro aplikace v precizním zemědělství The master thesis is focused on testing of printed temperature sensors for usage in precision agriculture. Basic principles of precision agriculture and connections with temperature sensors are described. Thesis also describes main properties of thermistors and posibilities of enviromental effects... |
Zdeněk, Jakub
Textilní tlakové senzory The presented diploma thesis deals with textile pressure sensors. The first part theoretically describes the basic theoretical applications and classification of textile pressure sensors. The second part of this work deals with real applications, designs and prototypes of textile pressure sensors... |
Křížová, Markéta
Návrh laboratorních úloh měření vodních motorů s využitím 3D tisku The master thesis is focused on design of laboratory tasks of water engines with usage 3D printing. In the first part is thesis devoted to description of water energetics. The next chapter describes theory of water engines. In this chapter basic principles and construction pro... |
Kubeš, Tomáš
Možnosti modifikace epoxidové směsi nanometrickým plnivem The object of this master thesis is to analyze recent possibilities of modification of cenventional epoxy resins by nanostructurous materiál. The thesis consists of theoretical part, which is focused on subject of epoxy resin, and also practical part, where epoxy resin modification expe... |
Šulc, Marek
Optimalizace materiálového toku ve výrobním podniku This diploma thesis focuses on the methods and methodology for optimalisation of production settings. The first part of the thesis presents possible tools for improvement. The second parts of the thesis implement selected methods into real company. |
Mikeš, Martin
Nové trendy procesního řízení v elektrotechnice The diploma thesis is focused on new trends of business process management in the electrical engineering industry. The diploma thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part is focused on a description of the historical development of process management. The second pa... |
Trubač, Jan
Nástroj pro analýzu rizik v systémech řízení kvality This diploma thesis deals with the issue of quality management systems and risk management systems. Its main goal is to create a risk management tool based on the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The solution of individual assignment points is divided into theoretical... |
Címl, Filip
Management hodnotového toku The submitted master thesis is focused on value stream management in the company Kudrle Ltd. The theoretical part generally characterizes the value stream, value stream mapping and methods for optimizing the value stream. The second chapter is focused on acquaintance with agile techniqu... |
Mencl, Hynek
Modelování prvků smart city infrastruktury v reálných aplikacích This diploma thesis deals with the usage of smart city elements in practices. The goal was to find out the smart city technologies which are actually used in infrastructure and their process of development in future especially in the field of transport where the electromobilit... |
Písař, David
Kondenzátory realizované na textilních substrátech The presented diploma thesis focuses on the realization of capacitors on a textile substrate mainly by embroidery. The theoretical part is devoted to materials, methods and technologies of production in the clothing industry in connection with e-textile. The design of textile capacitors ... |
Porubský, Ondřej
Elektronické zabezpečení rodinného sídla This diploma thesis is dedicated to the main principles of building electronic security systems functionning and their progressive automation. A part of the study provides a complete designed plan of Jablotron security system in a common family house and its subsequent implemantation. T... |
Podestát, Jaroslav
Monitorování a sběr dat z IoT systémů The presented diploma thesis is focused on the topic of the data monitoring and data collection from the IoT systems. It starts with the analysis of which fields it is currently used in. Then it depicts what are the appropriate options for IoT nodes. After that, it... |
Válek, Tomáš
Analýza o optimalizace podnikových procesů The diploma thesis is focused on the optimization of the production process in the environment of a real company, specifically the process of assembling a belt conveyor, which is designed for injection moulding machines. The aim of the thesis was to identify the critical point... |
Rauner, Ondřej
Měřicí systém na bázi CompactDAQ The presented diploma thesis is focused on the issue of the assets management and the access to their maintenance from frequency and costs point of view. An overview of the technologies and the electrical diagnostics coupling is brought as well. Another part of the diploma... |
Klíma, Filip
Charakterizace organických elektrochemických tranzistorů This master thesis is focused on characterization of organic electrochemical transistors. Theoretical introduction of this paper describes basic manufacturing technologies, which are used for fabrication of printed and organic electronics. In this part, there is also a description of properties o... |
Kožant, Martin
Online měřicí systém částečných výbojů This thesis deals with theoretical description of power equipment diagnostics as well as with individual types of partial discharges and methods for their measurement. Suitable procedure was designed for online diagnostic of partial discharges to illustrate their detection. LabVIEW application wa... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra technologií a měření / Department of Technologies and Measurement
- 28 optimalizace
- 23 proces
- 22 process
- 20 optimization
- další >
- 384 diplomová práce