2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Mužík, Martin
Trnka, Pavel
Návrh online diagnostického systému This paper describes the possibilities which we have for monitoring of transformers. The basic information of diagnostic systems as offline or online are presented. The main point of this work is research of possibilities of the commercial sensors and systems for the online monitor... |
Michal, Ondřej
Hornak, Jaroslav
Mentlík, Václav
Testování matematických modelů pro predikci relativní permitivity nanokompozitního systému Composite materials and determination of their properties is a muchdiscussed topic not only in the field of the high voltage insulation systems. In this field, one of the most important parameters which may be determined is relative permittivity, also known as the dielectric consta... |
Michal, David
Řeboun, Jan
Kontaktní struktury na textilních substrátech This paper deals with contact structures on textile substrates. The topic of contact structures is important, because of it being the weakest link in the field of smart textiles. Once the conductive paths of a product are destroyed, the whole product is useless. Necessity of... |
Lufinka, Ondřej
Princip autonomních robotických platforem (ARP) používaných pro testování ADAS systémů In this paper, flat and overrunable autonomous robotic platforms (ARP) used for the testing of ADAS systems in automotive are described. In the beginning there is an explanation of ARP and ADAS systems. Then the design possibilities to improve such ARP are introduced (e.g. omn... |
Laksar, Jan
Použití Schwarz-Christoffelovy transformace ve výpočtech elektrických strojů One of the methods additional to finite element analysis is presented in this paper. The Schwarz-Christoffel (SC) transformation was used to the Carters factor derivation. Today, the numerical SC transformation is used to describe the air gap magnetic field and evaluate the back EM... |
Kuthan, Jiří
Juřík, Martin
Klíčové parametry pro polohování magnetických těles v planární rovině Presented research is focused on key design parameters of the system for magnetically guided actuation of miniature robots on planar surfaces. Attention is paid to field coils and robot design, maximum robot load and robot dynamics. The study based on the numerical analysis and... |
Křivka, Jindřich
Žahour, Jiří
Kosturik, Kamil
Elektronické vybavení umožňující řízení aktivní regenerace ERDPF filtru The paper describes one key function of the ERDPF electronic control system. The main function of electronic system is the switching of regeneration current loops. For this reason, the electronic system has to be equipped by a reliable and quick control MOSFET driver. This dri... |
Kroneisl, Michal
Nastavení parametrů prediktivního řízení pro potlačení elektromagnetického hluku pohonu This paper shows how to tune control algorithm of electric drive to reduce its electromagnetic noise. The used algorithm is based on FCS-MPC (Finite Control Set – Model predictive control) and it employs filters for spectrum shaping. The algorithm is implemented, measured and compa... |
Krejčí, Vít
Inovace lineárního posuvu fotoaparátu This project is based on the first type of linear camera slider which makes several improves of construction and directions option of camera motion. Design of mechanical construction is focused on weight with a strong emphasis on the solidity of the rails line. The primary... |
Kehl, Zdeněk
Glasberger, Tomáš
Tříúrovňový výkonový měnič NPP A topology of a three level neutral point piloted (NPP) is described. There are some interesting features e.q. lower switching and blocking voltages in comparison with 2L-VSC topology or soft switching of bidirectional switch, if the special PWM modulator is used. The main disadvan... |
Kalčík, Jan
Soukup, Radek
Vyšívaný teplotní senzor This paper deals with an embroidered temperature sensor, which is based on hybrid resistive thread. The response of embroidered temperature sensors to rapid temperature changes between -40 °C and 125 °C was studied and compared with standardized platinum resistance temperature sensors Pt1000... |
Kalaš, David
Systém pro testování tepelné izolace ochranných rukavic This paper deals with the development of a system for testing of thermal insulation of protective gloves. presents and Design and construction of the testing equipment with a radiant heat source and a 3D human hand model is described in the introduction of this paper. The... |
Kalaj, Patrik
Modelování elektromechanické interakce v pohonu – vliv měření otáček na hřídeli převodovky pohonu při regulaci rychlosti The paper deals with creating of complex model covering both electrical and mechanical models of the drive and their mutual interaction. High-speed PMSM machine is used along with 3-stage reduction gearbox. The mechanical model takes into account torsional vibration only. The complex mo... |
Jiřinec, Jakub
Měření jednotek zpětného získávání tepla The purpose of the paper is to describe the measurement system for heat recovery unit. A long-term measurement of the indoor environment parameters was performed in a classroom equipped with Whisperair heat recovery unit produced by 2VV. The main observed parameter was the evolutio... |
Hromádka, Aleš
Posouzení využitelnosti protitlakové a kondenzační turbíny v kogeneračních teplárnách This paper is focused on the assessment of suitability of both possible turbines, which can be operated in current co-generation power plants. Pros and cons of both turbines are described and summarized in the main part of the paper. The assessment is based on real requir... |
Hrbek, Jan
Mészáros, Bence
Závislost rychlosti proudění taveniny v ose indukční kelímkové peci na elektrických parametrech induktoru The paper describes a mathematical model of induction crucible furnace. The main purpose of the article is to study influence of inductor frequency and electric current on axial melt velocity. The material used for calculation is Wood’s metal. The considered problem contains electromagn... |
Hlína, Jiří
Řeboun, Jan
Hamáček, Aleš
Vlastnosti vícevrstvých TPC struktur This paper is focused on multilayer Thick Printed Copper (TPC) structures on alumina substrates and the testing of their mechanical and electrical properties. Multilayer thick printed copper is a new prospective technology based on sequential printing of copper and dielectric films and ... |
Glac, Antonín
Optimální řízení IPMSM s uvažováním statorového odporu This paper presents the implementation of feedforward optimal control of interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM), where stator resistance is not neglected. Proposed method improves the efficiency of a drive. |
Frank, Zdeněk
Návrh a konstrukce synchronního soustrojí The paper deals with a complete manufacture of a synchronous machinery for educational purposes. The main targets of the design is creation of a machinery which clearly shows all constructional components of used machines, its overall dimensions allow easy transportation between education... |
Fořtová, Anna
Ježek, Filip
Vojáček, Aleš
Systém a řízení kompenzátoru objemu VVER 1000 v prostředí Dymola The pressurizer is responsible for controlling the pressure and temperature in the primary circuit of the nuclear power plant. It is basically a pressure vessel, filled partially with water and partially with steam at saturation state. The controlling process can be described by tw... |
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- 45 2018