Disertační práce / Dissertations (KMA) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hrabětová, Regina
Rozvoj tvořivosti žáka v hodinách matematiky This dissertation deals with the process of development of pupil's creative thinking, including analysis and comparison of pupils' problem-solving strategies. In the theoretical background, important terms are defined, i.e. mathematical concepts (relations, sets, binary relations, equivalence, groups an... |
Steidl, Petr
Vysokoteplotní vrstvy Si-B-C-N a multifunkční vrstvy (Zr)-B-C-(N) připravené pulzním magnetronovým naprašováním The first part of the thesis is focused on the detailed study of the microstructure and mechanical and optical properties of Si-B-C-N films prepared by reactive pulsed magnetron sputtering and consequently treated in air and inert gases up to 1700°C. The second part of t... |
Hájková, Jitka
Určení lokálního modelu geoidu z leteckých tíhových dat In this thesis, the determination of the local geoid model from aerial gravity data in the area of Taiwan is discussed. Aerial gravitational data from three aerial gravitational surveys performed in the area of Taiwan were processed in order to determine the local geoid ... |
Hanuš, Milan
Matematické modelování transportu neutronů The subject of this work is computational modeling of neutron transport relevant to economical and safe operation of nuclear facilities. The general mathematical model of neutron transport is provided by the linear Boltzmann's transport equation and the thesis begins with its precise... |
Vaľko, Miloš
Studium environmentálních vlivů na měření supravodivého gravimetru na Geodetické observatoři Pecný In the presented thesis methods for reduction of environmental effects were developed and improved. These algorithms were applied for Geodetic observatory Pecný, which is part of Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography (RIGTC). Main purpose for those studies was complex rem... |
Kadlec, Martin
Modely tíhového pole země s vysokým rozlišením a terénní efekty This thesis deals with the determination of the gravity field of the earth by a combination of data from gravity models with lower resolution with gravity induced by terrain described by digital elevation model with high spatial resolution. A modified residual terrain modeling meth... |
Svatoň, Tomáš
Smíšené metody v problémech nelineární elasticity velkých distorzí The analysis of rubber-like materials undergoing large elastic deformations is a key topic in field of active polymers, like ionic polymers, hydrogels and nematic elastomers, as well as in biomechanics, for soft tissues. For biomechanics, the hot issue relays in the development of ... |
Novák, Petr
Mechanické a tribologické vlastnosti tenkých uhlíkových vrstev obsahujících vybrané kovy Carbon coatings containing titanium and molybdenum were non-reactively sputtered in pure argon onto unheated Si substrate at a floating potential. A unbalanced magnetron was driven by DC power supply. The structure of the coatings was determined by X-ray diffraction. Ordering of the amo... |
Šatava, Václav
Reaktivní magnetronová depozice vybraných oxidových vrstev a jejich vlastnosti The main aim of this dissertation thesis was investigation of influence of temperature (up to 1700°C) on structure and mechanical properties of annealed of films Al-Ti-O and Si-Zr-O prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. The last part of this dissertation thesis is high deposition... |
Lazar, Jan
Diagnostika a modelování vysokovýkonových pulzních magnetronových výbojů High-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) is an emerging physical vapor deposition technique. HiPIMS systems operate the magnetron targets with voltage pulses that (i) generate high target power densities in a pulse (on the order of kWcm-2), (ii) are of low duty cycles (up t... |
Bizzarri, Michal
Speciální třídy křivek a ploch - studium v alternativních geometriích In this thesis we study rational techniques for computing exact/approximate parameterizations of canal and ringed surfaces. In the first part of the thesis we focus on canal surfaces given implicitly the designed approach is based on computing approximate topology-based parameterizations... |
Kohout, Jiří
Nanokrystalické multikomponentní vrstvy připravené pulzním magnetronovým naprašováním This Ph.D. thesis deals with nanocrystalline multicomponent films based predominantly on nitrides and diborides of transition metals and prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering. The main attention was devoted to find the correlations between process parameters, elemental composition, structure and pro... |
Ťoupal, Tomáš
Neparametrický odhad spolehlivosti a odhad trendové složky In reality, the reliability or failure estimations of various systems are often used in many applications, especially in engineering concepts. Therefore, the parametric estimation of density and distribution functions of reliability following some known distribution has been discussed extensively in... |
Vrána, Petr
Thomassenova hypotéza a související problémy In the thesis we study various versions of the Thomassen's conjecture which says that every 4-connected line graph is hamiltonian. We present known positive results giving partial solutions of the Thomassen's conjecture and known refutals of stronger conjectures. |
Blažek, Jakub
Pulzní reaktivní magnetronové naprašování tenkých vrstev obsahujících měď a stanovení jejich fyzikálních a mechanických vlastností At present the incorporation of additional element into a binary material system represents an efficient way to enhance physical and functional properties of thin films in various applications. This Ph.D. thesis investigates the effect of Cu content and other process parameters on struc... |
Kozák, Tomáš
Modelování vysokovýkonových pulzních magnetronových výbojů pro depozici vrstev High-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) is a recent development of the well-established magnetron sputtering technique. The main aim of this thesis is to develop a non-stationary model of this process and to explain their details. The presented model is based on a global&... |
Rezek, Jiří
Vysokovýkonová pulzní reaktivní magnetronová depozice vrstev oxidů a oxynitridů tantalu a zirkonia Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering is an intensely investigated method for preparation of novel thin-film materials based on oxides and oxynitrides. In this thesis, the preparation of films based on ZrO2, Ta2O5, Zr-Ta-O and Ta-O-N is described. Moreover, the effect of depositio... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra matematiky / Department of Mathematics