Janičinová, Tereza
Vzdělávání a adaptace žáků z Ukrajiny na vybraném 1. stupni základní školy v Plzni The diploma thesis deals with the topic "Education and adaptation of pupils from Ukraine at the selected 1st grade of elementary school in Pilsen." The aim of my work was to find out how pupils from Ukraine coming to The Czech Republic because of the war ad... |
Marková, Nikol
Psychologické aspekty výživy This thesis deals with a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between psychological factors and eating habits. The survey focuses on the effects of mental health, such as stress, depression or anxiety, on food choices, eating behavior and overall lifestyle. It combines knowledge f... |
Matyasko, Daniela
Využívání metod dramatické výchovy při výuce etické výchovy na 1. stupni malotřídní školy This thesis presents an action research on teaching ethics education in a small classroom school. The teacher's goal (and therefore the goal of the presented action research) was to make the teaching of ethics education in a particular classroom more effective by incorporating ... |
Šlichtová, Anna
Alternativní stravovací styly u dětí na základních školách This thesis examines the issue of alternative eating styles among children in elementary schools. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the development of eating habits, eating preferences, and factors influencing dietary choices. It also discusses nutritional recommendations and principles... |
Franzová, Zdeňka
Využití skautské výchovné metody v praxi The thesis focuses on the possibilities of using Scout education in practice at the first level of primary school. The thesis aims to find out how Scout educators use the Scout education method in the first stage of primary school. In the theoretical part of&... |
Zaňáková, Martina
Evaluace systému podpory a vzdělávání žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem The thesis is analyzing and evaluating the current system of support and education of foreign students in selected primary schools., 1st and 2nd degree. The techniques used were semi-structured interviews with teaching staff, documentation school analyze and case studies of selected pu... |
Starková, Pavla
Dramatická výchova ve výuce čtení na 1. stupni malotřídní školy My diploma work encompasses an integration of the teaching methods of the reading subject for the range of the first to third grades of small classes at the elementary school. The work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part desc... |
Čechová, Tereza
Výukový program rozvoje prvotního čtenářství s využitím knihy Astrid Lindgrenové This diploma thesis investigates the motivation for reading in children attending the first grade of elementary school. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part defines the concept of a child reader and introduces the reading needs... |
Šelmátová, Klára
Tři varianty výtvarně dramatického projektu v malotřídní škole The diploma thesis highlights the potential of educational subjects as a means for the development of the personality of pupils in the first stage of primary school. In the theoretical part it introduces the target group from the point of view of developmental psychology, defi... |
Kokošková, Daniela
Kyberšikana na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis Cyberbullying at Primary School deals with the issue of cyberbullying from a theoretical and practical perspective. This phenomenon is now prevalent among primary school students as young as first graders likely due to the widespread integration of social networks int... |
Šišková, Adéla
Žák s odlišným mateřským jazykem na 1. stupni základní školy: případová studie This thesis focuses on the issue of education of pupils with DMT in the first stage of primary school. Its main aim is to reveal how beginning teachers and teachers with longer experience perceive the presence of a pupil with DMT and whether there is a no... |
Hessová, Adéla
Sebepoškozování žáků na ZŠ The thesis deals with the issue of deliberate self-harm of primary school pupils. The aim of the thesis was to map whether primary school teachers in Pilsen are able to recognize self-harm in pupils according to identifying signs and manifestations and to adequately deal with&... |
Davidová, Nelly
Antikoncepční metody pohledem vysokoškolsky vzdělaných žen This thesis focuses on the preference for contraceptive methods among women with academic education. The theoretical part of the thesis was aimed at characterizing higher education in the Czech Republic, describing the female reproductive system, detailing specific contraceptive methods, discuss... |
Schrimpfová, Nikola
Možnosti a meze distanční (online) výuky na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis deals with the distance education of pupils at the first grade of primary schools, specifically in a town and a village schools. It focuses on the views and attitudes of parents, pupils and teachers towards distance education obtained during the COVID-19 pan... |
Hubová, Věra
Dramatický projekt realizovaný ve třídě s integrovanými žáky zaměřený na práci s emocemi The work consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part explains the forms and methods of drama education, basic concepts and description of emotions in psychology, and the history and current state of teaching and educating students with special needs in pe... |
Lisá, Kateřina
Postupy pedagogické intervence na 1. stupni ZŠ (v práci s žáky ohroženými sociálním vyloučením). The thesis explores pedagogical interventions with students at risk of social exclusion and teachers' preferences in supporting them. The theoretical part deals with the identification and procedures of pedagogical intervention with socially disadvantaged students, including legislative framework and a... |
Šuranská, Lucie
Třídní schůzky a začínající učitel The thesis focuses on class meetings and the beginning teacher. The theoretical part of the work examines the novice teacher, the process of introducing him to teaching practice and the support provided to him, including practical advice for successfully managing this challenging phase.... |
Judáková, Iveta
Zdravý životní styl u studentů VŠ This thesis is about a healthy lifestyle among university students. The thesis is consists of two parts. The first part is focused on what a healthy lifestyle should be look like for university students in terms of nutrition, exercise, sleep and mental health. It also add... |
Vyhnálková, Markéta
Prevence šikany na 1. stupni ZŠ The main goal of the work was to focus on all important aspects explaining the concept of bullying, its types and types, stages of development and manifestations. Chapters dealing with the protagonists of bullying, their main character traits, the reasons leading to the investigati... |
Vrhelová, Milena
Metody dramatické výchovy ve výuce výchovy hudební This thesis is focused on using techniques of drama education while teaching music classes in first five years of primary school. This thesis consist of three chapters. In the first chapter is described music education itself. By "Framework Education Programme" it is def... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra pedagogiky / Department of Pedagogy