Diplomové práce / Theses (KET) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Huček, Jan
Perspektivní elektroizolační materiály vhodné pro sériovou výrobu elektromotorů The thesis deals with perspective electrical insulating materials for the dielectric subsystem of an electric motor, considering serial production, environment impact, and the requirements of the development trend in electric motors. The thesis describes current insulation systems of electric motors,&... |
Škarda, Jakub
Vliv simulovaného slunečního záření a změn teploty na elektrické parametry flexibilních solárních článků This thesis deals with the effect of simulated solar radiation and temperature changes on the electrical parameters of flexible solar cells, or modules, with potential applications in smart textiles. To introduce the topic, the basic types of flexible solar cells are introduced in ... |
Urbánek, Leoš
Ultrazvukové svařování elektrických vodičů This thesis is dedicated to the issue of ultrasonic welding of metals. The work includes an introduction to the method of ultrasonic welding of metals (as well as a mention of the use of ultrasound in welding plastics), its principles, the composition of ultrasonic welding... |
Panoš, Dominik
Inovativní technologie pro zlepšení interních logistických procesů The diploma thesis focuses on the fundamental and inovative methods of internal logistics in connection with the subsequent implementation into real production. The thesis is structured into 3 main parts, which describe the theory of internal logistics, the subsequent possible implementation ... |
Pelc, Petr
Využití Výrobního informačního systému pro zvýšení efektivity výroby This thesis deals with the implementation of the manufacturing information system MES (Manufacturing Execution System) in a manufacturing company, with the aim of increasing production efficiency. The theoretical part describes the MES system, its functions and benefits, and also explains the... |
Pešek, Daniel
Řešení audiosystému pro poslechovou místnost This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a multi-channel audio system for a listening room. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The beginning of the theoretical part is focused on the requirements for the listening room and the mul... |
Kvasnička, Petr
Částečné výboje v silikonových hmotách Given the dynamic development of power electronics and semiconductors, it is essential to innovate materials capable of withstanding high electric field intensities and partial discharges. Silicone gels are part of a group of potting compounds used as the main insulation system for powe... |
Maňas, Martin
Akustické metody detekce částečných výbojů This thesis addresses the measurement of partial discharges using the acoustic method. The task of this work was to design a suitable diagnostic procedure for monitoring selected acoustic parameters of discharge activity. The thesis is divided into several parts. The first ... |
Mészáros, Vojtěch
Technologie přeměny energie s ohledem na využití obnovitelných zdrojů a celkovou bilanci The presented work is focused on the technologies of photovoltaic power plants. First, physical phenomena related to photovoltaic panels, types of photovoltaic panels, PVE connection options, types of batteries and the principle of photovoltaic inverters are described. Furthermore, an ecological ... |
Nolč, Lukáš
Řešení prostorové akustiky poslechové místnosti This thesis focuses on the problem of room acoustics of listening rooms to ensure optimal quality of listening to music and spoken word. The theoretical part defines the key acoustic parameters related to the design of these rooms and explores the principles of the acoustic... |
Kupilík, Tomáš
Vysokoteplotní kabelové materiály This thesis focuses on high-temperature insulation materials for cables, with emphasis on their stability and durability under harsh operating conditions. The introduction provides a general overview of cable structure and insulation materials used in cable technology, with emphasis on high tempe... |
Jedlička, Tomáš
Údržba elektrických zařízení na základě rizik The main theme of this thesis is risk-based maintenance. The thesis provides a comprehensive overview of historical development, current trends, and predictions for future conditions. The practical part involved creating a simple tool for implementing risk-based maintenance. The theoretical part... |
Mixán, Martin
Návrh a realizace přepínače audiocest v akustické laboratoři This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of an audio path switcher for the acoustic laboratory of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The aim is to create a device capable of switching several input audio signals ... |
Boháček, Milan
Plošné textilní senzory přítomnosti pro vyhřívané textilie This paper deals with the issue of textile occupancy sensors for heated textiles. In the first part, the field of smart textiles and e-textiles is introduced, followed by a short market survey on heated textiles. In the next chapter, a literature search is conducted on sp... |
Hlinomaz, Václav
Návrh a realizace distribuovaného CMD systému This thesis deals with the design of an alternative vibrodiagnostic system for short-term and medium-term monitoring, focusing on the use of MEMS accelerometers to make the system and attached sensors cost-effective.. The theoretical part addresses the general issues of diagnostics and fault... |
Švagr, Kryštof
Testování spolehlivosti vodivých spojů na textiliích The first part of the thesis focuses on electrically conductive textiles. The thesis also deals with fixed and removable methods of contacting electrical components on textile substrates. The second part describes the experiment carried out. The aim of the experiment was to determine... |
Veinar, Lukáš
Aplikace prvků procesního řízení ve vybraném podniku The diploma thesis deals with the current state of the process management. The thesis describes in detail the methods and tools used in the process management and process improvement field. The next part of the thesis presents a case study for the implementation o... |
Samcová, Kateřina
Silikonové materiály pro kabelový průmysl This diploma thesis focuses on the description of silicone materials, their properties and application in electrical engineering. Primarily it deals with the use of silicone materials in the cable industry in particular on their fire retardant properties. The experimental part of the th... |
Sláma, Pavel
Prostorový náboj v elektroizolačních systémech This paper deals with dielectric polarization and its division into different types. Furthermore, it focuses on the space charge generation and its measurement methods such as TP, LIPP, PPS and in particular the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) method. In the experimental part, individual s... |
Mokrá, Zdislava
Perspektivní biologicky odbouratelné nanokapaliny The thesis deals with the issue of biodegradable electroinsulating liquids and nanofluids, their historical development and their advantages and disadvantages. The main representatives of commercially available electrical insulating liquids are presented. Furthermore, possible methods for the preparation of... |