Diplomové práce / Theses (KČJ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 269
Machalová, Rosalie
Současná výuka českého jazyka ve Vídni

The master thesis deals with the contemporary teaching of the Czech language in Vienna in the university and non-university environment. First, the current forms of Czech language teaching abroad are presented and then the history and present of Czech language teaching in Vienna is...

Nováková, Šárka
Způsoby obohacování slovní zásoby ve výuce na 2. stupni ZŠ

This diploma thesis deals with the concept of the curriculum on ways of enriching vocabulary in the 2nd grade of elementary school. The diploma thesis consists of theoretical starting points and a practical part. The practical part is focused on the content analysis of the...

Plechatá, Žaneta
Otrokářství a přesídlování v nejstarší české literatuře

The thesis Slavery and Resettlement in Older Czech Literature is mainly focused on the analysis of legends and chronicles. The motifs of slavery and resettlement were examined in them. The first chapter deals with slavery, its definition and basic concepts. It is mainly focused...

Beránková, Tereza
Mluva různých generací ve zvoleném regionu

This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of spontaneous spoken utterances of speakers of different generations in the region of Plzeň, Klatovy and Domažlice. It consists of theoretical starting points, methods, objectives and criteria of the thesis followed by the analysis of t...

Holá, Terezie
Pohádky a pověsti z Klatovska a jejich využití na 1. stupni základních škol v regionu

The diploma thesis deals with fairy tales and legends from the Klatovy region and their use at the 1st grade of primary school in the region. The terms literature for children and youth, folk literature, legend and fairy tale are described in the first four chapters. ...

Horová, Hana
Cizojazyčné prvky v českých textech z komunikační oblasti počítačových a mobilních her

The subject of this thesis is Foreign Language Elements in Czech Texts Focused on the Communication Field of Computer and Mobile Games. The main aim was to excerpt sufficient language material to analyse these elements. In this work, we analyse the acquired language material. ...

Obořilová, Adéla
Hrad Krašov a Vondruškova literární mystifikace

This thesis "Krašov Castle and Vondruška's Literary Mystification" aims to confront the statement of a literary source and a real place, historical sources and the archeology of Krašov Castle. This aim is achieved through a project planned for 4th-5th grade in primary scho...

Randová, Jana
Využití chodského folkloru ve vyučování českého jazyka a literatury na 1. stupni ZŠ

In the theoretical part of my thesis, I define basic concepts and mention specific characteristic features of Chodsko that can be used in primary school education. I also focus on personalities associated with Chodsko folklore whose names pupils in the area should hear about i...

Buchtová, Lenka
Umění v Terezíně - Terezín v umění

The diploma thesis deals with a reflection of problematics of Theresienstadt Ghetto in art, especially then in a literature. The main aim of the thesis is to create a comprehensive picture about this ghetto, about art originating inside it and literature, inside which are expe...

Burgerová, Eva
Tvůrčí psaní v hodinách komunikační a slohové výchovy na střední odborné škole

This diploma thesis is divided into three main parts, the theoretical part, the practical part and the creative writing activities. The goal of this diploma thesis is to prove the effectiveness of didactic methods used by the teachers of the Czech language in Czech secondary&#...

Jelínková, Kamila
Jiráskových "deset" podob lásky

These theses provides analysis of four historical novels of Alois Jirásek - Skaláci, Psohlavci, Skály, Temno. Specifically the analysis of the motif of love was done. The found types of love were divided into following groups - love between people, love to a religion, nature&#...

Zemanová, Helena
Využití prózy Petry Soukupové v literární výchově na 2. stupni ZŠ

The diploma thesis presents an example of the use of the contemporary prose of the writer Petra Soukupová in literary education at the 2nd level of ordinary elementary schools. In my thesis, I deal with the concept of literary education as an expressively conceived subject...

Kunášková, Anna
Využití hudby ve výuce českého jazyka na střední škole

The thesis deals with the connection of music with the teaching of the Czech language and literature. Its goal is to emphasize the benefits of using artificial and non-artificial music in the education of literature, style and language with the help of didactic activities that...

Staňková, Ludmila
Časopisy pro ženy na přelomu 19. a 20. století

The diploma thesis focuses on the reflection of the topic of women's health in the first Czech women's magazines. It traces the development of the women's movement, education, the penetration of women into the health care and the approach to health and hygiene at t...

Ondrišíková, Michaela
Jazyk propagačních tiskovin

This diploma thesis deals with language of promotional printed material, in action leaflets and in women's magazines. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we acquaint ourselves with reference books and basic terms. The practical part is devoted to the analysis and classification&#...

Doubková, Tereza
Harry Potter v literární výchově na 2. stupni základní školy

This diploma thesis will focus on the book phenomenon Harry Potter, which managed to conquer the entire literary world. As a genre of fantasy literature, it is unique in its content and very attractive for primary school pupils. We will use this fact and try to make&...

Pošmurová, Michaela
Hry pro rozvoj komunikačních dovedností žáků na 1. stupni ZŠ

The diploma thesis deals with the development of communication skills of primary school pupils through a didactic game. The theoretical part characterizes in details what a didactic game is. The practical part is focused on research among primary school teachers concerning the use ...

Archmanová, Lucie
Grafické prvky v komunikaci žáků na 1. stupni základní školy

The diploma thesis focuses on the use of graphic elements in pupils communication at 1st grade of primary school. Graphic elements include, for example, pictures, memes, GIFs, emoticons and abbreviations. There are two parts in the work, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part&#...

Píchová, Kateřina
Komunikační a slohová výchova na málotřídní škole

The main topic of my diploma thesis is the education of communication and stylistic education at small-class elementary school. I focus on the developing of creativity by using activating methods. The theoretical part describes the small-class schools and explains the basic expressions, ...

Faů, Kateřina
Učivo o slovních druzích na 1. stupni ZŠ

This thesis deals with parts of speech in the elementary school curriculum. It presents the didactic approaches of various authors to mastering the parts of speech. Comparison of the approach of three publishing houses on the mentioned subject matter, intended for 1st to 5th g...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 269