Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Trnka, Tomáš
Mystično v díle raného Wittgensteina The main goal of the bachelor's thesis is to explore elements of mysticism in the philosophy of early Wittgenstein and to emphasize the influence of prose, poetry and drama on Wittgenstein's thought. In the first part of the thesis, Wittgenstein's mysticism is set in... |
Hirschlová, Adéla
Kulturní krajina a drobné památky regionu Líšťanska This bachelor deals with the cultural landscape of the Líšťansko region. The work is divided into several chapters, in which I deal with the history of the village, small monuments with subchapters about specific monuments in the village. There are also chapters focused on the... |
Kemrová, Lucie
Úzkost v psychologii a filosofii The bachelor thesis is focusing on anxiety topic. In the thesis is teoreticly summarized definition of anxiety, defined a concept of anxiety disorder, stated specific examples of anxiety disorders. There i salso presented a philosophical point of view on the topic. In the practical... |
Marhanová, Zuzana
Úloha regionálních muzeí v péči o kulturní dědictví - Národopisné muzeum Plzeňska, pobočka Západočeského muzea v Plzni, příspěvková organizace. Bachelor's thesis deals with the role of regional museums in the care of cultural heritage with a focus on the Ethnographic Museum of Pilsen. The aim is to provide summary information about activities and role of the Ethnographic Museum in Pilsen in the field of cultu... |
Ambrožová, Lenka
Lidský život a jeho hodnota v pojetí Petera Singera The aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce Peter Singer's thoughts on the value of human life and his attitude towards certain controversial bioethical issues - abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. The thesis covers Singer's critique of the "sanctity of life" pr... |
Kodedová, Anna
Teorie emocí ve filosofii / psychologii The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to provide a basic overview of the issue of emotions and to try to establish if at all, and in what measure do animals have basic emotions. At the beginning the thesis pays attention to the basic outline of emotions as a... |
Matějka, Jiří
Tradice a zvyky v období adventu v západních Čechách The bachelor thesis will focus on the description of traditions and customs associated with the Advent period. Based on the study of secondary literature, the author first briefly outlines the history and causes of the formation of the Advent period of the liturgical calendar... |
Bendová, Petra
Alžbětinská literární kultura II. William Shakespeare: úvahy o smrti ( inspirace kontinentální filosofií - např. Philippe de Mornay, Michel de Montaigne) This work briefly outlines the political system in Elizabethan times and the government of Henry VIII. and his children (Mary I., Edward VI., Elizabeth I.). The development of poetry, sonnets, or drama is pointed out, for their work the playwrights drew inspiration from French ... |
Kish, Sergej
Problém Svobodné vůle This theses supports a claim, according to which the free will dabate is relevant for lay people. This is realized by showing the possibility of justified punishment of determinated, i.e. not free, persons. Because of this possibility it follows, that informing lay people about... |
Houdková, Lucie
Kardinál František Tomášek a jeho přínos církvi v době komunismu The bachelor thesis will deal with the contribution of Cardinal František Tomášek to the Catholic Church in the time of communism. The aim of the work will be to point out the cardinal's important role in the history of the Czechoslovak Church. In my work I will&... |
Janotová, Aneta
Otázky srovnání psychoanalytického a gestaltterapeutického přístupu v psychoterapii z hlediska gestaltterapeutů This bachelor's thesis compares two approaches to psychotherapy: psychoanalysis and Gestalttherapy. The two approaches are compared on two different levels: theory and practice. First, the theoretical character structure in the context of the two above approaches is introduced, drawing predominant... |
Květoňová, Lenka
Loretánská kaple v Rumburku This bachelor thesis is devoted to the phenomenon that spread throughout Europe in the Baroque period, thanks to the efforts of popular devotion for the most faithful imitation. The Santa Casa was originally just a simple (humble) dwelling in Nazareth, where the Annunciation and... |
Štas, Petr
Argumenty francouzských existencialistů o smysluplnosti lidské existence The Bachelor thesis deals with the meaningfulness of human existence in the arguments of French existentialists. The greatest attention is focused on Albert Camus, who declared our existence meaningless. Gabriel Marcel opposes this argument, finding the meaning of our existence in hope. ... |
Dohrmannová, Jana
Transpersonální psychologie a náboženství - Stanislav Grof Bachelor thesis deals with an objective evaluation of a transpersonal psychology, which is a new direction in a field of psychology. It introduces a character, opinions and results of lifelong research in a field of consciousness of its founder, psychologist and psychiatrist of Cze... |
Hušák, Jan
Koncepce humanistické etiky v díle Ericha Fromma This bachelor thesis is about the concept of humanistic ethics by Erich Fromm. The role of the process of individualization is presented, with its associated influence on the freedom, feelings and position of a human being in the world. Special focus is given to biologic... |
Čížek, Daniel
Mikuláš z Autrecourtu - středověký atomista This bachelor's thesis is focused on the atomism of late medieval scholar Nicholas of Autrecourt (born between 1295 or 1298, died 1369). The main source of the description of atomistic conception was mainly taken from his treatise Exigit ordo. |
Zinnerová, Kateřina
Vědomí a subjektivní zkušenost This bachelor thesis attempts to provide a closer look at the meditation phenomenon and the changes of consciousness, which are consequent upon this issue. The historical development of mind and body in philosophy and psychology is described in the introduction of the thesis. After... |
Veselá, Lucie
Komunikace a znakové systémy nevidomých The object of the Bachelor thesis is the problem of communication of a specific group of people, the blind. The thesis is only theoretical and is divided into three main parts which are technological, psychological and philosophical aspects of communication of the blind. The i... |
Tichý, Igor
Motivace a výkonnost pracovníků ve službách a obchodu. The theme I have chosen for my bachelor thesis is Motivation of workers in service and trade. I have layed down four claims for my research, which will be verified by data collection from questionnaire. I want to express the stand of subjects towards their job and... |
Suchardová, Johana
Romano Guardini o evropské kultuře a umění The bachelor is devoted to the considerations of the German-Italian Christian thinker and theologian of the 20th century, Roman Guardini. This bachelor is focused on the study of Guardini's relation to the European culture. The bachelor introduces Guardini's reflections on art, intro... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy