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Řeháček, Karel
Nacionálně socialistická personální politika v letech 1938–1945 na západě Čech The article deals with the issue of personnel policy in the totalitarian society of 1938-1945 in western Bohemia. It pays attention to its application in the structures of the NSDAP and its components, in state administration, self-government and the private sector |
Řeháček, Karel
Meziválečná Plzeň. Rub a líc výkladní skříně československé sociální demokracie The article deals with the development of interwar Pilsen, its positives and negatives, and the price that had to be paid for the development of the city |
Řeháček, Karel
Proměna postavení farských hospodyní v polovině 20. století s přihlédnutím k situaci na Plzeňsku The article deals with parish housewives, their social status and the conditions of their existence in the Pilsen region in the first half of the 20th century. |
Řeháček, Karel
Pozoruhodný životní příběh menšinového učitele a básníka Vojtěcha Elhoty The article deals with the personality of the minority teacher Vojtěch Elhota. It emphasizes not only his pedagogical work at minority schools in Western Bohemia, but also his political and public involvement. |
Řeháček, Karel
Osídlovací úřad a Fond národní obnovy v Bratislavě a jejich role v budování poválečného Slovenska The article deals with the administrative and organizational development of two key offices of post-war Slovakia. He also deals with their role in the process of settling Slovakia and managing confiscated property. |
Řeháček, Karel
Kolovečští Hutterové a případ Josefa Grunda The article concerns the Jewish business family of the Hutters from Koloveč. It reflects their fate before the war, during the occupation and after the war. |
Řeháček, Karel
Majetkové a rodinné poměry plzeňského starosty Luďka Pika The article deals with the privacy issues of the important Pilsen politician Luděk Pik. It deals with his family and property circumstances. |
Řeháček, Karel
Československá historická společnost a její západočeská pobočka The article deals with the organizational development and professional orientation of an important professional organization of Czechoslovak historians. It focuses mainly on events in Western Bohemia. |
Řeháček, Karel
Cikáni, tuláci, pytláci… Bezpečnostní poměry jižního Podbrdska v meziválečném období ve světle památníků četnických stanic The article deals with the security situation of southern Podbrdsk between the wars. It concerns the issues of gypsies, poachers and other social groups. |
Řeháček, Karel
Exodus bezbranných. Vysidlování ohrožených sociálních skupin z Karlovarska po roce 1945 The article deals with the issue of the post-war depopulation of the population of German nationality from Czechoslovakia. It focuses mainly on the difficult situation of handicapped social groups, children, orphans, old and sick people. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra historie / Department of History