Diplomové práce / Theses (KMT) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 247
Špringerová, Lucie
Výzdoba oken na 1. stupni ZŠ tvořená dětmi

This diploma thesis presents the decoration of windows and window sills. Pupils and I concentrate on work activities to connect products with the seasons and traditions. Thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part we learn about the traditions of the season, it&#...

Vlková, Jitka
Rozšiřování číselných oborů

The diploma thesis deals with the expansion of numerical domains with regard to the historical context and set theory. The text is divided into ten chapters. The first chapter defines the concept of number and describes the development of its notation from the oldest cul...

Táborová, Michaela
Dělitelnost na 2. stupni ZŠ

The master thesis on Divisibility at the 2nd grade of primary school deals with the relation of divisibility in the field of natural numbers. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The theoretical part of the thesis is defined in the first and second chapters. T...

Homutová, Eliška
Science centra ve výuce vzdělávací oblasti Člověk a jeho svět.

This diploma thesis is focused on science centers and their usage in STEM education at the primary school. It is also focused on exhibits and education programs assessment.

Trenčan, Pavel
Soubor interaktivních úloh kruhové inverze

The diploma thesis approaches the issue of circular inversion, including the application of this topic on examples of varying difficulty. The main goal was to create a set of interactive tasks in which various dynamic elements can be used. These allow to take tasks to the...

Černá, Pavlína
Úlohy rekreační matematiky

The thesis presents the tasks of recreational mathematics including their solution process, accompanying commentaries explaining the issue and the conclusion of the results. Each chapter contains examples from the previously published journal Science and Technology to Youth and from the book ...

Růžičková, Tereza
Podobnost ve výuce matematiky na 2. stupni ZŠ

The diploma thesis is focused on the topic of teaching the similarity at elementary schools. The aim of the diploma thesis was to analyse the knowledge of students of the 9th grade of elementary school and create didactic games and activities that not only motivate studen...

Vondrovicová, Diana
Řetězové zlomky a některé typy kvadratických diofantických rovnic

This thesis deals with square roots and methods of expressing fractions with surd denominators. The text is divided into 7 chapters. In the first chapter, we introduce the basic terminology of continued fractions and their convergents. The second chapter defines the whole&#...

Svobodová, Alexandra
3D modelování v kontextu technické výchovy na 1. stupni ZŠ

The thesis deals with 3D modeling in the context of technical education in the first five years at the elementary school. The first part deals with the description of the current state of technical education. Subsequently, transformations are proposed, which are possible&#x...

Krejčová, Daniela
Práce s papírem a její využití v technické výchově ve 2. třídě ZŠ

This diploma thesis is focused on working with paper and its use in technical education in the 2nd grade of primary school. Its aim was to create a set of five tasks with methodological instructions. In tasks I focused on the use of waste paper. The ...

Seilerová, Tereza
Využití didaktických technologií pohledem budoucích a stávajících učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ

The diploma thesis concerns the application of didactic media on the first grade of primary school, which covers the first five years of school, for children kids between six and ten years of age, from the perspective of current and future teachers. My work is divided...

Haasová, Iveta
Mnohoúhelníky ve výuce matematiky na ZŠ

This diploma thesis is focused on teaching polygons at elementary schools. The first chapter is devoted to describing the theory of polygons. The next part is dedicated to position of polygons within the curriculum framework and the school curriculum of the selected school. The...

Jirásková, Lucie
Pohybové činnosti v matematice

This diploma thesis focuses on application of physical activities in mathematics, especially the area of arithmetic operations, geometry and verbal exercises in mathematics in the third year of elementary school. There are three main chapters in the theoretical part. In the first ...

Vacíková, Iveta
Zapojení dítěte s PAS do pracovních činností na základní škole speciální

The thesis aims to acquaint teachers, students of teacher training programs and the broader public with the functioning of special primary schools. It characterises pupils with special educational needs and presents a classification of mental disabilities. The thesis describes special education&#...

Mrázová, Marie
Energetické zdroje: didaktické pomůcky a jejich využití ve výuce fyziky

This thesis deals with energy sources and the use of teaching aids in physics teaching. The thesis contains a chapter on the use of renewable and non-renewable resources. The next part is devoted to physics teaching and decisive inclusion in the FEP. Part of the thesis&#x...

Běláčová, Helena
Začlenění žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami do hodin pracovních činností

The work is focused on the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in the hours of Manual Training Lessons. The first two chapters contain the characteristics of pupils with special educational needs and the Manual Training Lessons. The chapters also provide insight into...

Vaňková, Petra
Přírodní materiál a jeho využití v pracovních činnostech na 1. stupni základní školy.

This thesis focuses on ideas on working with natural materials which were implemented in regular lessons in primary school and are documented by author's own photography. The thesis clearly distinguishes between material from bushes, trees, plants and animal remains. An important part&#x...

Bártová, Markéta
Vlastnosti PLA vláken při 3D tisku a využití 3D tiskáren v technickém vzdělávání

This diploma thesis deals with the properties of PLA fibers and the use of 3D printers in technical education. The first two chapters are devoted to polylactic acid, especially its properties. Examples of the use of this polymer are also given in the work. The work a...

Nedvědová, Jana
Herní činnosti v matematice

This work is generally devoted to activities in the teaching of mathematics in primary school. At the beginning of the work, the word "game" is defined, I described its meaning in the child's life is stated and the connection between learning and that game. ...

Dušková, Miroslava
Ruční řezačka pěnového polystyrenu

The diploma thesis "Manual polystyrene foam cutter" deals with material properties of polystyrene foam. The technical solution of hand cutter, which will be used for pupils of second stage of primary school. Furthermore, principle of cutting expanded polystyrene with hot wire is&#x...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 247