Číslo 4 (2019) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dinu, Vasile
Bunea, Mariana
The corporate social responsibility of the Romanian banking system In the 1970s, Milton Friedman has claimed that: “the only social responsibility of a company is the use of its resources together with the engagement in businesses that are meant to increase the profits, maintaining the rules of the game. This means to engage into an ... |
Bilan, Yuri
Simionescu, Mihaela
Mentel, Grzegorz
Rozsa, Zoltan
The role of education, individual and economic factors in entrepreneurial initiatives: a microeconomic approach for the Czech republic, Slovakia and Poland The purpose of this research is to assess the impact of university education and business environment on entrepreneurial initiatives and to make comparisons of the results between students coming from Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. These countries were selected for the analysi... |
Leković, Božidar
Strugar Jelača, Maja
Marić, Slobodan
Importance of innovative management practice: solution for challenges in business environment and performance in large organizations in Serbia In the contemporary business setting, the implementation of innovative management practices is recognized as a crucial factor (Damanpour, 2014) for strategic change, organizational renewal and achieving longterm competitive advantage (Walker, Chen, & Aravind, 2015). Still, it is surprising how lit... |
Procházka, Jakub
Židlická, Anna
Cígler, Hynek
Vaculík, Martin
Klein, Howard J.
The Czech adaptation of the Klein et al.’s unidimensional target-neutral scale of commitment Organizational commitment, along with job satisfaction, is one of the two most often researched work attitudes (Riketta, 2008). It is the center of attention because it affects key variables in organizations such as the wellbeing of employees (e.g. Sui, 2002), absence due to illnes... |
Stjepanović, Saša
Tomić, Daniel
Škare, Marinko
Green GDP: an analyses for developing and developed countries In the push for more sustainable and greener progress, faster economic growth is no longer a priority. Is this true? There is a broad agreement that global society should strive for a higher standard of human wellbeing that is equitably shared and sustainable. Motivations for&... |
Prantl, David
Mičík, Michal
Analysis of the significance of ewom on social media for companies The importance of social media has risen significantly in recent years. The use of social media results in a competitive advantage for companies, thanks to which they can strengthen their relationship with customers (Vendemia 2017; Nacimento & Silveria, 2017; Eger, Mičík, & Řeho... |
Gongol, Tomáš
Trademark infringements in the domain “.cz” This article deals with finding and evaluating the extent of trademark infringements in the field of domain “.cz” (further referred to as Czech domain). Not only in the Czech legal environment, the question of disputes between intellectual property rights (esp. trademarks) and domain... |
Kazibudzki, Pawel Tadeusz
Křupka, Jiří
Pairwise judgments consistency impact on quality of multi-criteria group decision-making with ahp Presumably complex systems can be better understood when they are broken down into their constituent elements and structured hierarchically. Then, judgments about these elements can be synthesized on the basis of their relative importance at each level of the hierarchy into a set o... |
Vetráková, Milota
Smerek, Lukáš
Competitiveness of Slovak enterprises in Central and Eastern European region Many changes occurred in the management of the economy in Slovakia caused by the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. The process of globalization into Slovak economic conditions was limited due to initial ale... |
Kotíková, Sylvie
Potential of the Czech business environment assumes the effects of foreign direct investment As a consequence of political changes, the process of transitioning a centrally controlled economy to a market economy has influenced the development processes of the states in which this transformation has occurred (Hlaváček & Bal-Domanska, 2016). It was expected that the entry of&... |
Stehel, Vojtěch
Horák, Jakub
Vochozka, Marek
Prediction of institutional sector development and analysis of enterprises active in agriculture Owing to a special role of agriculture in the national economy, governments have become the main suppliers as well as the main users of agricultural predictions (forecasts). They require internal forecasts to implement policies that provide technical and market support to the agricultur... |
Li, Pengshi
Pricing exotic option under stochastic volatility model Exotic options are called “customer tailored options” or “special purpose option” because they are flexible to be tailored to the specific needs of investors. Strategies based on exotic options are often employed to hedge the specific risk exposures from the financial markets. Because... |
Němcová, Jana
Staňková, Pavla
Factors influencing consumer behaviour of generation Y on the Czech wine market According to Tibor Nyitray, President of the Wine Growers’ Union of the Czech Republic, wine is not only a product of nature, but also pleasure and joy, work and entrepreneurship, the result of long-term education and practise, the reason for meetings and association, and fina... |
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