Diplomové práce / Theses (KMT) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 254
Kindelmann, Tomáš
QR kódy ve školách

The aim of this thesis is to create teaching materials using QR codes for secondary school teachers. The theoretical part focuses on QR codes and their use in different areas, including history, present and future potential. It also focuses on the specific uses of QR code...

Hatinová, Michaela
Příklady dobré praxe formativního hodnocení na prvním stupni základní školy - více případová studie škol ve Středočeském kraji

The thesis focuses on the analysis and evaluation of specific examples of good practice of formative assessment in the field of technical activities at the first level of primary school. The aim of the work is to identify and describe appropriate methods and practices of ...

Kindlová, Jana
Technické ztvárnění a metodika konstrukčních projektů a jejich analýza

The thesis deals with construction tasks in craft activities for first-level primary school students. The theoretical part describes the creative pupil, the teacher, and the creative process corresponding to the child's age. In the practical part, several work tasks are designed&#...

Krpalová, Blanka
Analýza příkladů dobré praxe na vybraných školách malotřídního \nl{}typu v Karlovarském a Středočeském kraji

The diploma thesis analyzes examples of good practice observed in the teaching of mathematics in selected small-class schools. In the theoretical part of the work, the basic terms related to the topic of the work are characterized, in the empirical part, observed examples of g...

Kaňka, Jan
Environmentální projekty a téma udržitelného rozvoje ve vzdělávání

This thesis deals with a research of educational activities and a proposal for own new or innovated educational activities. The theoretical part focuses on the concepts of environment and sustainable development and their implementation into the Czech education system. The practical part...

Honzík, Pavel
Výtisky na 3D tiskárně a jejich mechanické vlastnosti

This thesis focuses on prints created using a 3D printer and their mechanical properties. The thesis deals with the influence of different settings of printing parameters on the quality of prints and their resistance to mechanical stress. Different print materials are also tested i...

Makovcová, Marie
Vysloužilé věci a odpadní materiál při pracovních činnostech \nl{}na prvním stupni ZŠ

The purpose this thesis is summarize appropriate working themes for work with waste materials and retired things in classes of work activities. Thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, we focused on the inclusion of work act...

Mouleová, Barbora
Rovnice a nerovnice v úlohách Matematické olympiády

Diploma thesis is focused on equation and inequation in tasks of the mathematical Olympiads. In the thesis, there are introduced several commented solutions of tasks of the mathematical Olympiads. Commented solutions are made so they are understandable to students of the given year....

Housarová, Pavlína
Práce se dřevem na 1. stupni ZŠ

This thesis focuses on the possibilities of using wood in primary school. It starts with the subject of work activities, which is part of the Human and World of Work area in the Framework Educational Program. It describes the teacher's preparation and approach in the ...

Dědek, Tomáš
Vybrané úlohy Matematického klokana

The thesis deals with selected notes and tasks from the Mathematical Kangaroo Competition. At the same time, my thesis deals with other mathematical competitions and their use in teaching 1st grade elementary school mathematics. I try to define the mathematics curriculum appropriately, ...

Peksová, Kateřina
Příprava pokrmů ve vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a svět práce na 1. stupni ZŠ

The diploma thesis deals with a healthy vital factor of child development. The thesis discusses the importance of healthy eating and its unmistakable contribution to the physical and mental development of the child. In addition to the definitions explaining the individual terms of ...

Černá, Marie
Konstrukční činnosti s žáky se speciálně vzdělávacími potřebami

This thesis focuses on construction activities for pupils with special educational needs. The first part is devoted to technical education and its implementation in work activities. Next two chapters specify the construction activities and materials for their implementation. The fourth part ...

Fialová, Nikol
Interaktivní prezentační technologie a její využívání na prvním stupni ZŠ v Karlovarském kraji

The diploma thesis focuses on the use of ICT technologies at elementary schools in the Karlovy Vary region. The work describes individual ICT tools and technologies that can be used in teaching. The work focuses on their advantages and disadvantages, which are associated with ...

Rada, Josef
Počítačové modely vybraných úloh z mechaniky

The thesis describes a creation of animation of selected function from mechanics in Unity platform. The theoretical part is focused on development of the mechanics as a device, that led to progress of technologies that include computers. Terms model and modulation are defined in&#x...

Váchalová, Eva
Využití vlastivědy ve výuce matematiky na 1. stupni základní školy

The main aim of my graduate thesis was to incorporate national history and geography knowledge into math classes in a form of my own worksheets that were aimed at a historical and geographical part. Then, their realization with the students of 3rd - 5th grades and a&...

Vácová, Ingrid
Design a konstruování v technickém vzdělávání na ZŠ

This diploma thesis focuses on describing and implementing design and construction in technical education in elementary schools. It discusses how technical education has evolved in the Czech Republic over the past years, as well as its current state. It defines the ways to evolve&#...

Formánková, Zuzana
Výuka geometrie na 1. stupni ZŠ s využitím počítačových technologií

The diploma thesis deals with the use of computer technologies in mathematics lessons, specifically geometry, using the GeoGebra program that is freely available in the fifth year of elementary school.

Patáková, Veronika
Fyzikální jednotky v učivu matematiky na 1. stupni základní školy

This diploma thesis deals with the topic of physical quantities in the Mathematics curriculum at the 1st stage of primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis characterizes the physical quantity, its measurement, the development of the International Systém of Units SI. In con...

Polák, Ondřej
Rozvoj digitální gramotnosti v oblasti člověk a svět práce pomocí malých programovatelných robotů

The topic of my master thesis was the development of digital literacy using small programmable robots in the field of man and the world of work. In the first half I focused on the theoretical aspects of this topic. In the introduction, I briefly characterized the edu...

Nováková, Tereza
Metoda CLIL ve výuce fyziky na základní škole

This thesis deals with the use of the CLIL method in teaching physics at primary school. The thesis points out the different ways in which the CLIL method can be implemented in teaching. The first part contains the historical background of foreign language teaching in our...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 254