Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vávrová, Kristýna
Útrpné právo a hrdelní tresty v českém raném novověku. This bachelor thesis deals with the issue of torture and capital judiciary of the Czech early modern period. The main focus is on how ugly the society at that time forced the confession of ordinary people and the list of capital punishments for certain offenses. Attention... |
Loužilová, Anna
Historie dřevařství na Šumavě The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the changes in the territory of the Dlouhá Ves and the Kašperské Hory in connection with timber industry. The city Kašperské Hory and village Dlouhá Ves were founded in the 13th century and were influenced by a num... |
Staněk, Přemysl
Expanze křesťanství v Novém světě The main Topic of this bachelor is the process of expansion of christian religion and the process of colonization in the North America. The process of turning people to the christian belief was spreded in the whole world, but only in North Ameriva was connected with ... |
Sommerová, Adéla
Behaviorismus ve filosofii mysli This bachelor thesis focuses on the origin and historical development of behaviourism in the philosophical and psychological field. This thesis aims are to point at reasons of its origin and contribution to the current research of the human mind. This bachelor thesis describes... |
Pelzerová, Denisa
Psychologické a psychosociální potřeby seniorů The bachelor's thesis is concerned with the psychological and psychosocial needs of seniors. The main target of this bachelor thesis was to analyze psychological and psychosocial needs of seniors in literature. In the practical part of the thesis such findings will be compared ... |
Blažková, Jesika
Fenomén nevědomí This bachelor thesis concentrate on one of the most discussed topics of psychology in general. The attention will be focused on the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. The central theme of the work is unconsciousness. According to the author, the existence of the unconsciousn... |
Divišová, Alžběta
Relativismus ve filosofii Paula Feyerabenda This bachelor thesis tries to introduce the term "relativism" and to outline its diversity. At the beginning of my work I have focused on relativism and I tried to explain its definitions - co-variance definition, definition by contrast and hidden parameter definition. &... |
Jandusová, Veronika
Rozvoj vědy a umění na dvoře Filipa II. The main theme of this bachelor thesis is the performance of Philip II and his relationship to the development of science and art. The mythology of his person and of Spain is presented there. It is also devoted to discovering the New World and exploiting its natural&... |
Fejsáková, Sabina
Fenomén smrti v islámu a v křesťanství The bachelor thesis The Phenomenon of death in Islam and Christianity deals with the phenomenon of death from the religious point of view. This thesis aims to introduce the phenomenon of death, in terms of differences and similarities, in both Islam and Christianity. At first,... |
Kurbangalieva, Alisa
Víra vrozená vs. víra získaná: Debata v kognitivní vědě o náboženství In my work I was engaged in the analysis of theories in the discourse of the cognitive science of religion. The first theory of religion as a by-product of evolution is the presence of innate mechanisms for creating, discovering and transmitting the idea of God or an... |
Čtveráková, Radka
Popperova metoda falsifikace The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce the problems of the method of falsification of Karl Raimund Popper through the interpretation of the book Logic of Scientific Research. The thesis is focused only on selected topics of Popper's methodology, which include ... |
Řezáčová, Barbora
Jindřich Plachta - český divadelní a filmový herec, spisovatel This thesis describes the life of the Czech actor and writer Jindrich Solle Plachta. The thesis is divided into three parts, which are focused on his career as the office manager, writer, and particularly theatre and film actor, in which he was very appreciated for his... |
Götzová, Jitka
Vývoj pravidel etikety v divadelním prostředí na přelomu 20. a 21. století The main subject of this bachelor thesis is to describe and to compare the evolution of ethics rules in the Czech theatre environment from the 20th century up to the present. In the theoretical part of this thesis is the description of opinions made by expert, who... |
Bejvlová, Anna
Odraz heydrichiády na stránkách plzeňských novin a časopisů The bachelor thesis entitled Reflection of Heydrich on the pages of Pilsen newspapers and magazines is divided into six chapters. In the first part of the thesis I characterize the position of the period press, which is then divided into legal and illegal printing. In the... |
Kohoutová, Tereza
Etiketa v interkulturním srovnání se zaměřením na gastronomii - česko-francouzské srovnání This work compares the intercultural differences in the etiquette focus on gastronomy between the Czech Republic and France. It compares whether these two countries differ in dining, in the seating plan, or whether they are different to certain types of food. |
Jirásková, Jana
Benediktini v Českých zemích Sázavský klášter The presented bachelor thesis primarily treats the historical development of Benedictine monasticism in the Czech lands, with focus on the formation and the fates of the Sázava monastery. It also briefly describes the development of both eastern and western monkhood up to the found... |
Černohorský, Jan
K otázkám Nietzscheho pojetí pravdy This thesis deals with Nietzsche's conception of truth in his early philosophical period. For this purpose, in the thesis are first interpreted information from the work On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense, which are subsequently completed with selected information from the w... |
Švec, Michal
Cesta ke spáse lidstva pohledem Petra Chelčického (v kontextu rozdílných pohledů na spásu v jeho době) The aim of this thesis is to give a Petr Chelčický's comprehensive view on the salvation of mankind step by step in context of other views on the subject in his time. Chelčický's attitudes are compared with the opinions of Jan Hus and the Church of thei... |
Chrenová, Martina
Problém interpretace v koncepci Umberta Eca In the introduction, I briefly describe Ecov's biography. In the next part, I focus directly on the problem of interpretation in the works of Umberto Eca. Based on these works, I mention and explain the terms and literary-term terms that are central to Ecov's interpret... |
Laštovka, David
Regionální instituce a jejich činnost This work is aimed to bring the explanation if the pharmacies were specialized during centuries it compares three regional pharmacies U Bílého jednorožce Klatovy, U Bílého jednorožce Plzeň, U Anděla Strážce Kralovice. It studies the plant treatmens at each of the pharmacy and looks... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy