Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 899
Stejskal, Martin
Sport a politika by se neměly míchat? Diskuze o olympiádě v Pekingu v roce 2022

The topic of my bachelor's thesis is the political debate surrounding the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Attention is paid to both the debate prior to the start of these Olympic Games and the political issues that emerged during the Olympic Games. The thesis also focuses&#x...

Smolák, František
Evropská unie v zahraniční politice Spojených států amerických od roku 2017 do současnosti

This bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of the European Union in the foreign policy of the United States of America. It covers the administrative period of the last two presidents, Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The thesis has a set time frame between 2017 and 2023.&#...

Pohunková, Barbora
České předsednictví v Radě Evropské unie. Analýza prosazování priorit

This bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2022. This was the second Czech Presidency ever and, as in 2009, the Czech Republic formed a "presidency trio" with France and Sweden. The th...

Rubešová, Kateřina
Království Hidžáz - příklad zaniklého státu

The bachelor thesis is focused on the origin, existence and demise of the kingdom of Hijaz. The thesis is devoted to the definition of the concepts of state and weak state. The main aim is to find out the reasons for the establishment of the Hijaz Kingdom after&...

Prágr, Ondřej
Vztah NATO - Rusko: Konstrukce obrazů (ne)přátel na příkladu ruské invaze na Ukrajinu

The thesis focuses on the issue of Russia's construction of NATO as an enemy image in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. The thesis outlines the Russian propaganda and defines, on the basis of content analysis, the different concepts that are used through the Rus...

Lukeš, Filip
Jemen jako oběť geopolitické rivality Íránu a Saúdské Arábie

This bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of the impact of Yemen's conflict on the country through its internal and international dimensions. This thesis uses theoretical concepts of failed states and armed conflicts and applies them to the case of Yemen. In particular, the&...

Kubovčiak, Ondřej
"Spin doctoring" Ruské federace o invazi na Ukrajinu v roce 2022

The bachelor thesis examines the connection between spin doctoring and hybrid warfare in the context of the Russian Federation and its invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Its aim is to combine the concept of hybrid warfare and spin doctoring and its techniques and come up with&#...

Matějcová, Lucie
Rozbor příčin rusko-ukrajinské války z realistického pohledu

The roots of realism can be found in the earliest historical writings of mankind. In my bachelor thesis, however, I deal with neorealist theorists and their interpretation of the causes of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. My primary objective was to demonstrate the applicability of ...

Nová, Natálie
Role Evropské unie v blízkovýchodním mírovém procesu

The conflict between Israel and Palestine started immediately after Israel declared its independence in 1948 and it has been continuing since then. The European Union, the United States of America, and the United Nations tried to propose some initiatives and plans for peace arrange...

Orlová, Magdaléna
Volební kampaň ve volbách do Poslanecké sněmovny České republiky v roce 2021

This bachelor thesis analyses the grasp of the foreign policy issues of migration, the Green Deal and the adoption of the Euro. The data corpus was used to select the election manifestos of a total of four parties that received a mandate after the 2021 elections. Usi...

Hochel, Dominik
Luhanská a Doněcká lidová republika jako kvazistáty?

The main goal of my work about Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, is to answer a question if these two entities are quasi-states. To achieve this answer, I will use the conceptual framework of P?l Kolst?, who classified quasi states based on three rules. First ru...

Jeřábek, Vojtěch
Česká zahraniční politika a izraelsko-palestinský konflikt

This bachelor thesis deals with the attitude of Czech foreign policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The individual chapters deal with the relations between the Czech Republic and Israel, the Czech Republic and Palestine, and the Czech Republic's attitude towards the Middle Eas...

Hrušková, Veronika
Vědecká diplomacie Velké Británie

The aim of this paper is to analyse science diplomacy as a field on the rise and apply it to the specific example of the UK. In this thesis, the topic of scientific diplomacy is linked to the soft power of the state and therefore as a foreign policy co...

Koutský, Jan
Skotská diskuze o nezávislosti v době pandemie covid-19

The bachelor thesis "Scottish discussion about independence during the covid-19 pandemic" deals with the Scottish independence debate. The thesis first defines the theoretical concepts relating to independence and secession. It then focuses on the social network Twitter, which is an imp...

Erhart, Petr
Kampaně před volbami do Kongresu Spojených států amerických v roce 2022

The thesis analyses Congressional Elections in the USA, which took place in autumn in 2022. These kinds of elections are called midterm elections. Furthermore, different kinds of campaigns are explained. Lastly, 6 different Senate candidates and their campaigns from 3 different states a...

Baloun, Matyáš
Reakce Spojených států amerických na ruskou invazi na Ukrajinu

Title: The reaction of the United States of America to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to answer the questions of whether and how the foreign policy of the United States of America has changed in the wake of the Russian i...

Černíková, Sarah
Visegrádská skupina a její postoj k debatě o budoucnosti Evropy

In my bachelor's thesis, I focus on the position of the Visegrad Group states in the debate on the future of Europe. In terms of time, I focus on the period after the vote on Great Britain's exit from the European Union in 2016 until the end of 2022...

Černá, Barbora
Respektování základních hodnot Evropské unie jako téma evropské politiky

Hungary and the Republic of Poland are facing a crisis of the rule of law as a result of government actions that have led to perils to the independence of the judiciary, freedom of speech and the system of separation of powers. The bachelor thesis examines selected&#...

Ducháček, Pavel
Bilaterální spory jako překážka rozšiřování EU

This bachelor thesis deals with bilateral disputes and their impact on the enlargement process of the European Union. The enlargement process has undergone many changes over the years. With each enlargement comes new challenges that the European Union tries to reflect. The most top...

Dolejšová, Kateřina
Sikkim - politicko-geografický vývoj

This bachelor's thesis called Sikkim - political-geographical development aims to find the reasons and circumstances that led to political-geographical changes in Sikkim from 1815 to 2022. Sikkim is an example of the defunct state, so in the thesis was important to find out why...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 899