Diplomové práce / Theses (KET) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Musil, Ondřej
Vícevrstvé elektroizolační kompozity pro vysokonapěťové aplikace The master thesis focuses on the issue of electrical insulating composites with multilayer structure, which can be used primarily in high-voltage applications. The presented work is a continuation of the bachelor thesis with the aim to propose and analyse such modifications of existing&... |
Osvald, Marek
Řízení procesů v kontextu konceptu Průmysl 4.0 The diploma thesis deals with process management in connection with technologies and principles of Industry 4.0. Specifically, it focuses on the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) method, which is used to control, optimize and monitor the production process. A case study has been crea... |
Marešová, Simona
Nástroj pro analýzu rizik spojených s řízením kontinuity podnikání a trvalé udržitelnosti The main objective of this thesis was to create a tool for managing the risks associated with business continuity and sustainability management. The theoretical part of this thesis focuses on three main topics: risk management, business continuity management and sustainability. Within... |
Křiček, Jan
Mechanické vlastnosti pájených spojů The presented work focuses on mechanical properties of lead-free solder joints related to intermetallic compounds and factors influencing mechanical properties. The first chapter explains the basic concepts and the reason for the transition to lead-free solder alloys. The second chapter discusses... |
Landgráf, Martin
Akustické úpravy poslechové místnosti This master thesis is focused on the design and construction of a Helmholtz resonator for a listening room. The introduction discusses basic theoretical knowledge from spatial acoustics. Furthermore, the requirements for the listening room in terms of relevant standards are summarized, and... |
Lang, Lukáš
Povrchová montáž komponent na elastické plošné spoje The presented diploma thesis deals with elastic printed circuit boards, with a focus on types of assembly technologies. The introductory part of this work was devoted to the materials, technology and design of elastic printed circuit boards, realized by printing procedures. Furthermore, ... |
Kopsa, Martin
Statistická analýza dat se zaměřením na statistickou regulaci procesu The subject of this thesis is Statistical data analysis with a focus on statistical process control. Due to the nature of the work, it was divided into a Theoretical and a Practical part. The theoretical part in the form of research first summarizes the basic statis... |
Křivan, Václav
Využití statistických nástrojů při analýze degradačních mechanizmů elektroizolačních materiálů This diploma thesis describes statistical tools that are used in the analysis of degradation mechanisms of electrical insulating materials. It focuses mainly on the Weibull distribution, normal distribution, lognormal distribution and exponential distribution, which are used to evalulate breakthrough ... |
Šipla, Jan
Polymerní kompozity pro kabelové systémy s vysokou odolností This diploma thesis is focused on the issue of electrical insulating materials used in cable systems. Primarily, the thesis deals with the influence of fillers that improve the resistance of these materials, especially their thermal stability and reaction to the appearance of fire ... |
Vecko, Kamil
Vektorové řízení PMSM s využitím čidel s nízkým rozlišením The main objective of this thesis is to implement field-oriented control with a reduced number of sensors or their precision using Aurix TC233 microcontroller. Only one shunt resistor is used for measuring current. Therefore, the focus is put on verifying PWM generation and current... |
Vít, Tomáš
Vliv vnějšího prostředí na parametry akumulátorů The presented thesis deals with sources of electricity, specifically batteries. For the purposes of better comprehension of the topic, the introduction presents various types of electricity sources, as well as battery designs, influences affecting the function of batteries and research of av... |
Leńczyk, Lukáš
Vliv retardérů hoření na vlastnosti kabelových izolací The presented thesis deals with the issue of the effect of flame retardants on the properties of cable insulation. A brief definition of the basic concepts related to this topic is introduced. Furthermore, there are described the most important polymeric materials used in cable... |
Přibek, Petr
Intermetalické sloučeniny bezolovnatých pájecích slitin The diploma thesis deals with the issue of lead-free solder alloys and the formation of intermetallic compounds in their volume. The theoretical part outlines the general issues of soldering, including its physical nature. Furthermore, the work deals with the description of the current&... |
Pangrác, Tomáš
Kontaktování vodičů na tlustovrstvých substrátech pro vysokoteplotní aplikace The presented diploma thesis is focused on the issue of connections with high temperature resistance. The introduction is a search of contact methods, their limitations, principles and benefits. There is also a search for materials for printed circuit boards, conductive paths and the... |
Kutěj, Petr
Metody měření vnitřního pnutí v tlustých vrstvách This thesis describes the technology of thick films, where are described methods for measurement of inner tension in thick films. In this thesis is made a proposal of experimental preparation for measuring inner tension according to Cantilever (Beam) method. This method was tested ... |
Kubíček, Robert
Technologie chytrého parkování The thesis contains theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the issue of smart parking from the perspective of history and today. Furthermore, the thesis contains a market research from the perspective of smart cities. Furthermore, the Internet of Things and ... |
Háže, Daniel
Měření dielektrických vlastností samouzdravujícího polymeru This diploma thesis deals with the topic of self-healing polymers. In the theoretical introduction, you can get acquainted with a summary of knowledge about these promising materials and their application possibilities in the electrical industry. In the experimental part, the thesis describe... |
Kovalenko, Taras
Agilní metody řízení projektů Agile techniques - are techniques that help manage projects effectively. Nowadays, agile techniques are very actively used not only in IT but also in other areas of industry. The most important techniques of Agile Control include Scrum, XP, FFD. This work focuses on the descri... |
Jozová, Kateřina
Anizotropní magnetoreologické elastomery This diploma thesis is focused on Magnetorheological elastomers (MRE). The introduction provides a general description of magneto-active composites which include MRE materials. MRE is then described in more detail separately. The method of MRE voxels fabrication is then explained. There are ... |
Handrejch, Jan
Monitorování baterií pro IoT zařízení The thesis deals with the issue of monitoring the remaining energy, especially in primary cells based on Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Li-SOCl2), which find their application in low-power IoT devices. The purpose of this work is to select and validate suitable integrated circuits for applic... |