Diplomové práce / Theses (KET) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 75
Honzík, Jan
Možnosti řízení pohltivosti nízkofrekvenčních akustických tlumicích prvků

The theses deal with acoustic damping elements based on the resonant principle. Thus, a Helmholtz resonator, a membrane resonator and an oscillating panel are described here. Other parts of the thesis are devoted to the construction of the oscillating panel and the design of t...

Drož, Adam
Ekologické napájecí systémy s vodíkovými palivovými články

This diploma thesis deals with hydrogen fuel cells with a proton exchange membrane. The first chapter discusses the classification of hydrogen fuel cells in terms of construction, type of electrolyte and operating temperature. The main differences are briefly described and examples of p...

Frank, Jan
Možnosti znovupoužití epoxidových zalévacích směsí

This diploma thesis focuses on the possibility of reusing epoxy resin as a filler in newly produced epoxy resins. The aim of the diploma thesis is to compare the electrical and mechanical properties of cold-cured epoxy resin with the properties of newly formed samples. T...

Valnoha, Jan
Možnosti uplatnění principů cirkulární ekonomiky pro řízení životního cyklu výrobků z oblasti chytrých textilií

This thesis discusses the possible application of circular economy principles for smart textiles. The work was based on a research of circular economy issues and technologies, materials for smart textiles. The results of the work show the necessity of elaboration of new standards a...

Calta, Lukáš
Automatizovaný proces verifikace numerické simulace pomocí \nl{}měření

This work summarizes an overview of the implementation of measuring systems for automatic data acquisition, including a description of their basic structure, distribution and communication interfaces used. There are also several representatives of commercially available measuring systems. Furthermore, the&...

Komín, Jan
Diagnostika částečných výbojů v kompozitech s využitím optických FBG struktur

The presented master thesis deals with the detection of partial discharges using optical fibers with a built-in FBG grating. Currently, the detection of partial discharges is very diverse, but detection using optical fibers with a specially designed grating is more or less unknown. ...

Carvan, Ondřej
Separace elektronického odpadu za použití miniaturních magnetických robotů.

The submitted master thesis is focused on the electronic waste separation. This topic is already a very pressing issue nowadays and will become even more important globally in the future. The separation system presented in this thesis could contribute to its solution. This system&#...

Strejc, Matyáš
Systém pro stanovení parametrů testů pájitelnosti a jejich vyhodnocování

This master's thesis describes a system for determining the parameters of solderability tests and their evaluation. Solderability is complex of properties that examines the properties of a material to be wetted by solder for industrial soldering. Three main parameters are wettability, he...

Kosť, Lukáš
Plošné a lineární detekční textilie

This diploma thesis focuses on the design of electronics, particularly for fabric cut detection or liquid leak detection. The first part of the work describes in more detail the issue of smart textiles, their characteristics, applications, and mainly used technologies. Furthermore, the ...

Hamerník, Karel
Funkční testy vodivých spojů SMD součástek na chytrých textiliích

This thesis deals with functional testing of conductive joints on SMD components mounted on smart fabrics, designing an experiment to determine the effect of functional testing on selected properties of the joints and its subsequent implementation. The first part of the thesis describes...

Bajcár, Filip
Smart city a IoT technologie

This thesis deals with the issue of Smart City and Internet of Things (IoT), its current mapping, the design of IoT technology solutions that could be implemented and its subsequent implementation. The introductory part focuses on the types and reasons for using IoT and Smart&...

Jandačová, Alžběta
Likvidace odpadů v městě Plzni - optimalizace dopravy

Diploma thesis is focused on the waste issues, specifically on the collection of waste from the city of Pilsen to ZEVO Plzeň located in the village nearby, called Chotíkov and on the energy balance of these collections. The thesis itself is divided into 4 consecutive part...

Urban, Ondřej
Nové trendy v oblasti řízení výroby pro elektrotechnický průmysl

This thesis deals with current methods of manufacturing management in the electrical industry. It is particularly focused on the influence of Industry 4.0. This thesis also deals with the reaction of manufacturing companies to the actual political and economical situation in the world&#...

Slováček, Adam
Zhodnocení energetického potenciálu vodního toku

The thesis presents the evaluation of the energy potential of the Berounka water stream. The determination of the theoretical energy potential and the current energy potential of the flow is included. It also focuses on the design of technical solutions for small hydropower plants&...

Hodanová, Tereza
Agilní projektové řízení

The diploma thesis deals with the issue of project management, specifically traditional and agile methodologies. The theoretical part introduces the waterfall model as a methodology from traditional project management. The agile part describes more methodologies however the main focus lies on...

Radouchová, Michaela
Textilní antény jako senzory natažení a deformace

This diploma thesis is focused on textile antennas suitable for sensing mechanical deformations such as strain. Strain sensing is an important parameter for sensing edema and flexibility of the limbs, such as flexion of the limbs or the range of motion of the joints and b...

Kopřiva, Jiří
Vliv tepelné expozice na vlastnosti polymerních filmů

This master's thesis focus on PET and PEN polymer films. These films are compared with regards to their mechanical and dielectric properties, and the effect of long-term thermal exposure on these properties is observed and evaluated. Furthermore, a short polymer history is presented...

Ježek, Vladimír
Vliv údržby na elektrické parametry vyhřívaných textilií

The diploma thesis is focused on the investigation of the influence of maintenance on the electrical parameters of heated textiles. The theoretical part of this thesis summarized the current state in the field of e-textiles. This part also describes the methods of implementation of...

Říha, Marek
Vliv klimatického stárnutí na vlastnosti vodivých spojů

This work deals with the issue of climate testing and the effect of aging on the properties of conductive connections. In the first part of the thesis, this issue is described on a theoretical level. General information on climatic testing is mentioned here, as well as&#x...

Schmeller, Jan
Projekt fotovoltaické elektrárny o výkonu 200 kW pro energetickou komunitu

Submitted thesis focuses on a design of a photovoltaic power plant. First of all, solar energy is described, followed by the principle of the photoelectric effect, types of photovoltaic cells and systems and recycling of photovoltaic panels. After that the current legislation and s...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 75