Diplomové práce / Theses (KVD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Bláhová, Lucie
On-line úniková hra zaměřená na vybraná témata nového RVP pro informatiku do ZŠ (2. stupeň) The primary goal of the work was to create an online escape game, which is focused on selected topics of the educational field of Informatics in the new RVP ZV from 2021, including methodological material for teachers. The purpose of the game is to serve as a su... |
Ledvina, Lukáš
Placený obsah ve videohrách jako riziko pro žáky základních škol The topic of my master thesis was paid content in video games as a risk for primary school students. In the first half I focused on defining basic concepts, introducing modern game mechanics and the risks associated with them. The most discussed microtransactions are the ... |
Hrubý, Antonín
Tvorba terénní únikové hry s využitím QR kódů This master's thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a field escape game using QR codes, including the creation of teaching materials for teachers. The teaching materials were created in PDF format, as well as in the form of a website (www.pokladnaradyni.cz). The... |
Vrbová, Viola
Sada úloh souvisejících s konečnými automaty pro RVP ZV The thesis focuses on finite automata and their use in elementary school education. Several definitions of computer science as a discipline are given, the importance of theoretical computer science is emphasized, and finite automata and their representations are introduced. The text further&... |
Frolík, Dominik
Badatelsky orientovaná výuka robotiky s využitím LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor In this thesis, we focused on research-oriented teaching of robotics using LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor. The aim was to design and validate activities that promote students' inquiry thinking at the lower secondary level in the field of computer science and robotics, i... |
Vachovec, Lukáš
Virtuální škola pro přípravu budoucích učitelů The thesis describes the use of virtual reality in the preparation of future teachers. The practical part is 3D models for the Virtual School project. |
Glazer, Alois
Využití vlastního mobilního zařízení žáka základní školy \nl{}pro vzdělávací aktivity ve škole The work focuses on the use of a student's own mobile device for educational activities in school. The aim of the work is to design teaching strategies involving mobile devices for elementary school students. The means to achieve this goal is to visit and analyze a... |
Vaněk, Patrik
Únikové hry v distanční výuce The thesis focuses on the use of online escape games in remote teaching at elementary schools. It describes platforms suitable for implementing these games, introduces their key elements, and provides recommendations for creating games using tools such as Microsoft Teams, Google Slides, ... |
Klouda, Vladislav
Vliv školního prospěchu na rozvoj informatického myšlení The title of this dissertation is "The influence of school performance on the development of the computational thinking" and it includes six parts. The first part describes a proces of playing, learning and their connection. The second part deals with socioeconomical status of... |
Novák, Ondřej
Rozšíření aplikace Moje kariéra pro podporu karierního poradenství žáků The diploma thesis presents the issue of extending the Moje kariéra application, which serves as an aid in the work of career counsellors. The application has been extended on the basis of my own analysis of the non-extended version of the application and suggestions obtained&... |
Noska, Jiří
Využití výukového kitu TinyLab v přípravě budoucích učitelů This thesis presents teaching material including the use of the TinyLab teaching kit in the training of future teachers. The teaching material includes files with assignments, tasks and methodological sheets for the teacher, as well as processed material in the course on the Moodle... |
Švajcr, Jan
Úprava předmětu Počítačové sítě pro vzdělávání pro distanční výuku The main goal of this thesis is to modify the subject of a computer network for the education in the form of distance learning. The subject is focused on the practical activities and is dependent on the school equipment. For that reason we were looking for a pos... |
Šťastný, Radek
Využití online únikových her k posílení mezipředmětových vztahů na 2. stupni ZŠ This thesis deals with escape games, which can be used to connect intersubject relations. The main goal was to present the tools for making mentioned escape games and create the escape game itself, based on the studied curriculum in the eighth grade of primary school. The... |
Patriková, Martina
Mobilní zařízení ve vzdělávání z pohledu rodičů žáků \nl{}se specifickými vzdělávacími potřebami This thesis is focused on using mobile devices by the pupils with special educational needs from the parents' point of view. Whole thesis is divided into four chapters. The first three chapters are devoted to the theoretical parts and the fourth chapter is focused on ... |
Majer, Jan
Ozoboti jako prostředek pro rozvoj informatického myšlení In my dissertation I deal with the development of computer thinking using a robotic aid called ozobot. In the theoretical part, I focus on what IT thinking is, how the new framework educational plan differs from the original. In the theoretical part, I also teach readers&... |
Zvěřina, Lukáš
Sada úloh pro výuku algoritmizace na základních školách This diploma thesis has a main goal to create a set of activities in algorithm development of pupils in lower secondary schools. To some extent it also explains a very important term called thinking in informatics and it deals with specifics of distance education during a... |
Hudec, Ondřej
Digitální technologie jako pomocník při studiu The essence of this thesis is to develop an online course Digital technologies' assistance during the learning process. Hence, it focuses on learning styles and using digital technologies by undergraduate students in order to reduce their chances of failure in the study. It... |
Hofman, Martin
Tvorba elektronického výukového kurzu se zaměřením na vývoj Android aplikací v jazyce Python This Thesis deals with development of Android applications in Python. The practical part of the Thesis was to create an electronic training course on this topic. The aim is to inform the readers on basic programming in Python 3 language and some programming tools for deve... |
Zíka, Miroslav
Ověření učebnice Práce s daty na základní škole This work deals with educational material called Práce s daty which was created within the project Support of the development of informational thinking at FPE ZČU. In the text reader is acquainted with the planned revision of the RVP for basic education which is compared ... |
Prade, Martin
Využití tabletu ve výuce na základní škole The aim of this master's thesis is to show the possibilities of using tablets in primary schools, and to thus provide a comprehensive overview of mobile education. The first part of the paper deals with the issue of m-learning, and describes various mobile technologies tha... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra výpočetní a didaktické techniky / Department of Computer and Didactic Technology