Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Folejtarová, Emílie
Rituální čistota v islámu a judaismu (srovnávací studie). This thesis deals with ritual purity focused on eating habits in Islam and Judaism. Firstly it clarifies basic Jewish and Islamic terms related to the issue. Then it deals with specific restrictions and orders established by Sharia and Kashrut such as forbidden foods according ... |
Korbelík, Vojtěch
Osobnosti kulturního života Plzně - Adolf Loos a jeho vliv na plzeňskou kulturu The bachelor thesis focuses on the important architect Adolf Loos with his influence on the Pilsen culture. The thesis summarizes the life of the architect together with a closer description of the realizations he created in Pilsen and their restoration. It further explains the... |
Ebermannová, Vanessa - Diana
Pojetí posmrtného života v polyteistických náboženstvích. The bachelor thesis will deal with the concept of the afterlife in the polytheistic religions of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Their basic features and main deities will be introduced in separate chapters, but emphasis will be placed on the concept of the afterlife in these... |
Pitlíková, Jana
Rodová identita, její utváření a význam v pojetí Sigmunda Freuda a Nancy Chodorowové The bachelor thesis deals with the basic features of Nancy Chodorow's psychoanalytic conception and her view on the development of moral psychology, especially in equal parenting and the role of motherhood. Attention is also paid to the critique of Sigmund Fred's views concernin... |
Rýdlová, Tereza
Dr. Bohuslav Horák a jeho přínos ke vzniku muzea v Rokycanech The aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce a person significant for Rokycany, Dr. Bohuslav Horak, his life, contribution to the establishment of the museum in Rokycany and also his work until his death. |
Borčová, Renáta
Operace "Kovboj" a operace americké armády na Domažlicku na jaře 1945 The bachelor thesis deals with the description of Operation Cowboy, which was carried out by the US Army in the spring of 1945 in order to save the stud farm in Hostoun. The thesis is divided into three chapters in addition to the introduction and conclusion. The... |
Sadílek, Pavel
Dějiny a současnost Relikviáře sv. Maura The thesis presents the reliquary of St. Maurus in the context of medieval goldsmithing objects with a religious theme. It describes the individual parts of the reliquary, goldsmith technique and a rich iconographic program on enamel plates and reliefs, which presents stories of th... |
Šoul, Vladimír
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: etický rozměr v jeho dílech v kontextu dobového myšlení. This paper focuses on chosen central concepts of author´s philosophy in context of ethics & the goal is to confirm or deny the proposition, that author redefines traditional philosophical concepts, mainly in comparison to contemporary thinking and discourse. |
Hubálková, Tereza
Pojetí duše a posmrtného života ve starověkém Řecku a Římě The theme of the Bachelor thesis is The Concept of the Soul and the Afterlife in Ancient Greece and Rome. The main objective will be to create a comprehensive picture of the two countries on selected topics so as to provide an all-embracing view of the religious ... |
Kodýtková, Markéta
Osobnosti kulturního života v Plzni - Vybraní architekti, kteří ovlivnili podobu města v první třetině 20. století The topic of the bachelor's thesis are personalities of Pilsen culture, more precisely personalities of architecture, who influenced the appearance of the city in the first third of the 20th century. The aim of the work is to capture the transformation and form of Pilsen... |
Hessová, Adéla
Vodní hrad Švihov The topic of the bachelor's thesis is the Švihov water castle with a focus on history, a description of the monument and a description of the restoration work that took place in the place from the period after the Second World War and continues today. The first... |
Bejvlová, Anna
Pojetí estetiky u Jana Mukařovského The topic of this bachelor's thesis is the concept of aesthetics of Jan Mukařovský, a famous Czech theoretician who, in addition to aesthetics, also worked in the field of literary theory. The aim of this work is to present his basic aesthetic conception conceived through&... |
Izakovič, Jan
Tragický konflikt. Interpretace Iásona a Médeie v Eurípidově dramatu. Bachelor thesis "Tragic conflict. The interpretation of Jason and Media in Euripides' drama "deals with the analysis of one of the classical figures of ancient theater. It analyzes Medea's relationship from a mythological basis to a dramatic elaboration from Euripido. It ex... |
Tvrz, Jan
Problém demarkace ve filosofii vědy This work is examining of demarcation problem in philosophy of science. The aim is to introduce discourse on demarcation from recent period of time. The departure point of this work is article from Larry Laudan "The demise of Demarcation Problem", and his position, that... |
Paulasová, Natálie
Jiří Kylián - jeho tvorba a přínos do světa kultury This thesis deals with the artistic work of the world-renowned choreographer Jiří Kylián in an effort to contextualize his work into the cultural and social environments. Through theoretical knowledge, the author tries to grasp the essence of Kylián's modern ballets, and find the... |
Fronková, Simona
Antropologické a sociokulturní aspekty v teoriích emocí This bachelor's thesis focuses on anthropological and sociocultural aspects in theories of emotions. We worked with literature, that focuses on concepts of emotions. The goal of this thesis was to point out the similarities between psychological and anthropological concepts of emotions. ... |
Švadlenková, Jana
Smysly a poznání v myšlení Hérakleita z Efesu This work deals with the senses and knowledge of the archaic Greek thinker Heraclitus of Ephesus. First, I deal with the meanings of the word logos, as it is traditionally understood as the central concept of Heraclitus' thought. The main part of the work is based... |
Kopčová, Anna
Výklad mýtu o stvoření světa z knihy Genesis - komparace pohledu ateistických evolucionistů, kreacionistů a věřících evolucionistů This bachelor thesis deals with the myth of the creation of the world according to the book of Genesis.My goal will be to compare how this myth can be responded in today's time and if is the biblical myth of the creation of the world compatible with the ... |
Fišerová, Kateřina
Platónova a Aristotelova koncepce státu This bachelor thesis, its topic is Plato and Aristotle's conception of state, is dedicated to analysis and sequential comparison of ideas of two significant philosophers of Ancient Greece. These ideas, inherent in Plato's and Aristotle's Politics and The Nicomachean Ethics, include... |
Jägerová, Ivana
Aristotelovo dělení věd My BA is about Aristotle's structure of sciences. First, my work explains the concept of an epistémé, which is important to Aristotle in this subject, and which is often not quite accurately translated as "science," "knowledge," or "understanding." Subsequently, I... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy