Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šrajbrová, Karolína
J. W. Goethe a jeho působení v západních Čechách The qualification thesis is primarily about J. W. von Goethe and his activity in West Bohemia. This talented artist, writer and naturalist visited this country seventeen times, because of his health problems. He didn´t come to czech health resorts only for recreation. The health... |
Bílá, Helena
Benediktini v Českých zemích Klášter Kladruby The thesis describes the emergence and development of the Benedictine Order in Bohemia, entering the monastery grounds and also what it means to live under strict rules of the Order. In the final part describes the historical development of the monastery Kladruby and in the... |
Zummerová, Beáta
Role čtenáře v koncepci Umberta Eca The intention of this bachelor thesis is a reader´s role analysis by Umberto Eco´s concept. The starting point for theoretical contextual prehension of the topic is the author´s conception of literary work interpretation, in which separation of open and closed work is reflected. Th... |
Kovařík, Štěpán
Pojetí metajazyka v kontextu jazykového konstruktivismu a realismu The main objective of this undergraduate thesis is the study of the conflict between constructivism and realism. This is achieved by means of relevant literature review, as well as the creation of my own models for each viewpoint. In the literature review, I concentrated ... |
Krejsová, Kateřina
Opera Porgy a Bess jako odraz sociální situace ve Spojených státech amerických This work deals with a folk opera called Porgy and Bess and uses it to describe a social status of an African-American minority group in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. The work is divided into four parts devoted to particular issues.... |
Surová, Gabriela
Renesanční dvory jako centra vědy a umění: Dvůr Medicejských This bachelor thesis presents the Renaissance court of Medici as a centre of science, art and philosophy. The aim of the thesis is to show the work of authors who were influenced by activities of the court of Medici in area of patronage. In the first chapter the... |
Petrášová, Martina
Renesanční filosofie Filosofické myšlení Giovanniho Pica della Mirandola The presented undergraduate thesis analyses chosen aspects of work of a Renaissance philosopher Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. The greatest attention is paid predominantly to study of his philosophical thoughts and the connected concept of human dignity. The work Conclusiones and interpretation... |
Jandová, Klára
Dramatická tvorba vybraných osvícenských myslitelů (Voltaire, Diderot, Lessing) The bachelor thesis is focused on thinkers of the Enlightenment era who were engaged both in literary and dramatic work. It examines which common links, themes and features can be found when comparing their philosophical or arts-theoretical opinions and their own dramatic production.... |
Špelinová, Andrea
Řenecké panství, obec a tvrz v proměnách staletí. This Bachelor thesis attempts to depict historical evolution of the community of Řenče in the south of Pilsen region, from the oldest evidenced settlement up to the present. Attention is devoted to its history as a whole, from medieval beginnings of individual aristocratic families... |
Šmídová, Andrea
Ladislav Lábek My bachelor´s work concerns Ladislav Labek and his museum activities. First part summarizes the life of Ladislav Labek. Second part concentrates on analysis of The Outline of Practical museology for regional museums of national history, in which Labek tried to determine the methods ... |
Böerová, Kristýna
Proměny koncepce ušlechtilého divocha v kontextu filosofického myšlení 16.-18. století My bachelor thesis is mainly concerned about the Myth of the Noble Savage and its Changes in 16th - 18th century. In first section is described generally accepted definition of the Noble Savage and his characteristic. Next part is focused on the discovery of the New... |
Bayerová, Lucie Elizabeth
Odstoupení Sudet v říjnu 1938 na území politického okresu Sušice This bachelor thesis describes the developments after the adoption of the munich agreement and its impact on the political district of Sušice. The work is divided into two main chapters. In the first chapter I describe the general context that led to the adoption of the... |
Šesták, Jakub
Problém Já ve filosofii a psychologii The personal identity problem is a widely-discussed topic within the philosophy of the mind. One of the most influential contemporary thinkers dealing with it is Derek Parfit. At the beginning of this thesis, some important are introduced, namely numerical and qualitative identity, alon... |
Zábranská, Monika
Středověký sakrální prostor a jeho symbolika - Komparace katedrály v Salisbury a katedrály v Sedlci This thesis is a comparison of Salisbury Cathedral and the Cistercian Cathedral in Sedlec. In the beginning of my work I introduce the English Gothic and Gothic of Cistercian. Then I will describe Salisbury Cathedral. After that there will be a chapter about the Cistercian... |
Cerha, Michal
Stvoření světa ve starověkých náboženstvích The subject of my thesis is "Creation of the World in the Ancient Religions". The thesis contains retold myths, their final comparison and summary. The first chapter of thesis is related to definitions of the concepts myth and mythology. The second chapter is related ... |
Baloghová, Lucie
Edward T. Hall - chromenika The aim of my bachelor thesis is to explain the communication, its use in specific nations and use in practice. Work shows many of the typical behavior of cultures, I explain their concept of time, but also gestures and other nonverbal expressions. I also deal ... |
Vaníček, Petr
Hra a filozofie This work deals with different philosophical and other views on the game from the point of view of different authors (e.g. E. Fink, J. Huizinga, R. Caillois). It discusses the question of productivity of the game and aims to evaluate nowadays widely enlarged interest for ... |
Baranová, Miroslava
Bergsonova koncepce umění In this thesis, we analyze aesthetic systém of 20th century French philosopher Henri Bergson. The study aims to present Henri Bergson´s opinions concerning art. The study summarises Bergson´s fundamental theses about art as presented in particular works of this author and describes the&... |
Richterová, Kristýna
Důkazy boží existence ve středověké filosofii The bachelor thesis about evidences of God's existence in medieval philosophy aimed at Anselm of Canterbury. It contains introduction of medieval philosophy, Anselm's precursor, Anselm's life and his philosophy, which is the basis of his evidences of God's existence. Conclusion is... |
Obr, Pavel
Svaté předměty a jejich úloha ve světových náboženstvích: křesťanství, judaismus, buddhismus The bachelor thesis deals with sacred subjects in Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity. Emphasis was placed on the cultural context in which religions originate and on the functions of the sacred objects that flow from it. In each religious direction, several objects were selected, d... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy