Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 798
Solařová, Kristýna
Distanční výuka z pohledu adolescentů v době pandemie Covid-19

The thesis deals with adolescents' perspectives on distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters: the characteristics of the adolescence period, its important developmental stages complemented by an analysis of psychosocial issues and the ...

Fišerová, Klára
Behaviorálně kognitivní analýza týraných dětí

Child abuse and sexual exploitation are global issues that, despite efforts to prevent them, continue to affect many children. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to raise awareness of the consequences of abuse on children's mental health and to provide a comprehensive ove...

Levičková, Pavla
Firemní kultura a její vliv na spokojenost zaměstnanců

The bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of corporate culture and its influence on employee satisfaction in the organization. The goal of the work is to analyze and evaluate the level of satisfaction in society. The work is structured into two initial parts, theoretical ...

Kuberová, Adriana
Pojetí sebevraždy ve stoické filosofii

This thesis bears the title of The concept of suicide in the Stoic philosophy. The aim of this work is to analyse how death and suicide have been perceived across the Stoic philosophy. The first chapter introduces the Stoic school as a whole and is ended with St...

Plachá, Kateřina
Richard a Paulina Metternichovi a jejich vliv na kulturní život v Plasích

This work describes cultural life in Plasy in 19th century, when in old monastery area live aristocratic couple, Richard and Paulina Metternich. Work focus on theater performances, than was created in old biblioted, reconstructed to theater.

Čapková, Martina
Osobnosti kulturního života Plzně - Ladislav Sutnar a jeho odkaz v současné Plzni

The topic I chose for my bachelor thesis is the world-renowned designer, typographer and promotional artist Ladislav Sutnar. The aim of this thesis is to create a collection that would clearly present Sutnar's activities and works created in Pilsen and in the Pilsen region.�...

Kopecká, Vendula
Vliv pojetí pedagogického stylu učitele na vztah žáků ke studiu

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to answer the question whether the teacher´s enthusiasm and positive approach can affect students´ attitude to education. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part and summary of work results. Theoretical part focuses on the import...

Šporová, Markéta
Mary Wollstonecraft - postavení žen v 18. století

The thesis will focus on the writer Mary Wollstonecraft and her position in society in the 18th century. It will discuss her political, philosophical and pedagogical ideas, including, for example, the education of children or women's rights. Particular attention will be paid to ...

Korelusová, Michaela
Nástin pojetí emocí u J. P. Sartra

In my bachelor thesis I present the phenomenological theory of emotions according to the philosopher Jean Paul Sartre, which he described in his essay Sketch for a Theory of Emotions. In making this outline, I have tentatively followed the sequence of themes in the aforementio...

Zelenková, Nikola
Koncepce humanistické etiky v díle E. Fromma

The bachelor thesis deals with the concept of man and freedom in Erich Fromm and Benedikt Spinoza. The thesis shows how both authors view the connection between man and nature and what role it plays in the issue of freedom. At the same time, it focuses on the&#x...

Eretová, Denisa
Kulturní život v regionu - Mažoretky jako součást kultury a sportu v Plzeňském kraji

The topic of this bachelor thesis is Majorettes as a part of culture and sport in the Pilsen region. The aim of this thesis is how are majorettes used in the culture and sport in the Pilsen region and show the artistic and sport side of this activity.

Coufalík, Jiří
Vznik a vývoj kynické školy od Sókrata po Diogena ze Sinópy

This bachelor's thesis shows us, through the pivotal ideas of the ancient philosophers Socrates, Antisthenes and Diogenes, set in the contemporary cultural context, their fundamental influence on the development of the Cynic school. This influence is demonstrated here on several facts. T...

Ederová, Nikola
Péče o kulturní památky, Katedrála sv. Bartoloměje v Plzni

The bachelor's thesis deals with the monument care, which is explained on the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew in Pilsen. The first part contains a comprehensive view of the system of monument care in the Czech Republic, activities in the care of cultural monuments and the...

Port, Tomáš
Pojetí estetiky u Jana Mukařovského

The thesis will deal with aesthetics and especially with Jan Mukařovský's concept of aesthetics. The thesis will introduce the structuralist conception of aesthetics, which Jan Mukařovský describes in his studies. This is connected with the interpretation of the concepts that Jan Mukařov...

Kchol, Dominika
Integrace žáků s ADHD na druhém stupni základní školy

This bachelor thesis is focused on ADHD syndrome and an integration of children with ADHD in the upper primary school. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the terminology progress, definition of ADHD, information about sympto...

Németová, Jana
Odkaz starých mytologií v současné populární kultuře

This bachelor's thesis is devoted to the topic with the name The legacy of old mythologies in current popular culture. The subtitle that specifies this topic is the following: Thor, Loki and the twilight of the gods from the Marvel world and their norse roots. The...

Stahoňová, Lucie
Achnatonova náboženská reforma

The object of this bachelor's thesis is Akhenaten's religious reform in ancient Egypt, which implemented belief in one God Aton in polytheistic Egypt. The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to introduce the Amarna revolution times, the reasons which preceded the revolution, an...

Sýkorová, Lucie
Architektonické dědictví v západních Čechách (profánní stavby)

The thesis presents the development of theatre in Pilsen from both historical and cultural point of view. It captures the development of the first amateur theatre companies, which performed mainly in German. The first theatre building in Pilsen was built in 1832. From 1868 thi...

Vlasák, Dominik
Teorie společenské smlouvy v raném novověku: komparativní perspektiva

In my bachelor's thesis, I address theories of the social contract in the early modern period, looking specifically at theories from three prominent thinkers. These are Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. I devote a chapter to each theory in the thesis, where&#...

Chelaru, Michaela
Psychologické aspekty procesu asistované reprodukce

The bachelor's thesis focuses on the diagnosis of infertility, especially from the point of view of psychology. The process of experiencing infertility, typical experiences of men and women, coping strategies and social aspects of assisted reproduction are discussed in more detail. The&#...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 798