Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Štěch, David
Otázka morálky u Friedricha Nietzscheho The bachelor thesis deals with the question of morality in the works by Friedrich Nietzsche and briefly describes Nietzsche's concept of Christianity with regard to Nietzsche's interpretation of Jesus and St. Paul. |
Svobodová, Vendula
Etická teorie J. S. Milla The subject of this bachelor thesis is the presentation of John Stuart Mill's ethics theory. The main point here is the presentation of utilitarianism, as a philosophical direction, for which the greatest possible happiness is the greatest achievement for as many people as poss... |
Nedvědová, Marie
Vývojové teorie náboženství: Émile Durkheim a James Goerge Frazer Frazer and Durkheim are two important people that helped wiht the development of religion as a field of science. Durkheim has studied the origin and acts of behavior in totemism. His studies show religion as a given part of society where faith evolves and is strenghtened&... |
Routová, Klára
Krásná duše a její opak v literatuře a estetickém cítění romantismu The work firstly introduce the term of "beautiful soul" in German aesthetic thinking, especially in Friedrich Schiller, in connection with his concept of possible harmonious connection of sense and spirituality in man. Schiller, however, stands on the threshold of modernity, where ... |
Rambousková, Lucie
Cisterciácké poutní místo Velehrad The aim of the work is to give a comprehensive view of the history of velehrad monastery. The work is focused on the origin of the cistercian order, through the action of the order in the Czech lands specifically in Moravia, the history of christianity and its&... |
Suchanová, Kateřina
Sofoklova tragédie Antigoné v úvahách moderních myslitelů The bachelor thesis deals with the question why Sofokles's tragedy of Antigone attracts modern thinkers why they are returning to artistic material and form that is far from today's people. At present, the philosophical texts of Jan Patočka and Martha Craven Nussbaum are pr... |
Korbel, Štěpán
Pojetí vznešena v díle Arthura Schopenhauera This bachelor's thesis deals with aesthetics and metaphysics of art. The first part introduces the key words of the will and representation related to knowledge. The second part is devoted to important themes, including the value of art and the importance of ideas in art.&... |
Machanderová, Petra
Objevení Nového světa a proměny renesanční filosofie a vědy The main topic of this bachelor thesis is the discovery of the New World and the change of Renaissance philosophy and science. The main attention will be paid to the reflection on the New World´s discovery in works of Francis Bacon. (in his works New Organon, New... |
Kovář, Václav
Heideggerovo putování za smyslem bytí This bachelor thesis is named Heidegger's Question of the Sense of Being and it deals with the conception of being by Martin Heidegger. Primary literature used for this work is Heidegger's early piece Being and time. This work aims to interpret Heidegger's original appr... |
Liptáková, Veronika
Otázky smyslu konceptu duše (duše, já a osoba) The bachelor thesis deals with the concept of soul. Within the concept of the soul are presented individual approaches of philosophers. The second part of the thesis deals with concepts related to grasping and describing the inner mental world of man, it is the concept of... |
Malá, Michaela
Mariánské poutní místo Skoky u Žlutic The bachelor thesis deals with the phenomenon of Marian respect and the pilgrimage site Skoky u Zlutic. The aim of this work is to present a coherent and relevant view on the development and importance in the local dimension of the important pilgrimage site Skoky u Ž... |
Havránková, Eva
Estetické pozice v esejích Adolfa Loose This bachelor thesis deals with the asthetic opinions of architect Adolf Loos in his essays. It focuses is on the relation of beauty and usefulness. An attention is focused as wel on it, in what context he express about aesthetic opinions and what importance he attributes... |
Hromiaková, Hana
Zkoumání přírody mílétských myslitelů The bachelor thesis deals with the philosophy of Milesian thinkers, whose main representatives are Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes. The aim of the thesis is to introduce the basic ideas of these philosophers and at the end their comparison. |
Čížková, Taťána
Osobnost v humanistické psychologii The thesis is focused on the origin of humanistic psychology and the introduction of Carl R. Rogers and his "human centred approach." The philosophical principles of humanistic psychology, that were laid by the figures of phenomenology and existentialism, are revealed. In the... |
Hájková, Dominika
Sociální epistemologie: ideje a diskuze This work will focus on the study of the prerequisites for social epistemology and its place in contemporary philosophy. In the first part I will analyze the philosophical roots of the concept in the works of René Descart, Francis Bacon and David Hume. The second part... |
Červená, Martina
Sigmund Freud a William James a jejich přínos psychologii náboženství The Bachelor thesis deals with psychological perspectives on religion which are described by means of two different theories. The introductory part of the thesis defines extent of fields of psychology, religion and psychology of religion. Next two chapters introduce W. James and S. ... |
Trojan, Radim
Fenomén neupřímnosti v Sartrově filosofii This bachelor thesis aims to uncover the roots of Sartre's existentialism through interpretation of the first chapter of his main philosophical work called Being and Nothingness. This thesis should also present a way of looking at Sartre's thinking, which derives itself from... |
Baldassarri, Jvan
Pojetí slabého myšlení ve filosofii Gianniho Vattima The aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce Gianni Vattimo's thought work and concept of weak thinking and to include it in the context of philosophical thinking of the late 19th century in relation to deontologisation of thinking, linguistic turn and postmodern discussions... |
Szilágyi, Teodor
Filosofie Augustina Smetany The main aim of this thesis is to present Augustin Smetana's metaphysical concept of the origin and extinction of spirit and its issues. In his most significant work, The Origin and Extinction of Spirit, Smetana puts the concept of spirit into a much broader context t... |
Linhartová, Andrea
Thomas Kuhn a Ludwik Fleck: komparativní studie The main aim of this work is a comparison of Kuhn's concept of science developed in his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions with a view of science presented by Polish microbiologist Ludwik Fleck in his work Entstehung und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache. The w... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy