Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Havlíková, Nela
Metodologie a noetika přírodovědeckého poznání v pojetí české filosofky Albíny Dratvové and introduce the methodological approach of the first Czech female philosopher of science. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the topic of Czech positivism. Alongside with Dratvova I analyze other Czech positivists, however, I show that Dratvova never considered herself to be a positivist.... |
Matějková, Monika
Svatý Vojtěch a projevy svatovojtěšské úcty (na vybraných příkladech z Přešticka) This bachelor thesis deals with with the life of our second Prague´s bishop St.Vojtěch. We try to reconstruct Vojtěch´s life to understand the reasons for manifestations of St.Vojtěch´s adoration. These manifestations are in the centre of attention in this thesis, among oth... |
Kartýsková, Lenka
Obchodní etiketa v interkulturním srovnání se zaměřením na německé jazykové prostředí The aim of this study is to compare the intercultural differences in business etiquette. In the theoretical part was defined cultural and communication context. There outlined the distribution of cultural dimensions most authors involved in research in this area. This work addresses asp... |
Bukovanová, Veronika
Arabská filozofie a matematika The Arab philosophy and mathematics between the 7th and 10th century is an integral part of the cultural, religious, philosophical and mathematical heritage of the mankind. At the time of the migration crisis, Arabic studies are of key importance as they help ups to understand... |
Blažeková, Sandra
Estetické názory Friedricha Nietzscheho This work is focusing on Friedrich Nietzsche´s conception of art in his early period, particularly on art as greek tragedy, music and poetry. The development of his ideas is taken into account and of course, who influenced him most. |
Kopkášová, Aneta
Etiketa ve školním prostředí (interkulturní srovnání) This Bachelor thesis describing basic definition of etiquette. Object of this thesis is description of school and university label. Another main effort my thesis is comparison labels in three Central European countries, which are Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. As well as the ... |
Chroust, Jiří
Utopie komunikace. Hledání dokonalého/univerzálního jazyka v renesanci a novověku The bachelor thesis titled Utopia of Communication is concerned with searching for the perfect language in European history in the Renaissance and modern times. The aim of this work is a presentation and analysis of specific efforts to find the perfect, or to create a uni... |
Zábranská, Monika
Středověký sakrální prostor a jeho symbolika - Komparace katedrály v Salisbury a katedrály v Sedlci This thesis is a comparison of Salisbury Cathedral and the Cistercian Cathedral in Sedlec. In the beginning of my work I introduce the English Gothic and Gothic of Cistercian. Then I will describe Salisbury Cathedral. After that there will be a chapter about the Cistercian... |
Baranová, Miroslava
Bergsonova koncepce umění In this thesis, we analyze aesthetic systém of 19th century French philosopher Henri Bergson. The study aims to present Henri Bergson´s opinions concerning art. We analyze Bergson´s philosophy in this works with emphasis on aesthetic problem, which is solved in this works. Main par... |
Hráchová, Gabriela
Kosmologie Miléťanů This work aims to explain cosmology of Miletian. In the work there is explained the question of primary substance, cosmology, cosmogony and meteorology. Primary doxography is interpreted by secondary literature. |
Fraňková, Kateřina
Herakleitos a jeho pojetí duše The theme of this work is Heraclitus' conception of the soul and our aim was to analyze this concept. The doctrine of Heraclitus includes many images, on which we see concrete examples, which try to show us certain not manifested truths of this world. Soul surely ... |
Kadlecová, Lucie
Problém poznání v pojetí D. Huma The bachelor´s thesis is to analyze the epistemological reflections of modern philosopher David Hume in the context of the concept of John Locke and Immanuel Kant. The work is divided into three main sections, the most comprehensive is the middle chapter of David Hume, who... |
Linc, Petr
Platónské výstupy za poznáním v dialozích Ústava a Symposion The aim of this bachelor thesis is to interpret anabasis to knowledge in the dialogues Republic, Symposion and Phaedros. In these three dialogues is occuring different anabis, which I described in my thesis. In Republic I mention five levels, in which the last one is idea... |
Böerová, Kristýna
Proměny koncepce ušlechtilého divocha v kontextu filosofického myšlení 16.-18. století This bachelor thesis is concerned about concept of the Noble Savage, its changes and roots of this theory (Las Casas, Michel de Montaigne) in 16th - 18th century. Further I will be examine idea of the Golden Age and natural state. Aim of this bachelor thesis is ... |
Kovalová, Dominika
Role muže a ženy v Shakespearových komediích a poezii v kontextu alžbětinské literární kultury The topic of this bachelor thesis is the Role of men and women in Shakespeare's comedies and poetry in the context of Elizabethan literary culture. The main purpose of this thesis is to analyse Shakespeare's works in which are topics like the superiority of men or... |
Kynkalová, Martina
Problém poznání v pojetí R. Descarta This bachelor thesis deals with a philosopher R. Descartes and his conception of knowledge. The objective of this piece was to reflect Descartes´ specific aproach to questions about epistemology. I accomplished this objective with a use of interpretation of his four fundamental publicat... |
Koreisová, Eva
Odraz doby v hudbě Fryderyka Chopina a Bedřicha Smetany The thesis brings a closer look at life and work of the two prominent composers, and a reflection of romantism in their work. The main focus is put on Fryderyk Chopin and Bedrich Smetana, composers of whose are used to demonstrate essential features of the artificial ... |
Mertlová, Lenka
Ontogeneze a morální vývoj podle J. Piageta a jeho kritiků This bachelor thesis is focused on Piaget's concept of moral development and its critics, especially Lawrence Kohlberg and Eleanor Maccoby. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part contains of definition of morality and terms related to it. Next part is focused... |
Bandíková, Veronika
Lyotardova kritika velkých příběhů Bachelor thesis focuses on concept of the term "postmodern" and Lyotard´s criticism of metanarratives and its hight importance to the concept of the postmodernism. Bachelor thesis interprets and compares with each other four concepts of the postmodern - J.-F. Lyotard´s, Z. Bauman´s... |
Hančarová, Tereza
Odezva Masarykovy filosofie v českém pozitivismu Positivism undoubtedly was one of the most important philosophical theory of the 19. Century in Europe, and its form was given in the Czech lands too; except positivism there was still a idealism. And both these philosophical theories can be found in connection with Masaryk;&#... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy