Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KCH) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Milka, Dominik
Nerostné suroviny vhodné pro výrobu vybraných prvků a základních anorganických sloučenin The main topic of this bachelor work are "Mineral resource for the production of elements and basic inorganic compounds". This work is dividet into three parts. In the first part is described theoretical charakterize about Mineral resources and their structure. The seco... |
Pátý, Jiří
Elektrolyty a jejich vlastnosti ve výuce chemie This bachelor thesis deals with electrolytes and their properties in chemistry education. The thesis is divided into theoretical, didactic and practical parts. In the theoretical part the basic properties of electrolytes are explained. In the didactic part, the textbooks of primary and ... |
Flosman, Petr
Složení minerálních pramenů v Mariánských Lázních a jejich účinek na zdraví jedince The Bachelor thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis was divided into three main chapters. In the first chapter, all macro biogenic and some micro biogenic, and trace elements were described. These elements were described b... |
Sloup, Dominik
Stanovení vybraných halogenovaných pesticidů plynovou chromatografií In this bachelor's thesis, we focused on measuring the concentration of pesticides in the soil using a gas chromatograph. We describe how a separation works and what are its types. Then we focus on chromatography, specifically gas chromatography, its composition, ... |
Hrušková, Viola
Sacharidy v projektové výuce The bachelor thesis deals with the project-based teaching of carbohydrates in secondary schools of the grammar school type. The thesis describes the basic theory of project-based learning and carbohydrates. The practical part is devoted to project proposal and laboratory activities. |
Šátavová, Simona
Výpočtové úlohy ve výuce chemie The present bachelor thesis is concerned with the issue of chemical calculations in secondary school teaching of chemistry. The theoretical part deals with the fundamental types of chemical calculations that students may encounter. The aim of the thesis constitutes the ascertainment of ... |
Skálová, Natálie
Stanovení látek obsažených v pivu The bachelor thesis focuses on the chemical analysis of beer. The work describes the history of beer, types of beer, raw materials for production and technological production of beer. The practical part is devoted to the chemical analysis of beer with the evaluation of measure... |
Svitáková, Johana
Degenerativní onemocnění centrální nervové soustavy se zaměřením na Alzheimerovu chorobu The bachelor thesis contains a theoretical description of degenerative disorders focusing on Alzheimer's disease. Emphasis is placed on chemical processes and substances that affect conditions. The practical part includes two interviews with health professionals. |
Krutinová, Eliška
První a druhý termodynamický zákon a jejich aplikace v přípravě budoucích učitelů chemie This bachelor thesis is focused on the first and second law of thermodynamics issues. The theoretical part describes the applications in the calculation of enthalpy, entropy, internal energy and Gibbs energy.The practical part deals with the issue and evaluation of test tasks of... |
Žemlička, Matěj
Studium obsahových látek rezavce šikmého The topic of the thesis deals with the study of the content substances of Chaga, especially betulin. At the beginning of the work, the research deals with the appropriate selection of a solvent by which a product with a favorable amount of relative purity can be extr... |
Špalová, Anna
Vliv obsahu vody v reakční směsi na vlastnosti polyakrylamidového hydrogelu In this bachelor thesis, a simple and effective method of tailoring polyacrylamide hydrogels is presented. A series of samples was prepared by varying the amount of water used during polymerization. Based on previous experiments, the amount of water was set to 4, 8, 12, 16,... |
Kokoška, Milan
Modifikace pracovních postupů v laboratorních cvičení z organické chemie This work presents laboratory procedures of classically established laboratory exercises in organic chemistry. The possibilities of replacing some procedures with modified procedures or supplementing laboratory exercises with new procedures are monitored. |
Lávičková, Aneta
Mlékárenská výroba očima studenta chemie Mlékárenská výroba očima studenta chemie This bachelor thesis is focused on the production and processing of milk and dairy products. This work describes the basic principles of dairy production. As part of this work, Mlékárna Klatovy a.s. was visited, which focuses mainly on cheese production. The inspection included a... |
Horažďovská, Nicola
Nekovové prvky a jejich významné sloučeniny The bachelor thesis is about non-metals, i.e. a group of elements with non-metallic properties. Non-metals include hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine) and rare gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon). The thesis t... |
Daňková, Diana
Hodnocení biologického účinku antidiabetických preparátů klinickobiochemickou metodou This bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of the antidiabetic preparations. These preparations can slow or stop the development of type 2 diabetes. DIAMizin Gurmar was used for the research. The thesis is devided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part briefly... |
Tláskalová, Kateřina
Přechodné kovy a jejich sloučeniny This bachelor thesis refers to selected transition elements and their compounds. The thesis consists of two main theoretical parts. The first theoretical part involves general characteristic of transition metals. For example, basic physical and chemical properties, magnetism, colouring etc.... |
Coufalová, Štěpánka
Systém Vernier v přípravě budoucích učitelů chemie This thesis deals with Vernier system. The first part describes the Vernier system, including the individual sensors used. The next part of the work describes instructions for experiments, including a theoretical description and evaluation of the measured results. At the end... |
Váňová, Anna
Jednoduché reakce lupenových derivátů Theoretical part and experimental part. In theoretical part is briefly described the classification of isoprenoids. This part contains used laboratory methods, as distillaton, extraction, thin-layer chromatography, determinantion of the melting point and pouring of chromatographic plates. Also there is... |
Doležálková, Marcela
Termochemické výpočty v přípravě budoucích učitelů chemie This bachelor thesis is focused on thermochemistry issues. The enthalpy and how to calculate the enthalpy are described in this work. In the theoretical part are described standard enthalpy of formation and enthalpy of combustion. Briefly, the rules of thermochemistry such as Lavoisier&... |
Petrusová, Bára
Příprava bioaktivních povrchů pro zvýšení osseointegrace titanových porézních implantátů This bachelor thesis is focused on pulsed laser deposition of calcium titanate onto titanium surfaces. Theoretical part includes summary of the state of art in the field of implant materials. Moreover, theoretical part continues with brief description of laser basics and laser ablation.... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra chemie / Department of Chemistry
- 21 2020 - 2024
- 40 2012 - 2019