Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KPP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Müllerová, Tereza
Výkon práce mimo pracoviště zaměstnavatele The subject of the bachelor thesis is the legal regulation of the performance of work outside the employer's workplace, with a comparison and critical evaluation of the legal regulation until 1 October 2023 and after 1 October 2023. The first part of the thesi... |
Malý, Tomáš
Spravedlivé odměňování v pracovněprávních vztazích The bachelor thesis deals with fair remuneration in labor relations. It focuses on the clarification of the concept of "fair remuneration" as such, taking into account the different types of remuneration for the performance of work and their issues. The thesis also develops... |
Illetško, Jakub
Práce přesčas This bachelor's thesis focuses on overtime work and is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter defines basic terms. The second chapter deals with a historical excursion from the first regulations surrounding work to the present state of the legal regulations of overtime ... |
Nalezená, Eliška
Pěstounská péče This Bachelor thesis is concerned with foster care in light of currently valid and effective legal regulation in the Czech Republic. The opening part is dedicated to the historical development of foster care after which it describes the individual types of foster care. The sub... |
Beránková, Eliška
Právní úprava pracovněprávního vztahu zaměstnance, který nepracuje na pracovišti zaměstnavatele The bachelor thesis deals with the legal regulation of the employment relationship of an employee who does not work at the employer's workplace. Its aim is to acquaint the reader with the change in the legal regulation of this institute of remote way of work performan... |
Benešová, Simona
Zkušební doba This bachelor thesis delves into the topic of probationary period within Czech labor law. It starts with an introduction to labor law, elucidating the fundamental principles of the employment relationship. Furthermore, the thesis explores the legal regulation of probationary period, including... |
Popelková, Tereza
Nemoc z povolání This Bachelor´s thesis is dedicated to the topic of occupational diseases. The thesis contains an explanation of the concept of occupational diseases and its brief historical beginning. Occupational health services and their concept of employers and employees are explained. Part of the ... |
Sentenský, Filip
Okamžité zrušení pracovního poměru The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of immediate termination of employment. The thesis covers basic concepts and describes immediate termination of employment from the perspective of both the employee and employer, including invalid termination and case law. The thesis also includes... |
Jelínková, Michaela
Pracovnělékařské služby In my work, I focus on occupational health services that have a significant impact on the health and safety of employees in their work environment. The work is divided into five parts: the concept and importance of occupational health services, the history and development of... |
Roubal, Daniel
Pracovní podmínky mladistvých The bachelor's thesis is devoted to the history and current legislation regarding the working conditions of young people. In individual chapters, international and national legislation, deviations in the working conditions of children and young people and a comparison of Czech and Slovak... |
Novák, Jiří
Pracovní cesta The main goal of this work was to define the concept of a business trip, to imagine the basic types of business trips and to analyze in detail the legislation that concerns business trips. The work trip institute allows employees to be sent to perform work at a&... |
Schönfeldová, Štěpána
Pracovní poměry na dobu určitou a ochrana práv zaměstnanců The topic of this Bachelor thesis is fixed-term employment and protection of employees' rights. Firstly there is description of fixed-term employment development in history followed by the summary of legislation important for this thesis. The next chapter is dedicated to paragrafs in... |
Tichý, Tomáš
Sociální ochrana v nezaměstnanosti The topic of this bachelor thesis is Social protection in unemployment. Author gives the reader a complete overview of the current legislation regarding social protection in unemployment. The legal protection endeavours to prevent unemployment and deal with its consequences. The key term... |
Ptáčková, Karolína
Kontrolní činnost v pracovním právu This bachelor thesis provides an overview of the basic information about the control activities in labour law. Individual supervisory authorities and their particular control activities are described here. The greatest attention is paid to labour inspection authorities. There is also a descr... |
Pitař, Michal
Zaměstnávání občanů třetích zemí v České republice The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of employment of citizens from third countries in the Czech Republic. The bachelor's thesis presents the basic conditions of employment of foreigners in the Czech Republic, the obligations of employers in employing foreigners and the types... |
Blažková, Valentýna
Pandemie COVID-19 a dopady do sociálních nároků zaměstnanců a OSVČ In the theoretical part of this bachelor thesis I use the relevant legislation to define basic terms that occur repeatedly in the work and which relate to the topic of my work.Since the main question of my work is the impact of COVID-19 on the social demands of&... |
Brabec, Viktor
Pracovní smlouva agenturního zaměstnance This thesis focuses on the topic of "agency worker employment contract". Its aim is to describe the field of labour relations on the basis of studying literature and internet sources. At the beginning, the thesis focuses on employment relationships in general, followed by ... |
Musil, Jan
Postavení zaměstnanců v karanténě In my bachelor's thesis on the topic The position of employees in quarantine, the issues that emerged with the emergence and global spread of coronavirus-SARS-CoV-2 were outlined. At the beginning, there are definitions of subjects of employment. Subject of clarification of the term... |
Krausová, Rachel
Pracovní smlouva a její obsah The bachelor thesis on the topic "Employment contract and its content" deals with the valid legal regulation of the essential requirements of the employment contract, the type of work, place of work and the date of commencement, without them the contract would not be ... |
Valentová, Diana
Minimální a zaručená mzda Bachelor thesis deals with the topic of minimum and guaranteed wages in the Czech Republic and in the states of the European Union, specifically the development, applicable legislation and representation in the average wage. In the first part of the work, I generally describe ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečení / Department of Labour Law and Law of Social Security