Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kolářová, Andrea
Renesanční přírodní filosofie: Magia naturalis a philosophia naturalis v kontextu renesančního vědění The theme of my bachelor's thesis is the "Renaissance Magic", primarily the concept of magic of Agrippa of Nettesheim and Giordano Bruno. The introductory chapter of my thesis deals with the Renaissance epoch and I focus on the characteristic of the renaissance magic ... |
Baloghová, Lucie
Edward T. Hall - chronemika The aim of this bachelor thesis was to explain the communication, its use in specific nations and use in practice. Work shows many of the typical behavior of cultures, I explain mainly by their concept of time, but also gestures and other nonverbal expressions. I also... |
Valdmanová, Eliška
Filosofie a postmoderní výtvarné umění This undergraduate thesis addresses the issue of the relationship between philosophy and postmodern visual arts. It captures basic characteristic features of postmodern esthetics. The focus is primarily on an analysis of J.-F. Lyotard's concept and his categories of distinguished and unpresen... |
Csukás, David
Barokní sakrální prostor a jeho symbolika: premonstrátský klášter Teplá The bachelor's thesis is focussed on the relationship of the Premonstratensian monastery in Teplá with its founder Blessed Hroznata, with special attention being paid to the creation of the cult of this personality. The cult is analysed from the point of view of rewriting ... |
Býna, Marcel
Františkáni v Chebu (1945 - 1950) This work is dedicated to the history of Franciscan Order in Cheb with emphasis on the period from 1945 to 1950. I described the history and the structure of the Order. I was occupied with the advent of minorities in Cheb and their lives from the 13th century&#x... |
Vítková, Petra
Antigoné: poetika moderních adaptací (Brecht, Anouilh, Uhde) In the bachelor thesis I introduced Sophocles´ famous tragedy Antigoné and its reflection in adaptations of three dramatists of the 20th century. At first I focused on the cultural-historical context in which Sophocles´ drama was created. Then I introduced particular characteristics of ... |
Tumpach, Pavel
Barokní stavby v kulturní krajině severního Plzeňska The theme of this is The Baroque Buildings in Cultural Landscape in the North of Pilsen. The main aim of the thesis was to describe and to make a photographic documentation of particular religious monuments. The faroque style significantly influences genius loci of the land&#x... |
Šrédlová, Kristýna
Problém interpretace v koncepci Umberta Eca The beginning of the work was dedicated to the author, his bibliography and study. In the second chapter are described some interpretative theories, especially receptionist aesthetics. The main part is dedicated to the method of interpretation in connection with Umberto Eco. There is&#x... |
Bayerová, Lucie Elizabeth
Odstoupení Sudet v říjnu 1938 na území politického okresu Sušice This thesis describes the events after the Munich agreement and its impact on the political district Sušice. The work is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter describes the general context which led to the adoption of the Munich Agreement. The second chapter focu... |
Klsáková, Ivana
Spiritualita v současném českém výtvarném umění na příkladu Karlovarského regionu The work focuses on spirituality in contemporary Czech art shown on the example of Carlsbad region and its specific post-war development. At basic level it pursues several issues. The first is the state of religiosity in the region strongly influenced by the exchange of inhabi... |
Dobiášová, Adéla
Rabi Jehuda Löw ben Becalel (1525? - 1609) - život a dílo Bachelor´s thesis is focused on the life, work and legacy of Rabbi Judah Lőw ben Becalel (1525?-1609). It focuses mainly on the religious, philosophical and historical deposit. Discusses about his origin and professional career. Because he worked as Chief Rabbi in Prague, there are... |
Štědronská, Ivana
Přibližování a vzdalování v neverbální komunikaci The aim of this thesis has been to assess which factors affect communication distance and its changes ("zooms") during interpersonal interaction, with particular interest in nonverbal communication. The method used was comparison of different information sources, both Czech and foreign. ... |
Volfová, Dominika
Platónův dialog Faidros - tři řeči, rétorika a psaní jako hra In this paper I will try to describe the rhetoric, first contemporary context and character and then concept of rhetoric in Plato and the definition right rhetoric. The goal will be identify the right rules of rhetoric in the second half of the dialogue Phaedrus. And ... |
Forstová, Lada
Klášter premostrátek v Chotěšově The qualifying paper is dedicated to the history of the Premonstratensian monastery in Chotěšov. It describes history from its founding to the present. It represents Premonstratensian Order, its founder St. Norbert, the founder of the monastery,blessed Hroznata and his sister Vojslava. ... |
Želinová, Andrea
Estetické názory Arthura Schopenhauera Bachelor thesis will deal with the concept of art in the mind of Arthur Schopenhauer and his philosophy. The first chapter describes the life of Schopenhauer. The following chapters outline the philosophical concept. The third chapter is about the concept aesthetic in Schopenhauer´s... |
Svobodová, Markéta
Filosofická témata v díle Václava Havla This bachelor thesis involves mainly the Václav Havel´s analysis of selected philosophical themes. In the first part I´m going to deal with the issue, if Havel was or wasn´t the philosopher in general. In another part I´m going to mention the main sources of Havel´s inspi... |
Ottová, Magdaléna
Teorie emocí ve filosofii/psychologii The subject of this Bachelor's Work is the emotion problem in psychology. Its aim is to give on the base of the expert literature knowledge summarizing research the answer for the question: What is field of activity of the psychological emotion theory and especially of... |
Kautová, Eva
Život a věčný návrat u F. Nietzscheho In my work I have tried to analyze the concept of Nietzsche's ideas,, eternal return of the same. " I wanted to find an answer to the question of what Nietzsche,, worth "and fills,,",, idea of eternal return of the same "and what should readers tak... |
Husáková, Dana
Perzekuce židů za 2.světové války: koncentrační tábor Terezín, Osvětim- Březinka This study describes a significant period in the history of Czechoslovakia, it captures the onset of Hitler's Nazism in Germany and analyses the position and persecution of Jews during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the period between 1938 and 1945. &#x... |
Sladká, Michaela
Benediktinský klášter v Kladrubech a jeho role v kulturní krajině regionu Stříbrska This thesis reflects work of benedictine monastery in Kladruby and its role in forming a cultural landscape of Stříbro region. This piece contains history of monastery, definition of cultural landscape and its protection. The main topic is about monastery's role in cultural landscap... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy