Diplomové práce / Theses (KCH) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Žemlička, Matěj
Betulin v březové kůře a na ní parazitujících houbách The topic of the thesis deals with the study of betulin contained in birch bark and the fungi that parasitize it, especially chaga and tinder fungus. At the beginning of the work, the research deals with TLC extracts from the purchased tea "Chaga phytochai", which... |
Mrákota, Vít
Dusík, fosfor a jejich sloučeniny ve výuce chemie na střední škole The diploma thesis summarizes essential and important information about nitrogen, phosphorus and their important compounds, but also compares the way the topic is taught in selected secondary schools in Pilsen. The diploma thesis has a theoretical didactic part, in which information about... |
Petržilková, Gabriela
Problematika chemických reakcí ve výuce chemie na ZŠ Master's thesis focuses on the issues with chemical inorganic nomenclature and chemical equations. The first chapter contains an overview of inorganic nomenclature, basic types of chemical reactions, their formation and calculation. n the second chapter, there is an analysis of the quest... |
Kacovská, Andrea
Aktivizační metody ve výuce chemie na SŠ The diploma thesis deals with the use of activation methods in teaching chemistry at secondary schools. The theoretical part gives the definition and basic characteristics of individual activation methods. The practical part focuses on creating the original topics of didactic games both ... |
Kokoška, Milan
Semimikrotechnika v laboratorních cvičeních z organické chemie Some methods of semi-microtechnique are presented in the thesis. I focus on their possible use in the laboratory teaching of organic chemistry in elementary schools and in laboratory exercises in organic chemistry in high schools. I suggest experiments suitable for work at the semi... |
Tláskalová, Kateřina
Vybrané přechodné kovy a jejich sloučeniny ve výuce chemie na střední škole This thesis deals with selected transition metals and their compounds in the teaching of chemistry at secondary school. It consists of three parts - theoretical, practical and didactic. The theoretical part contains a comparison of several textbooks for secondary schools in terms ... |
Coufalová, Štěpánka
Chemické reakce ve výuce chemie na SŠ This thesis deals with the topic of chemical reaction as it is being taught in chemistry classes at the high schools. The first part describes classification and specific types of chemical reactions as they are in chemical schoolbooks. The second part describes the topic ... |
Konopa, Matyáš
Zpracování kůry jeřábu obecného pro výukové účely The thesis deals with the extraction of 23 - hydroxy betulin from the bark of a crane. The work began with the selection of a suitable solvent for extraction, and after thorough chromatography and analysis of various extraction agents, the solvent methanol was selected on ... |
Váňová, Anna
Planární chromatografie v experimentální výuce chemie This work is divided into two parts - theoretical and experimental. The theoretical part of the work contains description of betulin, which belongs to triterpenes. It also deals with the description of the used separation methods (extraction, distillation, TLC). Also there is a def... |
Rypl, Václav
Didaktické aspekty metody pro výpočet množství spalitelných látek v organických hnojivech z dat získaných CN elementárním analyzátorem Loss on ignition (LOI) si a very important quality parameter of organic fertilizers which describes organic carbon content in this material. In this work parameter LOI was derived from data gathered by an elemental CN-analyzer. Regression model was created to enable calculation of ... |
Nová, Kristýna
Pivovarství jako téma ve výuce chemie The Master thesis is focused to practic a Lab exercices in school. Describing theory used in technological practise. On this basis is created the process in laboratory. The Goals of these work are support chemistry education and make conection between chemistry theory and technolog... |
Feistinger, Marek
Didaktické využití stanovení vybraných pesticidů metodou GC-ECD This work deals with the creation of a method for the determination of selected pesticides and their application in didactics. |
Mezníková, Milada
Pokusy z analytické chemie pro výuku na střední a základní škole In recentyears (2015 -2017), there were approved many legislative changes which have limeted pupils´ and students´ work with chemicals. This diploma thesis deals with these legislative rules and students´possibilities mainly to carry out students´ experimets during lessons of Chemistry. The ... |
Ošťádalová, Jana
Moderní trendy ICT ve výuce chemie The diploma thesis describes the particularised chemical programs and mobile applications of Chemistry. The theoretical part describes advantages and disadvantaged Information and Communications technology in education and hardware devices, which are used in education too. The practical part contains ... |
Vála, Lukáš
Ozon, jeho vlastnosti a technické aplikace The thesis deals with the problems of ozone and its technical applications (production of important organic compounds, disinfecting properties and others) with an emphasis on use in the water industry. The practical part is devoted to the preparation and cleaning of northetone prepared&... |
Voříšková, Zuzana
Stanovení obsahu polyfenolů v základních potravinách a stanovení velikosti jejich příjmu v české populaci The thesis deals with the division, structure, occurrence of polyphenols and their effect on the prevention of diseases. Spectrophotometrically, the content of total polyphenols and flavonoids in the basic foodstuffs is determined. The average daily intake of polyphenols per capita of the... |
Zemanová, Štěpánka
Redoxní reakce ve výuce na vyšším stupni gymnázia For the students at the higher levels of high school is curriculum of the redox reaction a systematic knowledge Deepening in the field of chemical reactions. Thesis is composed of five major chapters. The theoretical part deals with basic definitions and concepts of che... |
Trhlíková, Lenka
Anorganické názvosloví a chemické výpočty ve výuce chemie na základní škole This Master's thesis focuses on the issues with chemical calculations and inorganic terminology. The first charter consists of an overview of basic inorganic terminology and basic types of chemical calculations. In the second chapter, there is an analysis of particular exercises focusing... |
Štrejchýřová, Šárka
Výukové experimenty s prvky skupiny uhlíku a jejich sloučeninami This diploma thesis focuses on carbon group elements, their important compounds and includes instructions for easy experiments concerning these elements.This thesis is divided into three parts theoretical, didactical and practical. The theoretical part deals with carbon group elements and their&... |
Král, Jakub
Enzymy ve výuce na vyšším stupni gymnázia This diploma thesis provides a comprehensive set on the topic of enzymes. The theoretical part deals with the summary of the topic with the crucial information obtained from the literature. The practical part is focused on the didactic transformation of the theoretical part into... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra chemie / Department of Chemistry