Computational mechanics 2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Zrůbek, L.
Doškář, M.
Kučerová, A.
Meneses-Guzmán, M.
Rodríguez-Méndez, F.
Wang tiles and metal foam micro-structure image synthesis Our latest work is focused on image synthesis of metal foam micro-structures using the Wang tiles and Automatic tile design. |
Zítka, T.
Havelková, L.
Tupý, R.
Geometrical model of muscle attachment sites in hand Our study provides novel approach to acquiring data used in biomechanical models along with dataset of hand muscle data. It also provides a tool for generating these data, relieving researchers of some tedious labor and possibly allowing for greater reproducibility of research. |
Zeman, V.
Hlaváč, Z.
Nonlinear vibration of the nuclear reactor with clearances in core barrel couplings The original mathematical model of the VVER-type reactor excited by coolant pressure pulsations was derived as the linear clearance-free model in couplings. Assembly clearances in the key-groove (K-G) couplings between the lower part of core barrel (CB3) and the reactor pressure vessel ... |
Zavřel, J.
Vampola, T.
Dušková-Smrčková, M.
Modeling of mechanical properties of macroporous hydrogel Macroporous hydrogels with controlled morphology are widely used in biomedical fields, as drug delivery, tissue engineering, analytical and technical separations or responsive constructs. Porosity can be achieved by several methods. In the preparation of physical experiments it is made by salt... |
Zaoral, F.
Ferfecki, P.
Application of the harmonic balance method for investigation of dynamic parameters of the rotors mounted on linear/nonlinear coupling elements In modelling of rotating systems, the connection of the rotor to the stator part is often performed by means of coupling elements that behave nonlinearly, such as hydrodynamic and magnetic bearings, squeeze film dampers, etc. The Harmonic Balance Method (HBM) represents a tool for&... |
Zámečníková, T.
Padovec, Z.
Sedláček, R.
Křena, J.
FE analysis of the T-profile for airplane door This paper deals with the replacement of the titanium profile in the airplane door with the composite one. The aim of the project is the FEM analysis of the titanium T-profile integrated in airplane door and to design a composite part which will be lighter and stiffe... |
Yousefghahari, B.
Vahidi-Shams, A.
Guran, A.
Treatment of gait disorder in a child with mild cerebral palsy In this paper we present a procedure to correct the gait disorder in a 4 year old girl with mild CP and spastic double monoplegia. Time series for movement of the patient were produced in the gait lab of Wigmore clinic in Yerevan (Armenia) and the orthoses were&... |
Volech, J.
Šika, Z.
Kraus, K.
Beneš, P.
Control of vibration suppression and motion control by piezo actuators Piezoelectric materials are increasingly used in industry in various applications such as stabilization, micro-positioning, shakers etc. Two main disadvantages are high demand on the input voltages and relatively small range of motion. There are presented two type of piezoelectric elements implem... |
Valášek, J.
Sváček, P.
Horáček, J.
The numerical simulation of human phonation The human phonation is highly interesting phenomenon, where numerical simulations play an important role due to the practical inaccessibility of the vocal folds. This phenomenon is described by three physical fields ? the deformation of elastic body, the complex fluid flow and the ... |
Sváček, P.
Finite element method application for fluid structure interactions: Mathematical background and implementation In this paper the mathematical modelling of fluid-structure interaction problems is addressed particularly with the interest paid to the biomechanics of human voice. The attention is paid to the precise approximation of the fluid flow, particularly in the glottal part, with the aid ... |
Straka, P.
Příhoda, J.
Luxa, M.
Simulation of supersonic flow through the tip-section turbine blade cascade with a strong shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction Numerical simulations of the supersonic flow have shown the significant effect of the prescription of the outlet boundary condition. Simulations carried out for the standard computational domain with the output behind the blade cascade and/or for the computational domain corresponding to... |
Straka, P.
Prediction of hub-seal effect on efficiency drop in axial turbine stage In axial turbine stages the secondary flows have an important impact on the drop of the stage efficiency. Significant sources of the secondary flows are shroud- and hub-seals. This paper deals with numerical simulation of the hub-seal leakage flow effect on the axial turbine s... |
Štorkán, J.
Vampola, T.
Dušková-Smrčková, M.
Dušek, K.
Modeling of the mechanical behavior of polymer hydrogels The paper describes the possible procedure of FEM calculation of hydrogel materials. The basis of the calculation is to perform a calculation with a common material model. Only after the application of boundary conditions is the material model incrementally changed to the desired. ... |
Štembera, V.
Fast calculation of collapse load of shell structures Numerical calculation of collapse load (limit load) of a structure, made of elastic-plastic material, is often of practical interest. Standard approach is based on repetitive use of nonlinear finite element calculation, where the collapse load is determined iteratively. However, more efficient... |
Steinbauer, P.
Mechatronic modal hammer The mechatronic modal hammer was designed and manufactured. Basic structure is relatively simple. However, suitable choice of mechanical parameters and smart control (feedback and feedforward) enables the device to achieve high parameter stability of impact excitation. The repeatability of the ex... |
Špirk, S.
Špička, J.
Tramway front end design safe for pedestrian This paper is focused on the field of rail vehicles passive safety. The really intensive research was dedicated to the safety tram front end design in last two years. The main point of this research is to reduce the severity of the consequences of a collision between... |
Špička, J.
Vychytil, J.
Ryba, T.
Havelková, L.
Development of a personalized musculoskeletal human shoulder The aim of this study is to contribute to the development of personalized musculoskeletal human shoulder model for the prevention, therapy and rehabilitation strategies. Namely, we participate in the development of the virtual shoulder model in the AnyBody Modeling System (AMS). This mo... |
Sommer, T.
Steinbauer, P.
Vilímek, M.
Slavík, S.
Kratochvíl, A.
Influence of the pilot on the modal parameters of the control system lightweight aircraft This paper is focused on creation of experiment and experimental determination of pilot influence on the modal parameters of the longitudinal mechanical control system of lightweight aircraft. There are some publications which describes pilot response and traffic delay in relation to flight&... |
Šnábl, P.
Pešek, L.
Půst, L.
Non-linear vibration of planar case of three-blade bundle with dry friction contacts Using dry friction couplings (so called tie-bosses) between the blades in turbine rotors can be used to suppress dangerous resonant vibrations of turbine blades and it has been studied on our institute on various models. Experimental setup of three-blade bundle was built along with... |
Slávik, O.
Vojtek, T.
Poduška, J.
Náhlík, L.
Hutař, P.
Numerical simulation of a cylindrical fatigue specimen loaded under mixed-mode conditions Although a significant number of service failures occur due to the fatigue crack propagation under mixed-mode loading conditions, this area is still relatively unexplored. That is why study of mixed mode fatigue crack propagation has become much more relevant recently. The mixed mode... |
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- Computational Mechanics