Volf, Jonáš
Současné Pražské stavební předpisy The aim of this diploma thesis was to put the present Prague building regulations in a bigger picture. That is why I devoted the beginning chapter to the historical development of Prague as we know it today. The following chapter aimed to introduce the predecessors of... |
Platovská, Kristýna
Postavení žen na trhu práce The thesis focuses on the analysis of the position of women on the Czech labour market and their possible disadvantages associated with leaving employment to raise children.The aim of the thesis is to determine the current participation of women in the labour market, as social... |
Kubeš, Michal
Problematika drog ve městech, strategie a možná řešení The diploma thesis deals in detail with drug problems. Emphasis is placed on strategies, mapping the current situation, the urban environment, and the most important information. Current trends, policy directions and specific topical issues are also discussed. The purpose of the... |
Lukešová, Lucie
Vybrané problémy vzdělávací politiky The thesis deals with the topic Selected problems of educational policy. It explains the legal regulation of education in the Czech Republic, the instruments of education policy, analyses the organisation of the education system, divides the type of schools according to their founders... |
Máchová, Karolína
Mystery shopping This thesis focuses on Mystery Shopping. The thesis is divided into five chapters, including an introduction and a conclusion. The theoretical part deals with definitions related to the topic of Mystery Shopping, its history and process. The practical part focuses on Mystery ... |
Kokošková, Miroslava
Veřejný prostor The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and an analytical part. In the theoretical part, basic concepts are explained: public space, public interest, squares, streets, parks and living culture. The analytical part is focused on the main purpose of the diploma thesis... |
Goubej, Lukáš
Opatření obecné povahy The aim of this thesis is to present the issues of general measures of a general nature. The author deals with the basic concepts that concern the whole public administration. However, his main aim was to acquaint the reader in detail with the concept of a... |
Tichý, Tomáš
Sociální exkluze v ČR a EU The thesis focuses on the issue of social exclusion in the Czech Republic and the European Union. The aim of the thesis is to introduce the reader to the seriousness of this problem and exam various aspects of social exclusion. The thesis also characterises the individual... |
Bošková, Kateřina
Popis a analýza činnosti České národní banky The diploma thesis focuses on the description and analysis of the activities of the Czech National Bank, as the central bank of the Czech Republic. In the thesis, its individual functions and tools, which the bank uses to fulfill the goals of monetary policy, are specifie... |
Blažková, Karolína
Krajské volby 2000-2020 This diploma thesis deals with the issue of regional elections that took place in the years 2000-2020. The theoretical part is focused on the explanation of basic terms related to these topics, such as the historical development of regions, legal regulation, characteristics of the&... |
Duongová, Duy Uyen
Politika udržitelného rozvoje The topic of this thesis is sustainable development policy. The thesis focuses on sustainable development issue, traces its development and implementation. In particular, it focuses on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were adopted by the UN in 2015 as part of the Agen... |
Glazerová, Pavlína
Vybrané problémy vzdělávací politiky The topic of this diploma thesis is educational policy and selected problems that occur in educational policy. In the Czech Republic, considerable attention is paid to education policy. The aim of this thesis is to analyze partial problems that occur in the educational policy ... |
Dědičová, Simona
Dopady klimatické změny v Praze a následná adaptační opatření The thesis focuses on climate change and its impacts. Within the framework of the impact of climate change, the thesis mentions various adaptation measures that a city can take to adapt to changing conditions. The aim of the thesis is to map the adaptation measures that... |
Šejnoha, Petr
Ministerstvo vnitra ČR jako správce majetku zajištěného v trestním řízení This diploma thesis deals with the issues of property management in criminal proceedings and provides an insight into this matter. This is although not an exhaustive analysis of the problem. On a theoretical level, to place property management into the context of the exercise... |
Novotný, Dominik
Využití potenciálu brownfields pro udržitelný rozvoj území In this work we will focus on brownfield redevelopment and its impact on the surrounding area. We have divided this undergraduate thesis into two parts. In the first part we introduce the reader to the brownfield issue and explain the different terms. In this part, we... |
Blatnický, Rudolf
Státní služba In my thesis, I aimed to provide a comprehensive view of civil service in this country. I began with the foundation of public administration, which constitutes the beginning of this issue. I briefly described (from my perspective) important terms such as "administration" and... |
Beneš, Vojtěch
Vodní doprava na území ČR The thesis deals with the law of inland waterway transport in the Czech Republic. It deals with the law of individual navigation, authorizations for navigation and legal regulation. |
Bauer, Vilém
Veřejný zájem ve světle judikatury The diploma thesis deals with the concept of public interest. This author will describe and define the work in contrast to private interests. Furthermore, the text of the thesis will focus on the analysis of selected court decisions, both Czech and foreign. |
Ježková, Alena
Obnova demokratické veřejné správy po roce 1989, její transformace a reforma v období 1990-2002 This thesis focuses on the restoration of democratic public administration in 1989 and the transformation and reform of public administration between 1990 and 2002. The thesis is divided into five chapters, which are further subdivided into subchapters. This thesis describes how the dev... |
Futera, Ondřej
Komunikační strategie územních samospráv The thesis deals with the explanation of terms related to the topic, namely public administration, local government units or communication and communication strategies. Furthermore, the individual concepts are put in the context of modern e-government, which is the focus of a large part... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra veřejné správy / Department of Public Administration