Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KMO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hrotek, Josef
Současná nezaměstnanost v České republice, příčiny a důsledky The bachelor's thesis deals with unemployment in the Karlovy Vary region. The main objective of the paper is to identify the causes and consequences of unemployment in the region. The other objective is to determine the development of un... |
Kokrhelová, Natálie
Marketingový plán pro vybranou neziskovou organizaci For the elaboration of the Bachelor Thesis, the topic of marketing plan was prepared for a selected non-profit organization - Občanský spolek Ratiboř, z.s., which patronizes summer camps and also organizes one of the camps (a batch). The author of the thesis has a close r... |
Vodičková, Lucie
Nákupní chování spotřebitele na venkově The bachelor's thesis focuses on analyzing shopping opportunities in Kolinec and the surrounding villages and examines the behavior of residents when purchasing food and other daily needs. The theoretical part deals with retail, shopping behavior, rural areas and their civic amenities. T... |
Svobodová, Leona
Vztah reklamního obsahu a reakce spotřebitelů dle jejich temperamentu This thesis examines the correlation of advertising content and consumers reaction, considering their personality and demographic characteristics. An experimental questionnaire and regression analysis were used to identify the key factors that influence consumer response to deceptive advertising. The resul... |
Smolík, Patrik
Trendy v marketingové komunikaci This bachelor thesis analyses trends in marketing communication, focusing on influencer marketing on Instagram and content marketing on TikTok. The aim was to theoretically describe and practically explore the effectiveness of these trends through a questionnaire survey. The results ... |
Kebrlová, Simona
Vztah Čechů k lázeňství a jeho význam pro cestovní ruch The bachelor thesis deals in depth with the relationship of Czechs to the spa industry and its importance for tourism in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part analyses the issue of the spa industry in terms of its history, importance and functions. Furthermore, the thesis... |
Chomová, Gabriela
Marketingová komunikace vybraných internetových obchodů This bachelor thesis focuses on the marketing communication of selected online stores with the aim of assessing the effectiveness of their strategies and proposing possible improvements and recommendations for future practice. It is structured into theoretical and practical sections. In the ... |
Farizová, Terezie
Rebranding značky Hannah This Bachelor thesis deals with the ongoing rebranding of Hannah, producing and selling outdoor clothing and equipment. In the theoretical part of the work, concepts related to rebranding, branding and brand are explained. Also described are the research methods used in the practical... |
Hrbáčková, Tereza
Rodinné podnikání v maloobchodě This bachelor thesis focuses on family business in the retail sector in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on succession issues. The thesis aims to identify problem areas in the family business Obchod Hrbáček and then propose a solution to these problem areas. The first ... |
Řezáčková, Kateřina
Spokojenost seniorů s lázněmi a lázeňskými službami This bachelor thesis deals with the satisfaction of seniors with spas and spa services. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on spa tourism, where the prerequisites for the development of the spa industry, its benefits, are examined. Spas in the Czech Republic and curren... |
Deja, Matěj
Udržitelnost a společenská odpovědnost vybraného podniku This bachelor thesis focuses on the role of sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in shaping the strategies and operations of a.s. in the context of the growing global emphasis on ethical and sustainable business practices. The aim of the thesis is to... |
Nikolašová, Sofie
Využití sociálních médií v komunikační strategii konkrétního subjektu The subject of the bachelor's thesis is "The use of social media in the communication strategy of a specific subject". In the theoretical part, the theory of marketing communication and social networks was analyzed based on the literature. Individual concepts were described.... |
Kűffner, Tomáš
Problematika maloobchodu ve vybrané venkovské lokalitě The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of retail in a selected rural locality. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to identify the factors that influence the operation of retail units in a selected rural locality, namely in the villages of Lázně Kynžvart, Dolní Žan... |
Petrželka, Richard
Návrh obsahové kampaně pro vybraný produkt The bachelor's thesis deals with the design of an internet content campaign for the company BOMBA energy s.r.o., which focuses on the distribution of energy drinks. The aim of the campaign is to attract high school students and university students and increase their brand ... |
Dziká, Klára
Průzkum spokojenosti návštěvníků v oblasti lázeňských služeb ve vybrané destinaci This bachelor thesis focuses on the survey of visitor satisfaction in the area of spa services in a selected destination. The thesis is based on a theoretical foundation in which one can first find general information about tourism, the spa industry, and the spa industry ... |
Šindlerová, Simona
Nekorektnosti v marketingové komunikaci firem The bachelor thesis deals with marketing communication and incorrectness. In the theoretical part, terms such as marketing, marketing mix, marketing communication, communication mix, and its elements are gradually described. Next, the concept of advertising is described, including the communication ch... |
Kamarádová, Natálie
Návrh webu vybraného podniku The Internet is now an essential part of people's lives and has become a tool for work, education and communication. Due to the increasing prevalence of the Internet and the online environment, it is essential for companies to build a strong online presence. A key fac... |
Karásek, Štěpán
Nekorektnosti v marketingové komunikaci Marketing communication is an integral part of everyday life, but as awareness grows in society, so does criticism of unethical practices in advertising. This paper explores sexism in advertising and its effect on Generation Z. The theoretical part analyses marketing communication, customer&... |
Juránek, Adam
Marketing maloobchodu This thesis examines Decathlon's marketing strategies in the context of the retail environment. The first part analyses the operation of the seven elements (7P) marketing mix and its application within Decathlon. Each element is described and explained in detail with an emphasis on&... |
Opavová, Lucie
Mobilní aplikace vybraného podniku The bachelor thesis is focused on the mobile application of a selected fashion retail company. The theoretical pat is aimed at defining the concepts of mobile marketing, where the concepts of mobile apps, mobile devices and mobile payments are approximated. It also describes the... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economics
- Katedra marketingu, obchodu a služeb / Department of Marketing, Trade and Services
- 214 marketing
- 134 cestovní ruch
- 134 marketingový mix
- 133 marketing mix
- další >
- 982 bakalářská práce
- 393 2020 - 2024
- 589 2012 - 2019