Diplomové práce / Theses (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Brzáková, Helena
Rytmické hudební nástroje napříč kontinenty jako téma projektového vyučování v hudební výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ The thesis is dedicated to project-based teaching in music education at the primary level of elementary school. The aim of the thesis is to design and implement a project that will expand students' awareness of the world of music and culture through working with diverse... |
Pflegerová, Kateřina
První česká Cio Cio San (Madama Butterfly), podtitul: Životní a umělecké osudy pěvkyně Elly Noëmi Wolfové-Koppové The diploma work is devoted to the professional and life destinies of Alžběta Wolfová, a singer, by her married name - Kopps (November 1, 1876 - March 25, 1940) and acting under her stage name - Ella Noëmi. Ella Noëmi spent 20 years on the stage of the thea... |
Babuljaková, Dorota
Využití boomwhackers ve výuce hudební výchovy na 2. a 3. stupni vzdělávání The thesis is devoted to the musical instruments Boomwhackers, their characteristics and implementation into the current educational system in the Czech Republic within the framework of music education. The thesis has six parts. The first part introduces the reader to the Boomwhackers m... |
Tejkalová, Jana
Dětská opera ve výuce hudební výchovy ve 4. ročníku základní školy Diploma thesis Children's opera in the teaching of music education in the 4th grade of primary school is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with opera and its development. He also deals with children's opera, again with its develop... |
Podlenová, Dominika
Motivace žáků prostřednictvím didaktických her v hodinách HV The diploma thesis deals with the issue of motivation through didactic games in music lessons at elementary school level. The topic is addressed from the point of view of both students and teachers. The overall issue is supported by research in this area, which was carrie... |
Bejvalová, Martina
Vybrané skladby W. A. Mozarta a jejich uplatnění v hudební výchově na 1. stupni základní školy The thesis contains information about the life and work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, which can be used in music education classes at the primary level of elementary school. The theoretical part describes possible challenges and problems in teaching. Furthermore, a research survey among... |
Kordík, Štěpán
Britpop jako snaha o oživení rockové klasiky a její zpřístupnění současnému posluchači This qualifying thesis deals with the music genre britpop, which follows on from the classic rock of the 60s in particular. The individual chapters describes classic rock, including their predecessors, britpop as a separate musical genre, and the didactic grasp of the topic in ... |
Lukešová, Iva
Didaktické problémy při práci s lidovou písní na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis "The didactic issues in working with a folk song at the elementary school" deals with folk song in the theoretical part, then it deals with the representation of folk song in the Framework educational program and in music education textbooks for th... |
Rous, Jakub
Testování hudebních schopností a dovedností budoucích učitelů hudby, hudební výchovy a učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ This diploma thesis focus on testing musical abilities problematics. It summarizes musical psychology terminology and methodology of testing and describes two researches that were conducted in 2023 with students of the Musical Education and Culture department of the Faculty of Pedagogy at... |
Brychová, Jana
Hudební preference studentů KHK FPE ZČU The topic of this master thesis is entitled Music preferences of students of KHK FPE ZČU. The aim of the thesis is to find out what music KHK FPE ZČU students prefer and also what mood and activity they would listen to this music. The last and no less ... |
Moravová, Alžběta
Obsah výuky hudební výchovy na 2.st. ZŠ od roku 1948 do současnosti The intention of my thesis was to acquaint the reader with the development of music education in the second grade from 1948 to the present. In the first chapter I focused on the historical development of music education. The educational concerts that were introduced in... |
Dobrý, Jan
Tvořivé náměty pro využití intonačních metod v pedagogické praxi na 2. stupni ZŠ The thesis is based on the topic Creative suggestions for the use of intonation methods in pedagogical practice at the second level in primary school. The thesis is devided into several parts. The first part is devoted to intonation as such. Here basic definitions are giv... |
Riedlová, Simona
Práce s rytmickými strukturami v hodinách HV na 1. stupni ZŠ This master thesis deals with the work with rhythmic structures in music education at the first stage of primary school. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to the musical development of civilization and the child, the possibilities of r... |
Vrtišková řezáčková, Jana
Odraz svátků a tradic v hudební výchově na 1. stupni The thesis deals with the reflection of holidays and traditions in music education at the first stage of primary school. The first chapter of the thesis discusses the importance of holidays and traditions in the teaching of music. The second chapter describes the holidays and&... |
Kroupová, Lucie
Kreativní pojetí poslechu hudby ve škole The thesis focuses on the creative concept of listening to music at school, specifically at the second level of primary school. The main aim is to outline the pupils' aptitudes for creative listening and how they can be developed. The practical part contains creative prepa... |
Maňáková, Monika
Rozvoj poslechových činností na 1. stupni ZŠ The content of this thesis focuses on teh development of listening activities in the first stage of Czech primary schools. The thesis includes both a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes zhe importance of music, musical abilities, the framework edu... |
Vaníková, Johana
Hlasová výchova na 1. stupni základní školy a efektivní metody její realizace (na základě výzkumu). This diploma thesis consists of a theoretical part and a research. The theoretical part deals with the childs voice, the definition of vocal education, its goals and implementation in RVP ZV. Furthermore, it is focused on analysis of schoolbooks and teachers methodical guidelines f... |
Nováková, Kamila
Folklorní soubor Písečánek a jeho význam pro dětské členy souboru The diploma thesis deals with the folklore ensemble Písečánek and its contribution to the child members of the ensemble. In the first part, he defines the basic terms and defines the region of Prácheňsko, characterizes the folk song, dances, instruments and costumes of the Prá... |
Virčíková, Zuzana
Pěvecké techniky ve školské praxi This thesis explores the use of singing techniques in school practice. In the theoretical part, I will focus on the vocal, breathing and articulation systems, as well as the connection between vocal registers and vocal hygiene. I will also describe and compare the way singing&... |
Vognarová, Adéla
Lidová píseň a její uplatnění v hudební výchově na 1. stupni základní školy The diploma thesis Folk Song and Its Application in Music Education at Primary School focuses on the subject of music education in its first section, discussing its conception, goals, and the role of folk song in music education. It also delves into folk song itself,... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 44 hudební výchova
- 31 music education
- 26 music
- 12 hudba
- další >
- 139 diplomová práce
- 47 2020 - 2024
- 92 2012 - 2019