Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 798
Rosenbaumová, Eliška
Kantův kopernikánský obrat a transcendentální analytika

In this thesis, I present Kant's Copernican Revolution in connection with Transcendental Analytics from the Critique of Pure Reason. I introduced the philosophy of Transcendental Idealism, which does not deal with the investigation of the external world, but seeks a priori laws of&#...

Hrůza, Marek
Cheb v roce 1945

The main themes of this bachelor thesis represent significant historical events in the territory of Cheb during 1945. I give space to a brief introduction of the town, outlining the situation before the war period, the liberation of the town in April 1945, the eviction of...

Flegrová, Jana
Etika a evoluční teorie v díle Ch. Darwina

The work focuses on the concept of intersexual relations in the works of Charles Darwin. Besides Darwin's concept, the thesis also introduces the writings of his contemporaries, who took critical approaches to his works. These authors interpreted the principles of evolutionary theory...

Fiderová, Barbora
Člověk a věc v novověké filozofii racionalistické tradice

The bachelor thesis introduces the two main thinkers of modern rationalism, René Descartes and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, whose conception of the world based on metaphysical foundations is presented. The thesis therefore discusses concepts that are inherent in metaphysics, in particular being,&#x...

Kahounová, Karolína
Základní problémy etiky podle A. Schopenhauera

In this bachelor thesis the author focuses on the concept of ethics in the spirit of Arthur Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer answers the questions posed as the assignments of his competing writings, On the Freedom of the Will and On the Basis of Morality, and the author attempt...

Kosmannová, Kristýna
Etika péče

Introducing the ethics of care as a concept that overcomes the limitations of utilitarian and deontological approaches in the legitimation of power inequalities between the genders, particularly in the area of reproductive rights.

Hanelová, Michaela
Vnímání dopadů pandemie covid 19 u dětí v dětském domově

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and related anti-epidemic measures on the lives of children placed in children's homes. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate how this coronavirus pandemic and the measures associated with it have...

Calková, Anna-Marie
Mýtus o stvoření v severské a slovanské mytologii: srovnání s biblickou zprávou o stvoření

This work examines creation myths of Germanic people, Slavs and the biblical account of creation. In the work are presented surviving records of creation myths, their content and the circumstances of their recording. For a better understanding of the formation of these stories and&...

Boučková, Tereza
Piagetova psychologie morálního vývoje

The topic of this bachelor's thesis is Piaget's psychology of moral development and pointing out the connections between his theory of morality and the theory of Émile Durkheim. The aim of the work will be to bring their theories closer together and point out how ...

Málek, Zdeněk
Aristotelova koncepce duše

The bachelor thesis deals with the concept of the soul in the main ancient thin-kers Plato and his pupil Aristotle. The first part of the thesis defines the Platonic un-derstanding of the soul. The second part describes how Aristotle interprets the soul. The aim of this&#...

Jacko, Viktor
Analýza filosofického psaného dialogu

Analysis of written philosophical dialogue as a method and its individual signs, demonstration of these signs in specific dialogues with usage of other authors who also focus their work on philosophical dialogues.

Kovaříková, Viktorie
Jedno a mnohé. Představa jednoho boha v myšlenkovém prostředí starého Řecka.

The aim of this work is to show the possibility of existence of monotheism in the environment of polytheistic Ancient Greece. The thesis deals with the concept of Parmenides of Elea and Xenophanes of Colophon, as we find in their thought the very first explicit formulatio...

Bašťúr, Adam
Lidská přirozenost jako sebe-utvářecí proces

The concept of this qualification work is to look at the question of human nature. This subject is narrowed down to an assumption that the human nature is not a solid or given substance but rather a question that needs to be answered. This interpretation is then ...

Kůstková, Veronika
Platónova koncepce duše

The main topic of this work is Plato's conception of the soul, specifically its conception in his dialogues, especially in Faidón, Faidra and the Constitution. It contains a comparison of these three works and secondary sources. It further describes the significance of the...

Melzerová, Monika
Otázka viny a (ne)banalita zla - mezi Karlem Jaspersem a Hannah Arendt

The subject of the classification work is an analysis of the concept of guilt in the context of World War II from the perspectives of German thinkers Karel Jaspers and Hannah Arendt. First, Jaspers' stance is presented, which is abstracted from The Question of German ...

Poláčková, Pavla
Kulturní život v Klatovech v letech 1918 - 1938

The topic of my bachelor thesis is Cultural life in Klatovy in the years 1918-1938. I chose this focus because I am interested in life during the First Republic and the development of culture in Klatovy during this period. The work will be divided into four chapters:...

Žitná, Barbora
Koncepce humanistické etiky v díle E. Fromma

The bachelor thesis presents the humanistic ethics of Erich Fromm. Attention is also paid to Fromm's characterology, human nature, the process of individualization and the escape mechanisms that result from this process. The next part is devoted to the conscience and comparison of&#...

Valmová, Lenka
Kulturní život v regionu - Svatý Jan Nepomucký a reflexe jeho osobnosti a kultu v Nepomuku

The topic of my bachelor thesis is related to important personality of the Czech history, St. John of Nepomuk. It marginally describes his childhood, studies and working life, wich lead him up to his martyrdom. It also describes the origin of legends associated with the d...

Vilingrová kalná, Monika
Architekt Josef Škorpil a budova Západočeského muzea v Plzni

The topic of my bachelor's thesis tells about the life and lifelong work of Josef Škorpil and also about the West Bohemian Museum in Pilsen, which he founded and where he was director for many years. Josef Škorpil was born in Vysoké Mýto, but lived most of h...

Špačková, Laura
Piagetova psychologie morálního vývoje

This bachelor thesis deals with the theory of moral development presented by the Swiss researcher Jean Piaget. Firstly, the work focuses on his theory of cognitive development, which was criticized, for example, by psychologist L. S. Vygotskij. Subsequently, the work deals in more ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 798