Články / Articles (KME) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Zemčík, Hana
Kroupa, Tomáš
Vaňková, Tereza
Zemčík, Robert
Pihera, Josef
Prosr, Pavel
Kadlec, Petr
Šroubová, Lenka
Müllerová, Eva
Martínek, Petr
Pavlica, Richard
Komárek, Josef
Friedl, Jan
Polanský, Radek
Hybrid steel–composite cross-arm for distribution power lines This paper describes the development of electrically insulating hybrid steel–composite cross-arm for mediumvoltage overhead distribution power lines with three conductors. The main goal was to achieve substantial weight savings ompared to a common steel cross-arm with three ceramic insulators widely... |
Vu, Bich Ngoc
Lukeš, Vladimír
Stingl, Michael
Rohan, Eduard
A sequential global programming approach for two-scale optimization of homogenized multiphysics problems with application to Biot porous media We present a new approach and an algorithm for solving two-scale material optimization problems to optimize the behaviour of a fluid-saturated porous medium in a given domain. While the state problem is governed by the Biot model describing the fluid–structure interaction in homogenized... |
Rohan, Eduard
Lukeš, Vladimír
Homogenization of the acoustic transmission on periodically perforated plates interacting with potential mean flow The paper is devoted to the homogenization of the acoustic waves interacting with background steady inviscid and irrotational flow in the neighbourhood of rigid peri- odically perforated plates. We present a model of an acoustic interface obtained by the asymptotic homogenization of a... |
Hrabačka, Martin
Bulín, Radek
Hajžman, Michal
New actuation planning method for the analysis and design of active tensegrity structures This paper deals with actuation planning and control for active tensegrity structures. Within actuation planning, a specific actuation in the form of adjustments of cables’ rest lengths is assigned to the resulting structure to follow a prescribed complex trajectory. The methodology is ... |
Rohan, Eduard
Heczko, Jan
Homogenization and numerical algorithms for two-scale modeling of porous media with self-contact in micropores The paper presents two-scale numerical algorithms for stress–strain analysis of porous media featured by self-contact at pore level. The porosity is constituted as a periodic lattice generated by a representative cell consisting of elastic skeleton and a void pore. Unilateral frictionless co... |
Bublík, Ondřej
Heidler, Václav
Pecka, Aleš
Vimmr, Jan
Neural-network-based fluid–structure interaction applied to vortex-induced vibration In this paper, a fluid–structure interaction (FSI) solver with neural-network-based fluid-flow prediction is proposed. This concept is applied to the problem of vortex-induced vibration of a cylinder. The majority of studies that are concerned with fluid-flow prediction using neural networks solv... |
Bublík, Ondřej
Heidler, Václav
Pecka, Aleš
Vimmr, Jan
Flow-Field Prediction in Periodic Domains Using a Convolution Neural Network with Hypernetwork Parametrization This paper deals with flow field prediction in a blade cascade using the convolution neural network. The convolutional neural network (CNN) predicts density, pressure and velocity fields based on the given geometry. The blade cascade is modeled as a single interblade channel with p... |
Rendl, Jan
Byrtus, Miroslav
Dyk, Štěpán
Smolík, Luboš
Subcritical behaviour of short cylindrical journal bearings under periodic excitation Rotating machinery supported on journal bearings is affected by forces due to rotating unbalance and pressure gradients in the oil film. The interaction of these forces can evoke nonlinear behaviour, including asynchronous motion and even chaos. This work attempts to characterise the su... |
Colantonio, Lorenzo
Dehombreux, Pierre
Hajžman, Michal
Verlinden, Olivier
3D projection of the LuGre friction model adapted to varying normal forces In this paper, we develop an adaptation of the LuGre friction model so as to allow the development of the friction force and its application in any directions on systems subjected to varying normal forces. This is achieved by projecting a modified LuGre model adapted to... |
Levý, Tomáš
May, Georg
Comparison of implicit time-discretization schemes for hybridized discontinuous Galerkin methods The present study is focused on the application of two families of implicit time-integration schemes for general time-dependent balance laws of convection-diffusion-reaction type discretized by a hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method in space, namely backward differentiation formulas (BDF) and diagonall... |
Levý, Tomáš
May, Georg
Comparison of implicit time-discretization schemes for hybridized discontinuous Galerkin methods The present study is focused on the application of two families of implicit time-integration schemes for general time-dependent balance laws of convection-diffusion-reaction type discretized by a hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method in space, namely backward differentiation formulas (BDF) and diagonall... |
Houdek, Václav
Smolík, Luboš
Kubín, Zdeněk
Impact point localization in three-dimensional structures using wavelet transform Impact-induced anomalies such as travelling waves can be found in many devices or structures. This article provides an experimental method to localize a point of impact in three-dimensional structures using an array of redundant sensors. Concurrent measurement of vibration waveforms in movin... |
Bublík, Ondřej
Pecka, Aleš
Vimmr, Jan
Curvilinear element of the discontinuous Galerkin method designed to capture the labyrinth seal geometry exactly The present study applies the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method to a numerical simulation of a compressible fluid flow through a labyrinth seal. This paper is proposes a curvilinear hexahedral element, which is deformed in such a way that it matches the rotated walls... |
Pašek, Jan
Infračervená termografie ve facility managementu Building management is a multidisciplinary field involving the care of buildings and their operation. This area is currently undergoing dynamic development in the Czech Republic. However, in the countries of Western Europe and the USA, this is already a very developed field with a&... |
Pašek, Jan
Technický stav středověkých kamenných chrámů v Angkoru, 1. díl The Archaeological Park in Angkor, Cambodia, is a world-famous and unique construction and archeological site. It consists of hundreds of stone monuments from the medieval Khmer empire - many of which are slowly decreasing and falling apart. The Czech national project in Angkor coo... |
Rohan, Eduard
Camprová Turjanicová, Jana
Liška, Václav
Geometrical model of lobular structure and its importance for the liver perfusion analysis A convenient geometrical description of the microvascular network is necessary for computationally efficient mathematical modelling of liver perfusion, metabolic and other physiological processes. The tissue models currently used are based on the generally accepted schematic structure of the parenchyma... |
Rohan, Eduard
Cimrman, Robert
Modelling wave dispersion in fluid saturating periodic scaffolds Acoustic waves in a slightly compressible fluid saturating porous periodic structure are studied using two complementary approaches: 1) the periodic homogenization (PH) method provides effective model equations for a general dynamic problem imposed in a bounded medium, 2) harmonic acoustic waves&... |
Bublík, Ondřej
Lobovský, Libor
Heidler, Václav
Mandys, Tomáš
Vimmr, Jan
Experimental validation of numerical simulations of free surface flow within casting mold cavities The paper targets on providing new experimental data for validation of the well-established mathematical models within the framework of the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM), which are applied to problems of casting processes in complex mould cavities. Design/methodology/approach: An experimental... |
Pašek, Jan
Sojková, Veronika
Facility Management of Smart Buildings The current development of smart buildings is conditioned by the development of smart technologies, bringing many new phenomena into the construction industry that change ownership, user and management environments. The optimized and truly functional smart building already includes engineering and... |
Beránek, Václav
Šťastný, Petr
Nováček, Vít
School Injuries and their prevention from the present perspective Background: Injuries are considered worldwide to be the most significant health problem, especially in childhood. In the Czech Republic, injuries are the most common cause of death among children and young adults. The aim of the study was to provide more insight in school acci... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra mechaniky / Department of Mechanics