Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kaderová, Kristýna
Pojetí podsvětí v severské a řecké mytologii The Bachelor's thesis The Conception of the Underworld in Northern and Greek Mythology deals with the ideas of the underworld in Germanic, Finnish and Greek mythology. It briefly describes the origin and basic principles of functioning of these mythologies. The main part of the... |
Delić, Lamija
Paradox osobní identity u D. Huma, J. Locka a P. Ricoeura The aim of this bachelor thesis is to understand the term of personal identity through three main philosophers John Locke, David Hume, and Paul Ricoeur. The first part is focused on explaining the terms identity and identifications in general. In the second part, I am... |
Vernerová, Kateřina
Herecká postava v pojetí Pražské školy The main goal of the bachelor's thesis is to present the concepts of the actor's structure of selected representatives of the Prague School, i.e. Otakar Zich, Jan Mukařovský and Petr Bogatyrev, and this concepts compare mutually. In the first part of the thesis, selected... |
Buriancová, Nikola
Historie dřevařství na Šumavě. Palivové dříví jako kulturně - ekonomický fenomén. This bachelor's thesis dealt with part of the history of woodworking in Šumava with a focus on firewood, as a cultural and economic phenomenon. The work had a theoretical and practical part.The theoretical part presents the conception differences in the term of wood, describes&... |
Rondevaldová, Jana
Kritika Freudova pojetí člověka a morálky This bachelor's thesis deals with a critique of Freud´s conception of man and morality. It deals with selected views based on feminism, psychoanalysis and existentialism. The feminist critique is based on the work of Karen Horney, Nancy Chodorow, Carol Gilligan. It is focused o... |
Klingerová, Kristýna
Renesanční radnice Plzeňského kraje - radnice měst Stříbra a Plzně This bachelor thesis deals with town halls in the Pilsen region. Pilsen City Hall and Stříbro City Hall. The first part of the thesis describes the town hall, which is located in Pilsen. In this part, the town hall exterior, interior, reconstruction of the building during... |
Bartošová, Lenka
O smrti jako nedílné součásti života: Křesťanství a Buddhismus Comparison of acceptance on death from the perspective of Christianity and Buddhism. Comparison of the time of dying, death and the time after death. Christianity in terms of religion and Buddhism as a guide to life. In Buddhism the Diamond Way i.e. Vadrayana has been... |
Šťastná, Kristýna
Estetická výchova v pojetí Otakara Hostinského This thesis is focused on aesthetics and aesthetical education. I tried to describe opinions of Otakar Hostinský who was famous Czech professor and aesthetician. According to Otakar Hostinský, art is important for people, it can entertain them and it also helps them to relax. ... |
Baxová, Martina
Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie v Mariánských Lázních Around the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the most important church building in Mariánské Lázně, a microworld has emerged which documents the religious, social and also historical development of the whole area and in which the Premonstratensian monastery of Teplá play... |
Böhmová, Martina
Otázky filozofické antropologie a psychologie: Rozhovor z hledisek filozofie a psychologie (spec. "nenásilná komunikace"). - Otázky nenásilné komunikace The work deals with issues of communication, which are conversation, nonviolent communication, transformational communication, couple communication, advice for streamlining communication, shortcomings in communication. |
Kulhánková, Karolína
Pohřební rituály v antice Bachelor's thesis with his funeral rituals in ancient Greece and Rome. Working with mythological images of Greeks and Romans, viewing funeral practices, using burial. Another deals with selected archaeological finds and burials currently in Greece and Italy. At work is the best buri... |
Zenkerová, Aneta
Otázka lidské "plasticity" In this bachelor thesis, I focused on the topic of human plasticity from a biological, psychological and philosophical perspective. The work is divided into two parts. The first part delineates the theory and philosophy of upbringing and its possibilities in cultural and social con... |
Kubátová, Eliška
Pojetí podsvětí v polyteistických náboženstvích: Egypt a Řecko This work deals with underworld in ancient Greek and middle empire of Egypt. Explains the basics of both religions and their gods, and short history of both religions. Further it deals with underworld itself, how both cultures described him in myths, creatures that lived there... |
Grebeníčková, Karina
Pražský klášter Na Slovanech v památkové péči This thesis describes monastery Na Slovanech, especially collects information about object. Thesis summarizes history of the monastery, describes object including adjacent parts of abbey and focuses on artistic equipment of the object. Description includes Emauzy cycle and embellishment of Beuron ... |
Školová, Eva
Léta 1989 a 1990 v Blovicích. Od sametové revoluce k prvním demokratickým volbám The bachelor´s thesis deals with the course and consequences of the Velvet Revolution in Blovice, a town on the south of Pilsen region. The thesis is devided into three parts. In the first part outlines the image of the city before the Velvet Revolution - poltical re... |
Matějková, Tereza
Morálka, sociobiologie a teorie sobeckého genu This bachelor thesis deals with the field of sociobiology and the selfish gene theory with regard to morality. It is based on the text On Human Nature by E. O. Wilson and on text The Selfish Gene by R. Dawkins. It presents the origin and development of the ... |
Nocarová, Vendula
Lidové zvyky a tradice v cyklu liturgického roku na Klatovsku The final thesis is focused on the research of folk traditions and customs in the Klatovy region in the cycle of the liturgical year in the context of their origin in Czech culture. The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyze these individual folk traditions... |
Sládková, Kristýna
Filosofické aspekty psychologie morálky podle Carol Gilliganové The aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce Carol Gilligan and her theory within moral psychology. The theory will be compared to historically prior theories in this realm. The final part of the thesis will evaluate Carol Gilligan's contribution to moral psychology. |
Tesařová, Barbora
Posvátná místa křesťanství: Křížové cesty The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to present a set of fourteen stops of the Stations of the Cross. First, bachelor's thesis will focuse with the issue of the origin of the Stations of the Cross, their history and Calvary as a place of pilgrimage. The ... |
Uhlík, Jiří
Maxmilián Kolbe a pojem křesťanské oběti resp. sebeobětování This thesis is focused on the study of the term sacrifice in the specific life story of Maximilian Kolbe. The first part of this thesis interprets the life of Kolbe himself. The continuous service to the Virgin Mary and highlighting his brave act of sacrificing his l... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy