Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 55
Agbodan, Dago
Marcheix, David
Pierra, Guy
Persistent Naming for Parametric Models
Poitou, Olivier
Lecussan, Bernard
Bermes, Sébastien
Laziness, a Way to Improve Distributed Computation of the Ray Tracing Algorithm
Hergenröther, Elke
Dähne, Patrick
Real-Time Virtual Cables Based on Kinematic Simulation
Bannatyne, Mark
Ross, William A.
Computer Graphics, Business and Education: Making the Connection
Leităo, H. C. G.
Stolfi, J.
Information Contents of Fracture Lines
Kumar, Subodh
Robust Incremental Polygon Triangulation for Fast Surface Rendering
Fedotov, Nikolay
Shulga, Luydmila
New Theory of Pattern Recognition on the Basis of Stochastic Geometry
Nigel, Stewart
Geoff, Leach
Sabu, John
A Z-Buffer CSG Rendering Algorithm for Convex Objects
Lam, Stephen Wang-Cheung
Leung, Powis Lai-Yin
Human Motion Synthesis Based on Iterated Function Systems
Chang, Yung-Ching
Shyu, Bin-Kai
Wang, Jia-Shung
Region-Based Fractal Compression for Still Image
Grosjean, Jérôme
Stein, Terii
Coquillart, Sabine
Incremental Conversion of 3D Wireframe Models to Polygonal Surface Models
Weiskopf, Daniel
An Immersive Virtual Environment for Special Relativity
Šporka, Adam J.
Slavík, Pavel
Visualization of Impulse Reponse of Virtual Accoustic Environments
Kang, Young-Min
Choi, Jeong-Hyeon
Cho, Hwan-Gue
Lee, Do-Hoon
Park, Chan-Jong
Real-time Animation Technique for Flexible and Thin Objects
Pereira, João P.
Jorge, Joaquim A.
Branco, Vasco
Ferreira, F. Nunes
Towards Calligraphic Interfaces: Sketching 3D Scenes with Gestures and Context Icons
McDonald, John
Toro, Jorge
Alkoby, Karen
Berthiaume, Andre
Pattaraporn, Chomwong
Christopher, Juliet
Davidson, Mary Jo
Furst, Jacob
Konie, Brian
Lancaster, Glenn
Lytinen, Steven
Roychoudhuri, Lopa
Sedgwick, Eric
Tomuro, Noriko
Wolfe, Rosalee
An Improved Articulated Model of the Human Hand
Ihara, Masayuki
Shimada, Yoshihiro
Kida, Kenichi
Shiwa, Shinichi
Ishibashi, Satoshi
Mizumori, Takeshi
Human Movement Instruction System that Utilizes Avatar Overlays Using Stereoscopic Images
Huang, Jiung-yao
Chiu, Wen-hsin
Lin, Yung-ting
Tsai, Ming-tien
Bai, Hua-hseng
Tai, Chi-fu
Gau, Chung-yun
Lee, Hwa-teng
The Gait Sensing Disc - A Compact Locomotion Device for the Virtual Environment
Marttila, Outi
Vuorimaa, Petri
XML Based Mobile Services
Rauschenbach, Uwe
Weinkauf, Tino
Schumann, Heidrun
Interactive Focus and Context Display of Large Raster Images
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 55